ZGram - 12/5/2003 - "Prisoner of Conscience Letter # 47

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Sun Dec 7 21:16:51 EST 2003

Zgram - Where Truth is Destiny:  Now more than ever!

December 5, 2003

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Apparently this is a continuation of the letter addressed to me, 
dated March 11, 2003:


The government and its spy agency wanted to stay away from the 
Holocaust topic like the plague, as you will see from the 
transcripts.  Not one probing question on what my research findings 
or ideas were on the Holocaust, the core issue of 20 years of 
trials, tribunal hearings, police investigations.  It was of only 
very, very peripheral interest [to them].  It was all along a 
"footnote to history", as Jean Marie Le Pen had said - and it became 
it here!

It is important to note - very important for people who examine and 
re-examine history as we and the world-wide Revisionist movement do: 
THERE HAS BEEN A POLICY SHIFT!  It was even announced by Foxman and 
others after 9/11 - away from their cash cow, Holocaust, to the new 
growth industry, "white supremacism" in Canada and "terrorism" in 
America, coupled together. 

That is the new Enemy being built up by the ruling oligarchies in 
these two countries, not yet as flagrantly in Europe because of war 
memories and war fatigue.  Those who experienced the shooting wars 
of WWI and WWII on their own soil and in their own lives, like the 
Europeans, Russians and Chinese are against joining the "oil war" 
sold as one aspect of the war on terrorism, when in effect is is a 
war of terror on those hapless Arab regimes, their peoples and their 
dictators who were, up until very recently, wined and dined, 
financially and militarily supported by the very regimes and power 
elites of the West.  The Saudis, especially, must be startled by the 
about-face of the American power elite. 

One should recall the total reversal of Bush [senior's] policy 
ersus Iraq just before the first new crusade launched by George 
Bush for the "New World Order."  The [change] came when power 
shifted from old East Coast Republican money - the old Goy Power 
Elite - to the new crowd, like MEGA, for whom the neo-cons roll the 

There has been indeed a regime change, and Bush is the shingle at 
the door.  You and I, and others soon, will experience what the new 
masters have assigned to us.  I am the first one chosen on whom they 
will experiment - in other words, Ingrid, they are cashing in on my 
Holocaust/public notoriety, on my brand name recognition, milking it 
for their new policy for all they can. 

That vile CSIS smear sheet with its 50 character assassination 
remarks is only the beginning.  Consider it a transition.  Its 
public presentation, like floating a trial balloon, is there to see 
what the judiciary, judges, tribunal heads etc. are willing to take 
as far as Torquemada-like persecution by prosecution and unfounded 
allegations, coached in flexible, twistable smear words, will do. 

They want to see if members of the judiciary, the bureaucracy, and 
the public at large have been sufficiently brainwashed and 
mind-conditioned by their incessant propaganda so that they can cast 
a wider net for victims for their upcoming show trials, which are in 
essence not different than Stalin's 1936 show trials in Moscow of 
dissidents, or a whole succession of such trials in every Communist 
regime, from Mao's Red China to Tito's Yugoslavia, Hungary's Kadar 
regime, or East Germany's Hilde Benjamin. 

For all those Americans who cling to the wonderful traditions of 
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Ralph Waldo 
Emerson and his visions of pristine beauty:  All that wonderful 
experiment and its often amazingly good results died an abrupt death 
on September 11 and its inevitable aftermath called the Patriot Act.


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