Israel Shamir: Satanic Pictures
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zgrams at
Sun Feb 12 17:16:41 EST 2006
Much damage was done to the East-West relations by the Satanic
Pictures, but there is more damage to be expected elsewhere.
Satanic Pictures / By Israel Shamir
(Full version of this piece will be published on the website
<> )
The West was not amused by burning embassies in Beirut and elsewhere.
"Them there Muslims do not understand our sense of humour; they do
not understand our idea of liberty". - droned the newspapers. Others
condemned the tactless escapade of the Danes but thought the reaction
was quite out of proportion. However the flare up was anything but
A resourceful American journalist Christopher Bollyn investigated the
Danish Satanic Pictures and their procurer, one Flemming Rose, and
found out that Rose was not an innocent lover of freedom of speech,
neither was he some quaint Scandinavian collector of smut pictures
with religious connotations who kept his presentations of the Muslim
prophet next to that of a Nun-with-the-Great Dane. Rose was a devotee
of the Zionist Neo-Con cult, and made a pilgrimage to the pope of
this persuasion -- Daniel Pipes, wrote Bollyn.
So far, so good. But the execrable Rose peddled his stuff four months
ago, and that's a long time, as the media counts. The Muslims did not
even notice his effort, as possibly not many of them read the Jylland
Pest. Like a naughty child who multiplies his effort when his
well-prepared jibe fails to annoy, eleven newspapers in seven
countries republished the pictures simultaneously. It was a show of
hands: behind various newspapers in various countries, beyond
companies and corporations, we were allowed to see the Enemy, the
Not-So-Hidden Hand, the player on the international scene across all
Who is the Enemy? Christendom was called the culprit by many other
observers. But to be sure, the same people who offended Muslims do
not think twice before offending believing Christians it is enough
to recall the Cross changing into a Swastika on the posters of Amen,
the movie, or the crucifix in a glass of piss (an illustration to the
Talmud?) in a New York Museum. Thus we have to exonerate Christians
and look elsewhere.
The Israeli daily Haaretz made its first objective clear: the Muslim
press shows Sharon and rabbis in a disrespectful light, let them try
their own medicine. This amounts to an admission that the Jews and
their Mammonite allies are behind the publication. The Iranians did
not allow the Enemy to sow discord between the Muslims and the
Christians, but turned instead to anti-Jewish holocaust jokes.
Equally tasteless, it was a reasonable tit-for-tat.
Indeed, Judeo-Mammonite control of the Western mass media is
impressive. It only begins with the Middle East: I encountered it
when my book Galilee Flowers that called for the dismantling of the
Jewish state by peaceful means of universal suffrage, was incinerated
by the decision of a court of Paris, and no freedom-loving newspaper
in the whole of Europe would say a word in its defence.
Jewish control continues with the holocaust taboo enforcement. We saw
it when the mind-police kidnapped Ernst Zundel from his home in the
US, locked him up for two years in Canadian jail and shipped him to
the German gaol, while the mainstream media kept mum. We noticed it
when a British historian, respectable David Irving, was snatched and
dropped into an Austrian casemate, and no newspaper in the whole of
Europe dared to call for his release. The only major treatment of
Irving affair in Britain was that by Judaeophilic Malte Herwig in The
Observer. He pours scorn on the captive prisoner like Feuchtwanger on
Bukharin in the worst tradition of 1937' trials: "The discredited
right-wing historian David Irving
arrogance is at the heart of
Irving's desire for outrage - or something more sinister?"
(Emphasis added)
As opposed to its 'deniers' or 'revisionists', I never thought of the
Holocaust narrative is the basis of Jewish power. It is, in my view,
just an indicator of that power, nothing more, neither less. And that
power is great. Jewish media control has infiltrated the Western
nerve system. While the Jyllands Posten of Flemming Rose is
semi-fascist and neo-con, its sister newspaper, belonging to the same
owner, Politiken, is liberal and humanist, and also run by a Jew who
became an Israeli citizen. Thus, a left- or a right-wing Dane will be
fed by the same spoon.
But the Jewish control does not stop at the Middle East, or at the
Jews, and for a good reason. A tank can be used as a nut-cracker, but
it has more functions than that. The unified and perfected Jewish
media machine can be utilised for much more important tasks than
fighting off holocaust jokes. Its main goal is to bring us to the
Brave New World, to the new spiritless totalitarianism, while smaller
tasks are incidental to the great one.
Last month there were a few important but apparently unconnected
developments. The British PM Tony Blair, made a step towards total
control over his population. England introduced a new computer system
that collects and stores data of car traffic. Connected to ubiquitous
video cameras, it allows the Big Brother to trace your movements from
your work to your girlfriend and to your home. It passed without a
hitch. Then it tried to pass the Internet Terror Bill, that would
have given police the power to shut down websites which "promote
terrorism". The House of Lords blocked it. Last month the Lords threw
out plans for a new offence of "glorifying" acts of terrorism. The
Government was also defeated when peers voted to redraft ministers'
version of the offence of "intentionally" or "recklessly"
disseminating a "terrorist publication". And the best of all, the
indomitable Lords blocked the bill against "religious hatred" which
was supposed to close the only loophole for criticising Jews.
After that, the Adversary splashed the Satanic Pictures. The
predictable and predicted reaction of the offended Muslims will force
the parliaments to accept the new set of 'anti-hate' laws. The Jews,
the preferred mascot of the Mammonites, will feel better protected,
but more important, freedom of speech will be gone.
This great freedom was the advantage of the West over the Soviet
East, for one of the less savoury features of the Soviet regime was
its infamous Article 58 of the Criminal Code "Anti-Soviet
propaganda". In the early Stalin's days, one has to express sympathy
with the enemies of the Republic to be sentenced; in his heyday, a
joke would suffice; in Brezhnev's era it was used to ensure
conformity in the society. Even in the very end of the Soviet days,
the Damocles' sword of Article 58 influenced all discussion and
eventually allowed Gorbachev to carry out his transformation of
Russia without a debate. He eliminated the social achievements of the
Soviet era, surrendered Russian industry and oil to a few Jewish
crooks, gave the keys of the Russian might to the CIA and broke up
the country into feuding successor states. The only positive feature
of Gorbachev-Yeltsin transformation was the removal of Article 58.
Now it is creeping back.
Some time ago booby-trapped anti-Jewish billboards appeared in
Moscow. When a passer-by tried to remove it, the explosive device
went off. The government rushed an 'anti-hate' bill through the
parliament, and lo! No more anti-Jewish billboards came to be. A
month ago, there was an extremely fishy incident in a Moscow
synagogue, and a new reinforced 'anti-extremism' bill was introduced
into the Russian parliament.
Thus, under the cover of fighting extremism, terrorism and hatred,
the remainder of freedom on our planet shrinks from day to day.
Eugene Rostow, "a Kennedy's Huntington", predicted in 1960s that the
two systems, Communism and Capitalism would eventually converge, and
bring forth the best features of both systems. Now the Convergence
has actually taken place. Once, the Red East was socially secure, but
at the expense of personal freedom, while the West was free at the
expense of equality and social guarantees. Now they have converged:
the Russians have lost their free schools and health and have
received the freedom to sleep under the bridge, while the West now
has its own Gulag and its own political dissidents. East and West
reinstalled Article 58 under the guise of anti-hate, anti-terrorism,
anti-extremism laws.
The grand plan of world domination is unveiling. On its first stage,
the power of old elites and of the church was broken. The enemy used
democracy and liberty as his weapons against the old order, and we,
the Left and the Liberals, enjoyed his support. The adverse vote in
the House of Lords (albeit reshuffled and remoulded) proves that the
old system with all its faults had some positive qualities. But that
stage is over. Now the enemy is fighting against democracy and
liberty, employing fear and (anti-)racism.
The enemy has the advantage of interaction on the global scale.
Following a defeat in England they can attack in France and provoke
in Gaza. They can cause grief and feign horror at your response. But
we have to win unless we want our children to live in the world of
slaves and masters. You do not have to care about Muslim
sensibilities or Jewish prejudices it is your freedom at stake. We
have to think globally because our enemy acts globally. We must
defeat fear and discord, the main tools of the enemy.
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