ZGram - 5/19/2004 - "Thanks to Ron Gostick and Crew!"

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Wed May 19 15:27:40 EDT 2004

Zgram - Where Truth is Destiny:  Now more than ever!

May 19, 2004

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

We have many unsung heroes in our midst who don't get nearly enough 
praise and recognition for what they do in helping to free Ernst 
Zundel.  I am constantly touched by the esteem and affection they 
profess for a man who has been systematically demonized for decades. 

One such hero is Ron Gostick of the Canadian Intelligence Service - 
NOT to be confused with that Stalinist atrocity that calls itself 
Canadian Security Intelligence Service, CSIS in short.  Ron has been 
an activist on behalf of a responsible, conservative Canada for 
decades - possibly for half a century!  Untiringly! 

I met Ron only once in 1996 in Canada where I was invited to do the 
keynote for the George Orwell Award dinner.  That in itself was quite 
an experience! An award was to be given for Excellence in Freedom of 
Speech - and like criminals we had to meet by secret codes in one 
place on a deserted parking lot, then on the sly be guided to another 
place across some back roads, up a hill where the dinner was to take 
place - all this to avoid Canada's censors! 

I have never forgotten that searing experience!

Ron Gostick was there,  as part of the audience, and after I finished 
my speech, he came up to me, nearly in tears, tried to say something 
but could not get it over his trembling lips, and merely ended up 
hugging me.  Hard!  I did not know then who he was - how important he 
had been to Canada.  Since then I found out that he is one of 
Canada's last stalwarts trying to protect what is still left of 
Canada's freedom. 

Here is a little secret, and I doubt that he'll mind that I am 
telling it:  I have been told that for a long, long time Ron Gostick 
had his reservations about Zundel.  He went by what the media said. 
All that has changed.  Few in Canada's huge citizenry have been as 
frank and as forward as Ron, trying not only to bring relief to 
Ernst, but to protect the country that he loves from its rapacious 

Ron Gostick, you are truly one in untold millions!

The May/June issue of his publication has just come out, and the 
supplementary section is exclusively devoted to Ernst Zundel.  I 
shall quote from it below, even though I have a feeling I may have 
already published part of this letter somewhere, since I get archival 
copies of Ernst's letters from all over the world:


Canada's Prisoner of Conscience writes from prison cell
By Ron Gostick

Saturday, April 24 [Ernst's birthday]:

Since sending all the material and Letter to the printer's for our 
May/June issue, a further insightful document has reached us 
respecting the Ernst Zundel case, which we have covered in our recent 
reports, and which I feel should be drawn to your attention 
immediately.  Consequently, this unprecedented 4th supplementary 

Our readers, who have been following this incredible story, already 
know that Mr. Zundel has been incarcerated for about 16 months, most 
of it in the Toronto West Detention Centre - as yet without any 
specific charge but merely on the strength of a political 
"Ministerial Certificate" alleging that he is possibly a threat to 
Canadian security!  And we have already reported on the horrible, 
subhuman conditions, including almost non-sustainable food rations 
and deprivation of his regimen of vitamins and herbs with which for 
years he has been battling cancer, as well as  the long series of 
"kangaroo court" appearances inflicted upon him, where truth is no 
defence and he can't cross-examine those individuals or groups who 
are feeding the judge and prosecution the stories and allegations 
against him. 

And we do know from the public record of this prisoner of conscience 
that he resided in Canada for over 40 years with no criminal record 
whatsoever;  that he is a pacifist and his alleged "crime" by those 
promoting his persecution is being politically incorrect respecting 
some aspects of WWII casualties.

Yesterday I received by post a letter from Mr. Zundel, handwritten 
with pencil in his prison cell, dated 16-4-04, which gives one a 
picture of this poor, demonized - yet brave and majestic - prisoner's 
mental balance and perspicacity after long months of satanic 
deprivation, stress, and psychological intimidation.

Following is his letter.

Dear Friend Gostick:

It's Friday, I was in court on the 13th and 14th of April again, and 
I just wanted to give you a quick update on the way I perceive things 
after those two days. 

The Judge heard more secret evidence last week in Ottawa and this 
week in Toronto before the proceedings started.  It's more than 
eerie, when one is told that at the outset of a court date, because 
invariably it means that more accusations will have been made to the 
Judge, and more, possibly concocted, fabricated, but in any case 
unopposed and untested by the defense testimony and documents have 
been given to the judge, which I and my lawyers have no way of even 
guessing what it might be.

I would have to know someone like Edgar Cayce, America's most famous 
somnambulist known as the "Sleeping Prophet" to even have a remote 
chance to divine as to what the Jewish side and their minions in 
government and the bureaucracy have fed to the poor Judge last week 
and this week in the form of lies, poison and innuendo.

You talk about Star Chamber proceedings  - and that in the world of 
the globe-girdling Internet!  To listen to the absolutely convoluted 
objections, and the explanations of that poor Judge who has to defend 
the government's indefensible position is a very sobering and very 
sorry sight!

The way I see it:

The Zundel team, backed by its valiant band of dedicated helpers, and 
many little contributions from largely pensioners of the WWII 
generation, has clawed its way up the ladder, rung by rung, in the 
judicial bureaucracy. Imagine how much money has been spent by the 
Canadian oligarchy, since 1968 at least, to get me - all because I, 
in fact, blew the whistle on the likes of Trudeau, Marchant, 
Pelletier, Laurendeau, Chretien, and Andre Quellet taking over the 
moribund, decrepit Liberal Party in the 1960s! 

I was, of course, a young, innocent, naïve, idealistic German 
immigrant who believed that I had equal rights, and that I therefore 
expected and demanded equal access to the political process. 
Brother, did I have a rude awakening!

Once they denied me citizenship - without giving me a reason why - I 
knew that there was an oligarchy in place that would see to it that 
outsiders muscling in would suffer short shrift.  The rest of my life 
in Canada has basically demonstrated that fact of political life in 

There has been, in fact, a vendetta against me, the outsider, since I 
upset them by making it to the Liberal Convention as an accredited 
Dark Horse candidate.  Their pursuit of me has been relentless and 
has culminated in my present situation.  I wanted you and your many 
supporters, who have been so generous in spirit and financially, to 
know that this is what happened to me.

I am not aware of one single, solitary thing I ever said, advocated 
or did in my almost 45 years in this country that could be considered 
disloyal to Canada and its people.  If there had been even a hint of 
disloyalty, real danger, or criminality, I would have been dragged 
into court decades ago, for no man has been as observed and 
scrutinized, has had his mail opened and his phones and faxes bugged 
as I have. 

I have lived under court-imposed gag orders - the Globe and Mail 
called it "the most sweeping gag order ever " issued against a 
Canadian resident - after my 1985 trial.  I have been under bail 
orders for over ten years in the 1980s and early 1990s.  I have had 
to register my every move out of the province with the Provincial 
Attorney General, tell him in writing where I would be going, where I 
would be staying, when I would be leaving, and when I would be 
returning.  Exactly what Stalin imposed on his citizens during his 
reign of terror!

Soon all this will be coming to an end.  If the Canadian Supreme 
Court does not put an end to these clear violations of the Charter of 
Rights and Freedoms and afford me, the dissident - a lifelong, 
peaceful, non-violent, non-criminal dissident, I want to stress! - 
its constitutional protections, then these protections exist on paper 
only.  If the Canadian judicial system, the politician, and the media 
- in short, if Canada's elite fails me, they fail themselves, 
because once I have been railroaded out of this country under these 
abominable laws, nobody in Canada with any original, dissident 
thought in politics, history, even the sciences, will be safe from 
persecution and the accusation that he or she is a terrorist Š and 
Canada will walk across the threshold to a Police-Intelligence Agency 
and Judicial Dictatorship seen only in the old Soviet Union in modern 

Although Communism may have disappeared in the former Soviet Union, 
it is alive and virulent in the halls and corridors of power!  Its 
adherents do not wear Red Stars on their baseball caps or T-shirts. 
They wear Gucci loafers and Pierre Cardin suits and carry law degrees 
in their attaché cases.  They are more dangerous to the citizens, 
institutions and traditions of this country than a whole army of 
thugs and criminals carrying Uzzi machine guns!

My heart bleeds for this country - a country of infinite promise, 
unbelievable wealth and endless opportunity!  We, the now living baby 
boomer generation, have failed Canada!  What we are bequeathing to 
our children and grandchildren is a crime-ridden society, drowning in 
debt - a debt which, in effect, amounts to perpetual slavery.

May history record that I, Ernst Zundel, together with my valiant 
band of supporters, tried to stem this tide, this slide into oblivion!

Thank you, my friends!  If I had to do it all over again, I would do 
it again - only better, wiser, more passionately!

Ernst Zundel, in prison.


Ron Gostick's concluding comments:

"Well, that certainly confirms Mr. Zundel's contention that for years 
he has been a victim of a deliberate and orchestrated diabolical 
vendetta.  Yet, through all of this, and a ruthless kidnapping-style 
of arrest and abduction, a forced deportation followed by nearly 16 
months of solitary confinement under abominable conditions - after 
all this, do we find a bitter man full of anger and rage?  Indeed we 
do not!  Rather, we find a 64-year-old prisoner of conscience, quiet, 
gentle and of simple grace, deep composure and at peace with himself 
and his Creator.  A man of deep insight, understanding and mental 
clarity.  Indeed, he sums up the essence of our present-day 
conditions in Canada far more realistically than do our politicians, 
our judiciary or present-day historians!  A man who feels sorrow for 
the judge who has to administer and inflict such absurd and cruel 
injustice on him!

"The truth is:  Ernst Zundel is no security risk to our country.  He 
is incarcerated because a certain influential minority group wants 
him incarcerated or otherwise eliminated.  The tragedy and shame is 
that our government, in the name of Canada, has become both an 
accomplice and the executor of this vile criminal act.



Note:  This 4-page report has been sent to all MPs and senators, to 
over 600 Canadian newspapers, to the newsrooms of all English 
language television and radio stations in Canada, and to all 
universities and colleges - with a short personal note!  Any 
financial help in this mailing project would be appreciated.

Ron Gostick, Publisher. 
Canadian Intelligence Publications
Box 338
Flesherton, ON N0C 1E0

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