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Who is Ernst Zündel? Why is he loved by so many - and equally demonized and vilified by others? Get to know the one-man powerhouse Revisionist who has dedicated his life to clearing Germany of the blood libel of the "Holocaust".


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Mainstream Media Poodles Report

Im deutschen Blätterwald gibt's viele gehorsame Pudel!

Articles in English Auf Deutsch

From Apr 5, 2006:

Toronto Star: Lawyer bodily removed from Zundel trial

DPA: Lawyer ejected from neo-Nazi trial in Germany

City Pulse: Disorder In The Court

Jerusalem Post: Lawyer ejected in Shoah denial trial

From Feb 16, 2006:

NP: Zundel's lawyers split over tactics

Courtroom uproar mars neo-Nazi trial in Germany

From Feb 15, 2006:

CBC: Trial resumes for German extradited from Canada on Holocaust-denial charges

From: Feb 9, 2006

CP: Trial resumes of German extradited from Canada on Holocaust denial charges

DW: Trial Highlights Limits of Free Speech in Germany

DPA: Supporters applaud neo-Nazi as trial begins

From: Nov 15, 2005

CBC: Trial of Holocaust denier Zundel halted after judge fires defence lawyer

DW: Neo-Nazi Trial Put on Ice After Upset


Vom 15. Nov. 2005

Frankfurter Allgemeine: Prozeß gegen Holocaust-Leugner Zündel geplatzt

Handelsblatt: Prozess gegen Holocaust-Leugner Zündel geplatzt

Morgenpost: Prozeß gegen Holocaust-Leugner Zündel geplatzt

Verfahren ausgesetzt: Prozess gegen Holocaust-Leugner Ernst Zündel geplatzt

SWR: Prozess gegen Holocaust-Leugner Zündel geplatzt

Stern: Zündel-Prozess geplatzt




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All media interviews about the politically motivated imprisonment of Ernst Zundel - or interviews requested for Ingrid Rimland - will be given by Mr. Mark Weber, Director of the Institute for Historical Review.  Write to weber@ihr.org or call (949) 631-1490.


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