Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


September 28, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


The following was sent to me by a Jew with whom I have had a number of e-mail exchanges and whose sincerity and genuine good will I happen to respect.


For those on the Internet who have busied themselves with the utterly unfounded rumors that I am (part?) Jewish, rest assured that I could never have come up with the Biblical and Talmudic details below. I have only a cursory knowledge of the Bible - my pious childhood teachings having receded into the mist of yesterday - and have never held the Talmud in my hands and know next to nothing about it.


You will just have to trust me that this is a genuine post written by someone of Jewish extraction whom I know to be genuinely worried about the degree to which our ethnic and cultural chasm is widening, thanks to incessant anti-German propaganda that gives us no relief.


An Apology for Anti-Gentilism


In light of Cardinal O'Connor's recent apology to the Jewish people it seems only fair that Jewry reciprocate. Of course, this whole business of collective guilt extending over centuries to peoples and faith communities is a bit hard to fathom. However, since almost all "official Jews" welcomed the Cardinal's remarks, I, as a non- "official Jew", feel called upon to respond.


(Note by the author: The reader is advised that the historicity of Biblical narrative is far from certain. Indeed, if the events later described are merely myths, then the apology is for the celebration of them by Jews throughout the centuries.)


1) We apologize for Jacob's theft of Esau's birthright.


2) We apologize for the genocide committed against the defenseless citizens of Shechem by Simeon and Levy.


3) We apologize for the slaughter of the Egyptian first born (performed by God but rejoiced over by Jews).


4) We apologize for the genocide committed against the Amalekites.


5) We apologize for the systematic slaughter extending over decades of all the men, women and children of Canaan.


6) We apologize for the Jewish celebration of many of the above events throughout our history extending to the present day.


7) We apologize for dozens of laws in Mishneh and Talmud which discriminate against Gentiles.


8) We apologize for dozens of statements in the Talmud, Midrash and Zohar which speak of Gentiles in a stereotypical and disparaging manner.


9) We apologize for all statements in Talmud and Zohar which speak of Jesus Christ in an insulting and, at times, obscene manner.


10) We apologize for all misdeeds committed by Jews against Gentiles throughout the centuries in which the former put into practice the double standards of ethics advocated by the Talmud.


11) We apologize for the Jewish role in revolutionary movements in the past two hundred years.


12) In particular, we apologize for the disproportionate Jewish role in the Communist revolution and all the genocide and suffering which it caused.


13) We apologize for the immorality and disruption unleashed upon Gentile societies by the social theories of Jews such as Marx, Freud and Boas.


14) We apologize for advocating immigration policies in European lands which are destroying the identity and continuity of many peoples.


15) We apologize for advocating cruelty and, when possible, practicing it towards the German people in the aftermath of the Second World War.


16) We apologize for advocating cultural survival for ourselves while fighting to destroy it amongst Gentiles.


17) We apologize for advocating Jewish ethnic identity and homogeneity as the basis for Israel while denying this right to any Gentile people.


18) We apologize for advocating the suppression of free speech on matters of race.


19) We apologize for advocating the suppression of free speech concerning the fate of European Jewry in the Second World War.


20) We apologize for writing, sponsoring and legally protecting the depravity which envelopes media today.


21) We apologize for shady business practices and scandals practiced against Gentile institutions and governments.


We hope that you Gentiles find it in your hearts to forgive us for all the above and anything else left unstated. And, now, with all apologies behind us, let us start fresh with no animosity towards each other in the future.





Thought for the Day:


"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil...." (Isaiah 5:20)

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