Good Argument about the Holocaust claims made by Ziopedia

zgrams at zgrams at
Sun Dec 3 09:13:57 EST 2006


Good Argument about the Holocaust claims made by Ziopedia -

Imagine for a moment being the close relative of a rape and murder 
victim whose body was never found. Thanks to the testimonies of a 
number of witnesses, the authorities could establish that your 
relative was raped and murdered and the identity of the perpetrator. 
The witnesses also describe in gruesome detail how the accused 
disposed of the body without leaving any traces. As a result, in an 
emotional trial, the accused got sentenced to the maximum sentence. A 
few years later, a stranger approaches the police and newspapers 
claiming that it is impossible that the accused could have committed 
the alleged crimes. He argues that not only was it impossible - for a 
variety of reasons - that the accused could have committed the 
alleged crime in the way it was described by the witnesses, but that 
he has reasons to believe that the victim is still alive.

What would your reaction be?

Would you be excited that your relative might be still alive - and 
follow the leads provided by the stranger? Would you be concerned 
that your relative was the cause for a miscarriage of justice? Or 
would you go onto a rampage accusing the stranger of condoning rape 
and murder and use all your power and influence to make sure he loses 
his career, his social network, even his freedom?

The narrative of the Jewish Holocaust, as it was reported to us in 
the years following the end of World War II, was and probably still 
is the most powerful political weapon in modern history. Not only did 
it eclipse reports of the destruction of up to 90% of private housing 
and infra-structure in Germany through Allied carpet bombing, 
resulting into the death of 650,000 civilians, the slaughter of over 
a million Germans and rampant gang rapes by the Communist Red Army, 
and the ethnic cleansing of millions of Eastern Germans, all actions 
- if considered on their own - would be regarded by most people as 
horrendous war crimes. It also mounted continued international 
support, particularly in the United States, for the creation of a 
Jewish state in Palestine, and became a goose that lays golden eggs 
for what Normal Finkelstein calls the 'Holocaust Industry'. Without 
the Holocaust, Israel would have never been created and could not 
have been sustained. It is its founding stone, its lifeline and its 
most powerful weapon.

The question, whether or not to include the Holocaust into the 
discussion surrounding the Palestinian question is hotly disputed 
amongst pro-Palestinian activists. Some argue that the Holocaust was 
too hard a nut to crack. It was so protected by powerful taboos and - 
in many countries - criminal laws, that it would be suicidal to touch 
the subject.

Other activists, like the author of this article, are convinced that 
if a sufficient number of educated people make known to the general 
public that there are indeed a number of facts that create a prima 
facie case for the claim that maybe there were no homicidal gas 
chambers and no systematic murder of millions of Jews, it will 
eventually create a critical mass of people demanding that historians 
and forensic scientists will be allowed to investigate the matter 
without fear of seeing their career destroyed or even be imprisoned.

If those 'Holocaust deniers' turn out to be right, the implications 
for the Middle-East will be massive. Suddenly, the public outcry over 
Israel's treatment of the Palestinian people would no longer be 
suffocated by fears of being labelled an 'anti-Semite'. No longer 
would Jewish lobby groups be able to position the Jews as 'eternal 
victims' and maintain that there was a need for a Jewish state 
'because of what happened in Nazi Germany'.

When Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called the Holocaust a 
myth and suggested to send a forensic team to Auschwitz to 
investigate whether in fact it was an extermination rather than a 
forced labour camp, he took a calculated risk. On the one hand, he 
knew that this suggestion would catapult him right at the top of the 
'most hated list' of organized Jewry. On the other hand, he knew that 
the Holocaust is both Israel's raison d'être and Achilles heel. If we 
can prove that the Holocaust was indeed the biggest hoax of the 20th 
century, as the father of holocaust revisionism Arthur Butz claims, 
that will spell the end of the Zionist project and its continued rape 
and humiliation of the Palestinian people. (...)

Andrew Winkler
ZioPedia - A Rebel Media Group Project

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