*** An Open Letter to Judge Meinerzhagen on the Eve of the Zundel Heresy Trial ***

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Wed Feb 8 17:46:49 EST 2006

January 31, 2006

To Judge
Dr. Ulrich Meinerzhagen
JVA Mannheim
Herzogenriedstraße 111
D-68169 Mannheim

Dear Dr. Meinerzhagen:

With the trial against my husband, of which you are in charge, about 
to start again, I take this opportunity to lay before you a few facts 
and some of my reflections as the wife of a man who is, by all 
accounts, about to be silenced for good for his politically incorrect 
thoughts.  On the eve of these fateful days, I feel an obligation to 
write this letter to you in the hope that I will find the right words 
worthy of serious reflection. 

Before I do so, however, I want to tell you in all honesty that I, 
for one, never really was offended by your censorship and that you, 
as the judge in this historical trial, read all our letters and came 
to know our innermost thoughts.   I saw this unpleasant constraint, 
imposed by what I always thought was surely a country of civilized 
conduct, namely the homeland of my ancestry, less as an infringement 
on our rights but rather as a golden opportunity to give you a few 
glimpses of who we really are, what motivates us deeply, how we 
conduct ourselves, and how this heresy trial - for that is what it is 
- is viewed by the rest of the world. 

I would also like to say that I agree with Ernst that nothing could 
be gained by heaping scorn,  derision and disdain upon your head - as 
seems to have happened from the pens of a handful of livid Zundel 
supporters, which must have shocked, distressed, and greatly angered 

In courtesy to you, I will try to be brief, concise - and polite. 
Nonetheless, it is important that I speak clearly.  I am not sure you 
are aware of the importance of your role, of the great privilege of 
this rare opportunity to serve your country by serving historical 
truth - not just for Ernst, not just for Germany, but for the remnant 
of the Western world, and maybe for humanity. 

A train called “Aufstand für die Wahrheit"* is roaring your way, full 
speed, full weight, full force - and you are tasked by fate to set 
the direction.  And here you are, already hearing the rumble, sensing 
the tremble, feeling the dread.  There's no one else to act for you - 
you must decide.  What is it going to be?   A resolute choice for 
Truth in History - or the proverbial boot upon the human face that 
Orwell spoke about?

Of course, as Ernst's wife, I shall hope for that gesture of courage 
from you - knowing all the odds against it.  I hope for it, but I 
don't count on it.  I see a sad, humiliated country parading in sack 
cloth and ashes, willingly wearing its blinders, mired in self-blame 
and guilt -  obediently demonizing those who, confronted with facts 
and with logic, abandoned both sack cloth and blinders.  How that 
should be so - in a country as accomplished and proud as Germany was 
- is a case for the Freudian couch, not for a German courtroom. 

Here are the facts in a nutshell, for you as well as history:

*	The Holocaust is Fraud writ large.  It's an extortion racket. 
It has been proven to be so from documents, from decades' worth of 
research by conscientious men and women from all walks of life all 
over the world, and from forensic science - and millions upon 
millions know that.  My husband led that effort by digging deep and 
bringing forth that first forensic kernel of truth.  That is the 
action of a man of principle.  An honest country would reward such a 
man - not punish and imprison.  

*	Ernst was the first one ever who,  in response to four 
decades of Germanys demonization by its enemies, sent a team to 
Auschwitz looking for the so-called “murder weapon" - the dreaded 
“gas chambers" of Hitler's concentration camps.  That first forensic 
expedition documented what they found, and what they did not find. 
Has Germany ever done that?  Why not?  Please show me an insurance 
company that doggedly refuses to investigate a murder claim for which 
it must pay through the nose!  What Ernst initiated was long overdue 
- and it was not a crime.  If he is wrong, as many are led to believe 
for self-serving reasons - why not re-check his findings?  Or why not 
use the testimony sworn under oath in his two trials in Canada and 
spare you the expense and effort?  It's all there, for the asking, in 
the records of Canada's two Great Holocaust Trials of 1985 and 1988.

*	Ernst Zundel has a fine mind, a will of steel, and an 
impeccably unblemished record. He dug in his heels and refused to 
budge, but he has always respected the law.  Never once, in almost 
half a century of almost incessant insults, murderous violence and 
non-stop demonization did he raise a hand against his tormentors. 
Should such a man endure years of detention in inhuman, abusive 
surroundings - with not a chance of that proverbial snowball in hell 
to be allowed to offer a defense?

*	Specifically, it has been claimed Ernst owned and ran the 
Zundelsite, an American-based website, famous around the world.  I 
call that an affront against my dignity as a professional and as a 
citizen of the United States of America, a country with a Bill of 
Rights as part of its Constitution.  In the United States, to speak 
one's mind is guaranteed by law, no matter how embarrassing and 
inconvenient to vested political interests. I happen to have a mind 
of my own. The Zundelsite is my own property. Ernst did not found the 
Zundelsite.  I did.  Ernst does not run the Zundelsite.  I do.  I 
have done that for close to 12 years!  Out of respect for him, I 
crafted and refined the Zundelsite so that it accurately, and to the 
best of my ability, reflected and reflects what Ernst is all about - 
an honest, questing man who cannot help but speak the truth as he 
knows it.

*	I have been told that Germany has issued an arrest warrant 
for me as well.  I, too, have an impeccable record, having always 
lived within the law, in deference to my chosen country.  I was a 
respected, accomplished writer long before I ever met Ernst Zundel. 
For many years, I used to make a living as a convention speaker, 
keynoting about the history I knew to audiences as large as 6,000, 
being booked alongside accomplished entertainment stars, state 
governors, and senators.  No one objected - ever!  Whatever made me 
suddenly a “criminal"?

*	I understand the prosecution is going to present three 
“witnesses"to make its threadbare case.  Who are these witnesses? 
Ernst's second wife - a fractured personality whose fevered mind 
hallucinates concocted stories.  Two government spooks who nested in 
the entrails of German embassies and consulates to do their dirty 
work for alien interests - instead of shielding and defending a 
tortured German national, as would have been their duty.   That's it! 
That's all the shabby “evidence" the prosecution conjured up after 
three decades' worth of spying, harassing and subverting - and 
millions' of taxpayers' money!  I measure these three traitors to the 
truth against the thousands of testimonials collected over decades 
from supporters all over the world who know Ernst and vouch for his 

*	You have been tasked to finish off this man. I need to point 
out that you are in a position you to do precisely what is right, as 
opposed to what might be politically useful.  I must assume you did 
not choose this role and do not cherish it.  You did not make the 
laws.  You must obey the laws - or must you?  You know by now that 
what the so-called “Holocaust" connotes is far from “offenkundig".** 
This obscene trial is a political circus, meant to solicit applause 
from New York, Washington, London, and Tel Aviv.  The Holocaust Lobby 
is holding the hoop.  You are expected to overrule your German 
conscience and jump through that hoop like a poodle. 

Ernst Zundel is a man who never has jumped through the hoop for the 
sake of applause.  Future generations will have no difficulty 
according this rare individual great honor for his determined stand 
against corruption and deceit in his homeland.  How they will judge 
his judge, whom fate has chosen to preside over literally life and 
death at such a crucial juncture in Western people's history, is as 
of this late date still written in the stars. 


Ingrid Rimland Zundel, Ed.D.

*  Revolt for the sake of the Truth
** A “given", something widely understood
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