Zyklon B
Medical tests show that a concentration of hydrogen cyanide gas in
an amount of 300 ppm in air is rapidly fatal. Generally, for execution
purposes a concentration of 3200 ppm is used to ensure rapid death. This
is a weight/volume of some 120 to 150 grams/ 2 cubic feet of gas, depending
on temperature and pressure. Some 100 ppm of HCN is fatal within half an
hour. Toxic effects are skin irritation and rashes, eye irritation, blurring
of vision and permanent eye damage; non-specific nausea; headache; dizziness;
vomiting and weakness; rapid respiration, lowered blood pressure, unconsciousness,
convulsions and death; symptoms of asphyxia, dyspnea, ataxia, tremors,
coma and death through a disruption of the oxidative metabolism.
Hydrocyanic acid does not have to be breathed to be fatal. In concentrations
of over 50 ppm, the user must wear a chemical suit to completely protect
his body and breathe bottled air. Gas masks are generally ineffective and
should never be utilized. Specialized first aid kits and medical supplies
are available and should be present in all areas where a person may contact
the gas.
Continue on to A
Brief History of the Alleged German Execution Gas Chambers