Based on material available to the author, it has been determined that
the Germans allegedly constructed a series of large (three or more executees)
gas chambers for execution purposes beginning sometime in late 1941 and
utilized them until late 1944.
Beginning with the first alleged gassing in a basement at Auschwitz
I, two converted farmhouses at Birkenau (Auschwitz II) known as the Red
and White houses or Bunkers 1 and 2, Krema I at Auschwitz, Kremas II, III,
IV and V at Birkenau and an experimental facility at Majdanek, these facilities
allegedly utilized hydrocyanic acid in the form of Zyklon B as the gas.
Majdanek allegedly also used carbon monoxide (CO).
According to official literature obtained at the Auschwitz and Majdanek
State Museums, these execution facilities were located in concentration
camps constructed in highly industrial areas and their inmates supplied
forced labor to the factories producing materials for the war effort. These
facilities also included crematories for the disposal of the remains of
those allegedly executed.
Additionally, other alleged facilities which only utilized CO as the
execution gas were located at Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka and Chelmno (gas
vans). these additional facilities were allegedly destroyed either during
or after WWII, have not been inspected and are not directly the subject
of this report.
Carbon monoxide (CO) gas, however, will be considered briefly at this
point. CO gas is a relatively poor execution gas in that it takes much
too long to effect death, perhaps as long as 30 minutes, and if poorly
circulated, longer. In order to utilize CO, a quantity of 4,000 ppm would
be required making it necessary to pressurize the chamber at approximately
2.5 atmospheres with CO. Additionally, CO2 (carbon dioxide) has also been
suggested. CO2 is even less effective than CO. These gasses, it has been
alleged, were produced by diesel engines. Diesel engines produce exhausts
which contain very little carbon monoxide and would require that the execution
chamber be pressurized with the air/gas mixture in order to have sufficient
gas to cause death. Carbon monoxide in quantities of 3000 ppm or 0.30%
will cause nausea and headache after exposure for one hour and perhaps
some long term damage.
Concentrations of some 4000 ppm and above will prove fatal for exposure
times of over 1 hour. The author would submit that a chamber filled to
capacity with persons occupying approximately 9 square feet or less (the
minimum area required to ensure gas circulation around the occupants),
that the occupants would die of suffocation due to their own exhaustion
of the available air, well before the additional gas would take effect.
Thus, simply closing the executees in this confined space would obviate
the need of either CO or CO2 from an external source.
The alleged execution facilities in Auschwitz I (Krema I), and Majdanek
still exist, in allegedly original form. In Birkenau, Kremas II, III, IV
and V are collapsed or razed to the foundations; Bunker I (the Red House)
is gone and Bunker II (the White House) is now restored and utilized as
a private residence. At Majdanek, the first oil-fired crematory has been
removed and the crematory with the alleged gas chamber has been rebuilt
with only the ovens being original.
Krema I at Auschwitz, Kremas II, III, IV and V at Birkenau, and the
existing crematory at Majdanek were allegedly crematories and gas chambers
combined. The Red and White houses at Birkenau were allegedly only gas
chambers. At Majdanek, the experimental gas chambers were not adjacent
to a crematory and there was a separate crematory which is not now extant.
Continue on to Design
and Procedures at the Alleged Execution Gas Chamber