Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


September 27, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

One reporter's assessment of the Cincinnati Revisionist conference:


Irving's Revisionist Conference A Great Success (by Michael Hoffman II)


Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept. 26. Under sheltering blue skies in the midst of a magnificent Ohio autumn, English historian David Irving's Real History, USA conference convened for three days in what was an unqualified success. Approximately 125 people came to hear a roster of top calibre revisionist speakers in the comfortable ambiance of a five star venue.


Irving opened and chaired the conference and detailed his forthcoming year 2000 libel suit against "Holocaust"-studies Professor Deborah Lipstadt, and through her, against the entire, crumbling edifice of entrenched senility that is the multi-billion dollar Shoahbusiness itself.


Mr. Irving revealed that Lipstadt has thus far received upwards of $5 million in defense funds and has hired numerous "expert" and professional trial witnesses, such as Christopher Browning, to defend against the English historian's contention that Lipstadt maliciously damaged his good name and reputation.


During the legal process known as discovery, nine linear feet of Irving's writings have been examined by Lipstadt's team with a fine-tooth comb. Out of this massive collection of his papers and utterances--some 45 million words--Lipstadt's defense team has been able to produce only 13 of Irving's words that might be construed as anti-Jewish (or "anti-semitic" as the word police prefer).


The ratio is so scant that it actually proves the opposite. In comparison with the table talk and private correspondence running the gamut of western leaders from Anthony Eden to Richard Nixon, both of whom littered their conversations and letters with anti-Jewish invective, Irving's thirteen words out of 45 million testify that he is anything but an anti-Jewish bigot.


Irving screened a brief newsreel in German, which was shown in German movie theatres during the Allied occupation, circa 1948. The subject was the Allied show trial of Nazis charged with crimes at Auschwitz. In the newsreel, the Allied reporter states that "300,000" people were killed at Auschwitz (this figure comprises both Jewish and Gentile deaths) and makes no mention of gas chambers.


This celluloid snippet should make Lipstadt and Co. sweat. (Recall that like Jean-Marie LePen, both Eisenhower and Churchill regarded the alleged homicidal gas chambers to be a "mere detail" of history, since both men make no mention whatever of gassings in their comprehensive, multi-volume war memoirs).


David Irving is preparing the new millennium's first act of table-turning, whereby the "Holocaust" and the servile professor class that slavishly upholds the aggregate mendacities grouped under that Newspeak moniker, will itself be on trial.


Bradley Smith, the indefatigable poet laureate of libertarian revisionism, gave the keynote Friday evening speech and it was not so much what Bradley said that was remarkable (a humorous digression on memory, including lapses in his own).


Rather, it was the fact that this 69 year old stalwart iconoclast is soldiering on as he has during more than 20 years of revisionist activism, most recently on college campuses, where student editors expecting to confront a goose-stepping neo-something or other, meet instead a beatnik Santa Claus who is a cross between Mark Twain and Charles Bukowski.


Bradley is that sign of contradiction which is so destabilizing to preconceptions from any corner and by that token, he is a major revisionist asset.


Smith was followed by researcher Peter der Margaritis, who detailed the movements of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel on D-Day. June 6 was Rommel's wife's birthday and he was in Germany when the Allies struck at Normandy. Margaritis asserts that had Rommel been at his command post in France on D-Day, the 12th SS Panzer Division would not have been wasted by being held back as it was, but would have devastated Allied landing forces at Omaha and Utah beach.


Saturday morning saw Joseph Bellinger work his way through an exhaustive investigation of the death of RF-SS Heinrich Himmler. Bellinger offered evidence that Himmler did not commit suicide by means of a concealed cyanide pill (the official story), but was actually beaten to death by his American interrogators.


Brian Renk, the son of a German soldier who, at age 15, fought in the Battle of Berlin, did a yeoman job of documenting the errors and pretensions of none other than Zündel and Irving nemesis Christopher Browning (who allegedly received $35,000 for attempting to put Ernst Zündel behind bars at his 1988 show trial).


Veteran revisionist Russ Granata detailed the tireless investigations which he and Renaissance man Carlo Mattogno have conducted in the secret archive of the former Soviet Union.


Canadian journalist and WWII hero Doug Collins (he escaped ten times from German POW camps), provided the latest news on his ongoing legal battle with the "human rights" lobby in his native land, which is pursuing his conviction for an article he wrote daring to characterize Spielberg's "Schindler's List" as "Swindler's List."


Three speakers in particular pushed the Irving conference beyond superlatives and into the stratosphere of landmark revisionist significance. John Sack, the Jewish journalist (CBS News, Esquire, Vanity Fair, GQ etc.) delivered the address the US Holocaust Museum refused to allow (after initially inviting him to give it).


Sack is a lively speaker, fast on his feet and punctuating his lecture with jokes, human interest stories and a consummate humanity which radiates from this avant-garde writer and Hollywood deal-maker.


His story of the holocaust against the Germans, including civilians, that took place after the war, mostly at the hands of Jewish Poles in the employ of the Communist police apparatus, has been recounted in his book, "An Eye for an Eye."


Sack detailed the repression against him and his writing in an eloquent oration that consists of a level of communication whereby even newcomers to these issues are convinced that something is very rotten indeed in our mass media. How can this Jewish insider, who knows Hollywood and Rockefeller Center like the back of his hand, be refuted?


A lively question and answer session found Sack challenged on a number of points. Throughout this collective revisionist grilling, Sack responded with unfailing humor and good will. Mr. Sack remained for the whole of the conference, taking notes and making recordings for a forthcoming magazine article on revisionism, which he is writing for Esquire.


Charles Provan, the obscure Pennsylvania printer, WWII researcher and Christian theologian ("The Bible and Birth Control"), detailed accounts of several heretofore hidden Allied war crimes against Axis soldiers, which he has discovered in the National Archives.


Provan focused on the machine-gunning of the unarmed German guards who surrendered Dachau to two units of the American 42nd and 45th divisions. Provan's research unearthed numerous statements of boldface hypocrisy from American officers who excused the Allied atrocities on the grounds that the soldiers were fatigued, stressed and "only following orders," thereby demonstrating that Nuremberg was exactly what Göring, in his finest hour, had said it was, "victor's justice."


Even Irving marveled at Provan's command of his subject matter as he spoke for more than an hour directly from memory, reeling off a "chunk" of names, dates and incidents, mostly without notes.


The Mount Olympus of the conference, who stood almost as tall as that fabled peak, and who caused John Sack's pen to scurry across his notebook perhaps more than any other speaker, was the incomparable Germar Rudolf. The boyish-looking 34 year old former researcher for the renowned Max Planck Institute, and doctoral candidate in chemistry, is now living in exile after having fled Germany in the wake of a 14 month prison term imposed on him due to his Auschwitz studies.


He also has lost his wife and young children, his PhD. and his position at Max Planck because of his revisionist work. Mr. Rudolf is a world-class scientist, who like world class historian Irving, brings restless searching and scholarly industry to bear on the central humbug of the age.


Rudolf is a product of Germany's Catholic gentry. He speaks excellent English. There is nothing of the extremist or the fanatic about him. He had a good upbringing and a fine education. He is balanced and self-effacing and he does not find Hitler or Nazism appealing.


He is a scientist, an authority on solid state chemistry (such as the chemical residues on stone, which is the theatre of revisionist investigation in Auschwitz/Birkenau), who has, of necessity, become a historiographer.


He is also the first major revisionist figure since Ditlieb Felderer to share my concerns about the psychology and epistemology of the Newspeak technology of mind control embedded in the imposition of the neologism "Holocaust," as applied exclusively to Jewish contretemps in WWII.


Rudolf refers unabashedly to the Allied terror bombings of German cities and the post-war ethnic cleansing of German civilians from historic German territories in Poland, as "the holocausts against the Germans."


And he does not unconsciously and routinely use the "Holocaust" term as a description of Jewish allegations, without qualifying it as the "so-called 'Holocaust" or as the, "Holocaust' with a capital H," precisely the distinctions I also employ.


One great thing about a conference like this one is that the audience is often as interesting as the speakers. I met many old friends and shining lights in the revisionist firmament, including former US State Department official Welby P. Campbell and such German holocaust survivors as ex-soldier Hans Schmidt. I made many new friends and valuable contacts as well. We had lively discussions and enjoyed good fellowship during the breaks and at the banquet dinner.


The local Ohio community-members were hospitable and gracious and the elegant and historic American river city of Cincinnati will be the permanent site of what Irving has now established as an annual revisionist event.


Next year he hopes to host James Bacque, author of "Other Losses" and "Crimes and Mercies," and Count Nikolai Tolstoy, author of "The Minister and the Massacres," who was bankrupted by Lord Aldington (with the collusion of the British government), after Tolstoy had publicized British complicity in the murder of East European anti-communist refugees at the end of WWII.


One would not necessarily expect that a historian would make a good host or organizer of people, venues and logistics in general, but David Irving has something of the Rommel about him, weaving a seamless gathering under the collective nose of the traditional enemies of freedom who, as Marlowe said of Mephistopheles, intend evil but paradoxically, in the final analysis, only do good--when those with the backbone to contend against them, use the energy of their noisy mendacity as the springboard of the revolution for truth.


Michael A. Hoffman II




Thought for the Day:



"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."


( George Bernard Shaw )



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