Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


October 2, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Recently, a documentary was shown in Canada that told of an all-pervading surveillance system in that country. Every time I go to Canada, I feel a slight shudder because of the stories I hear: spying - spying everywhere!


When I asked why that was so, I was told that the Commies, many of them Jewish, left the crumbling Soviet countries for the Great White North when the former imploded and the latter beckoned as a quiet and inconspicuous "democratic" haven.


Communists infiltrated Canadian society like no other country!


That Canada was also invaded by spy masters from Israel, and Canadian intelligence agencies today are completely penetrated - to the point of near-control by Mossad - is a result of political purges at the outbreak of World War II and during the war in the Canadian media and education, where Marxists and socialists replaced traditional Liberal and Conservative Canadians.


All that makes sense to me when I see how unbelievably vicious and Communist-like Canadian censorship manifests itself.


Just this morning I did a radio show where I told of the confiscation of all books that even slightly negatively point a finger. My Jewish host was adroitly amazed. He expressed what many believe: That Canada is ". . . just like the US A"- a sterling and upright democracy.


Not so - and the slip is beginning to show on the damsel.


Here are some summaries of Peter Worthington's column, published on September 30, 1999 in the Toronto Sun, titled "Canada's hidden Commie connections":




The Soviet Union may be dead and gone - and with it the Cold War which it started and lost - but reverberations from its espionage service continue, and may even be growing.


The release of a new book, The Mitrokhin Papers: The KGB and the West by Cambridge professor Andrew Christopher, is the tip of an espionage iceberg that has the potential of embarrassing virtually every western country - especially Canada, which historically has been key to Soviet espionage.


We're told the book is compiled from six trunks of KGB archival material collected over a 10-year period by Vasili Mitrokhin, a bigwig in KGB archives who defected to Britain before the USSR imploded, and somehow smuggled the material out. Until now, the details had been kept secret.




Igor Gouzenko, a Soviet cypher clerk, who defected to Canada in the fifties already, exposed 17 Soviet spy ring operations - only one of which was ever neutralized. Over 90% of its members were Jews. All the others were left untouched. Canada was penetrated by Soviet agents. Communists held the highest offices in the land. Treason was the norm - not the exception. Yet hardly anything was done.




Already we've been bombarded with publicity about the treasonous granny (great-granny, really) Melita Norwood, 87, who betrayed her country since 1949 with impunity, and who declares she has "no regrets." She was a spy for "idealistic reasons" and believed in the "humanity" of communism and Josef Stalin, the 20th century's most efficient butcher.




Yep. Tens of millions of victims - some claim up to 100 millions of them. They kind of dwarf the "Holocaust." These massive Soviet crimes are well known, yet Marxist professors teach Marxist ideology in Canadian and American universities as if that was a viable, acceptable alternative to our system of government.




As an aside, the archival material contains details of the forced repatriation of Cossacks, White Russians and others back to communism and death, with certain British officers paid off in gold bullion. The Foreign Office today claims ignorance of the policy.




Two points: First, when the British historian of Russian origin, Count Tolstoy exposed British complicity and was sued for libel, reams and reams of implicating documents disappeared from the Public Records Office and other archives as if by magic wand.


Secondly, that "forced repatriation" was called Keelhaul - and there but for the grace of God went I.


In the summer and fall of 1945, those of us caught in the Russian sector- women, children, the young and the old - were chased like rabbits in the fields, loaded into those well-known and oft-shown cattle trains to be shipped to Siberia, never to be heard of again. Many, many of my people disappeared. Oh yes, we were civilians - and no, we weren't Jews.




As for Canada, there are undoubtedly some uneasy people - many of whom may be retired with Orders of Canada and prestige - who have their fingers crossed the Mitrokhin documents don't mention this country. This is a forlorn hope, since during 70 years of Soviet espionage, most big spy cases that broke involved Canada in some way.


No KGB or GRU spy worthy of the name was without the easy-to-get Canadian passport. (Tito, Trotsky's assassin, Lonsdale, Sorge, Col. Abel, etc.) Soviet spies incubated in Canada, for espionage elsewhere. One KGB officer worked as a CBC cameraman.




So the chickens are coming home to roost? The truth will out. CSIS, the Canadian civilian spy agency, is but a mere schlepp for Mossad and a hitman for the Jewish Lobby. Precisely so it was in the heydays with Communism - and strange: Most of these agents were Jewish.




The other day, what's left of the Communist Party of Canada (CPC) officially denied it had ever been funded by Moscow, or was used to recruit spies, or was an arm of Soviet espionage.


Believe that, and you'll believe Granny Norwood was Mary Poppins. Thirty years ago, I was writing from Moscow that the CPC was funded by the Kremlin and aided Soviet espionage. RCMP security had ample evidence, which a succession of governments refused to act on.




Patrick Walsh infiltrated various labour union and Communist fronts in Canada in the 1950s and 1960s. No government ever cleaned out the augian stable. Instead, Canadians elected their Communist sympathizers as Prime Ministers - who appointed other Marxists to jobs with the CBC, the Arts Council, Diplomatic Corps, etc. And there they sit - and let themselves be ogled.




We forget the only Canadian ever convicted of being a professional Soviet spy was a Communist member of Parliament - Fred Rose, exposed by Igor Gouzenko, the cipher clerk in the Soviet embassy in Ottawa who chose freedom in 1945 and unmasked a massive spy ring, one of eight rings he said were operating in Canada.


During the 1970 FLQ crisis, Canada had the distinction of hosting two Communist parties, both paying homage to (and taking orders from) Moscow - the CPC and the Communist Party of Quebec, which actively worked for Quebec's separation. Ottawa, even then, chose to ignore RCMP warnings.




Elmer Fairfield, former RCMP undercover agent into Nazi and Communist movements in Canada in World War II and after told Ernst Zündel in an interview that ***17 red spy rings*** were operating in Canada. He published about them in his own little community newspaper, The Ottawa South End News, and was promptly put out of business by Communist/Jewish pressure.




Significantly, there isn't a single case on record where the Communist Party of Canada ever sided with Ottawa in a policy dispute with Moscow. Its loyalty was to the USSR, not Canada.


In later years, the CPC became a toothless agitator that camouflaged how insidiously Soviet espionage recruited, blackmailed, bribed and coerced Canadians into treason.




Actions have consequences! You lie down with a dog and get up with fleas. Canada sided with the Soviets as a "glorious ally", and they took Canadians for the easy marks that they are - to this day!




In 1978, I was charged under the Official Secrets Act for revealing 16 examples of Canadians corrupted into treason by the KGB. After a year of preliminary hearings, the case was thrown out of court as being politically motivated.




I have been told that Peter Worthington is one of Canada's most responsible and knowledgeable journalists. Perhaps what is unraveling in Canada will have some level reporting? Let's hope and pray - even though Mr. Worthington works for the Toronto Sun, known, and not exactly admired in a few ethnic circles as the Toronto Red Sun.




One wonders if the Mitrokhin archives mention Herbert Norman, our ambassador to Cairo who committed suicide in 1956 after then-external affairs Minister Mike Pearson assured the House of Commons that he, Norman, had never been a communist - when in fact, he had been.


How about Pierre Trudeau's controversial trip to a Moscow economic conference after World War II as head of the Canadian delegation comprised of Communist party members? (Trudeau said he threw snowballs at Stalin's statue... in April!)


What of the KGB "sleeper," activated 20 years after Gouzenko's defection to kill him - but who defected to the RCMP?


What's in the archives about the KGB's links with the peace movement? Or the CBC? Or the KGB, using Quebec separatism to cause rifts in Canada and upset the U.S.?


How about KGB spies inside the RCMP, one of whom, former KGB Col. Oleg Kalugin, has already been exposed?


Or agents of influence and worse in universities, the churches, civil service, journalism, Parliament?


Some await further revelations with interest - others with apprehension.




Nothing has changed - except that now Israel calls the tune, and Mossad uses Canadian passports to land in Canada as a safe base of operations. Read Victor Ostrovski's books "By Way of Deception" and "Beyond Deception" Ostrovski is a former Mossad officer who knows whereof he speaks.






Thought for the Day:


"Zionism was willing to sacrifice the whole of European Jewry for a Zionist State. Everything was done to create a state of Israel and that was only possible through a world war.


"Wall Street and Jewish large bankers aided the war effort on both sides. Zionists are also to blame for provoking the growing hatred for Jews in 1988."


(The Toronto Star, March 31, 1988 reporting about Joseph Burg's testimony for the Zundel defense in the Second Great Holocaust Trial).

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