ZGram - 12/20/2003 - Prisoner of Conscience Letter # 56

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Sun Dec 21 13:41:45 EST 2003


December 20, 2003

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

An excerpt from a fairly recent Zundel letter, dated 10-11-2003, to a 
new supporter:


My Syrian neighbor spent over 32 days on his hunger strike.  At 
least, he achieved heat in his cell and in mine, whereas before it 
was horribly cold.  It is nice and warm now.  How long will it last? 
We will see.  He also achieved after 29 months - imagine that! - 
finally a bail hearing at the end of this month. You can see that I 
was lucky. 

My bail hearing will be completed on the 12th of December 2003.  The 
judge says he hopes to have a decision before the old year is out, 
which means I will have been in custody without a guilty verdict [or 
even a criminal charge] by a Canadian or a US court for almost 11 
months.  And even then, the judge has said openly in court that CSIS 
could have me re-arrested anytime they decide under a NEW 
certificate, which would start the whole process all over. 

I fully expect that kind of treatment, since it's Jews who call the 
shots, and Canadian politicians are such gutless wonders, they will 
fall all over themselves, as increasingly courts do, to fulfill every 
whim and wish of these Jewish lobbyists.  That's why I am not chafing 
at the bit to get out, because I know the intense Talmudic/Old 
Testament hatred which motivates and drives these people.  I have 
been at the receiving end of it for 25 years.  Continually!

I know that both Paul Fromm and even Doug Christie have been upset 
with the way I have answered some questions.  Maybe they are smarter 
than I, or can think faster on their feet.  Especially Doug is 
extremely sharp mentally.  I am no dummy, but I hate all this legal 
proceedings stuff.  I suppose I really am a more meditative type.  I 
like to contemplate before I respond, but in the witness box they 
want snap answers, yes or no - and I hate that.  In real life, there 
are lots of shades of grey between black and white.  I am sorry I am 
a disappointment to them.  But my answering these questions the way I 
do, with as much frankness and to the best of my recollection that I 
can, is for the historical record.

Paul and Doug are decades younger than I am.  This hearing is for me, 
maybe my last chance for many years to come, to nail down the 
historical record, for should I be deported to Germany at the end of 
this ordeal, and then be tried there - which I will be, definitely! - 
in Germany, incredibly, there are NO transcripts in criminal 
proceedings.  They did away with that in 1977.  Imagine fighting a 
court case without any record, or fighting an appeal with no 
transcript!  That's why I intend to give full answers and a full 

I want history to remember me by what I actually said and did, not by 
what my enemies will claim I said and did.  If I disappoint some 
people around me, it's too bad - I have frequently disappointed even 

If there is justice and decency left, I should be out of here at 
least on bail.  I told the judge last week that, after all my legal 
avenues are exhausted in court, if I am to be deported, I would 
willingly and quietly go, even paying my own way - and that is my 
intention.  Why would I want to stay in a country that has so 
abandoned its proud Anglo-Saxon judicial heritage of a thousand years 
to placate a bunch of ghetto-escapee Jews?

Canada has become a Marxist state in all but name - intolerant, 
callous, vengeful, and cruelly unfair.  I am holding up the mirror to 
this society.  If I had no children or grandchildren here, I don't 
think I would have stayed to fight.  I fight not only for my 
reputation - and to set the record straight.  I also hope that by my 
sacrifice, I can stop the illegality and the slide into insanity, and 
thus leave to my offspring and descendants a Canada that I emigrated 
to almost 50 years ago, which was made up of hard-working, honest, 
and helpful people and a political elite with far higher standards of 
honesty and morality than the freaks, perverts and intellectual 
midgets who batten today on the backs of Canadian taxpayers. 

As always,

Ernst Zündel


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