Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


September 16, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Many of us have wondered for some time why - after so much suppression, vilification, ridicule and sometimes out-and-out terror - is the Holocaust Lobby now seemingly willing to let it be known that there exists a discipline called "Revisionism".


The biggest breakthrough, next to the two Great Holocaust Trials of 1985 and 1988 and the cyberwar of 1996 around the Zundelsite is, indoubtedly, the release of an already much promoted Errol Morris documentary, called "Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr."


This documentary was shown at the Robert Redford Sundance Festival to much acclaim and is slated to premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 16 at 9:15 p.m. and on September 18, 12:30 p.m.


This documentary's description, according to the Toronto Star, Sunday September 5, 1999 (replete with a half-page photo of Fred Leuchter in color) runs as follows:


"The outer limits of human reason have always been documentarist Errol Morris' most inspirational terrain, and he's got a muse-and-a-half in the unlikely figure Fred A. Leuchter Jr. A nebbishy "execution technologist" who was hired by Holocaust-denier Ernst Zundl (sic) to find "evidence" that no murders had taken place at Auschwitz, Leuchter is Morris' most richly troubling subject so far. A man who believes in "humane" executions, and who feels non reservations about allowing himself to be filmed chipping away at the death camp ruins, mild-mannered Fred Leuchter is as challenging - and fascinating - a character as you're likely to find in any movie anywhere this year."


So far, so good! While all of us are bracing ourselves for the traditional smear-and-disappear act of the traditional Holocaust Promotion Lobby crew - and while no one expects this film, made by a member of the tribe, to sing odes to Revisionism outlawed in many so-called democratic countries - it looks at least as though the treatment of this documentary will be in the "what-if" or "mystery" or "character study" genre.


That's excellent for us.


Secondly, large amounts of footage for this film were provided by bona fide Revisionists - Fred Leuchter himself, David Irving, and Ernst Zundel who supplied footage from Auschwitz and his groundbreaking Great Holocaust trials - and who appeared in person to be interviewed in Boston for this film. I have previewed some Boston Zundel footage taken by Ernst with his own mini-camera, and I can tell you that an animated Mr. Zundel is on his Revisionist toes! It's some of the best video footage that I have ever seen.


Third, this film will be a wonderful doubt-seeding vehicle for us. It will ameliorate the image of the scruffy, inarticulate "Holocaust denier" idiotically denying the supposedly "undeniable" - and show three of our best and most accomplished: (a) The author of the four Leuchter Reports that have sold in the millions, (b) a famous and articulate David Irving who made a more-than-handsome living as a politically correct historian until he shipwrecked his career on the Holocaust taboo, and (c) a knowledgeable Ernst Zundel who knows whereof he speaks - a deep thinker, astute political observer of the Unholy Lobby, and much-revered fighter for the intellectual and spiritual freedom from persecution of his German nation and people.


Fourth, this film has already been slated to run not just in Canada but coast to coast in the US as well. Revisionists would have needed millions and millions of dollars to achieve what now will not cost us one cent! So even if the film is slanted and the story bent all out of shape, it will confront the public with the facts - forensic data now exist that throw doubt on the Conventional Holocaust Saga. A Jewis film maker is doing it for us, and largely Jewish-owned papers are going to review this documentary coast to coast, and there will be no end to commentators adding to exposure and, no doubt, controversy. The name of Fred Leuchter, already a legend, will ring many a bell for our intellectual freedom train - for many people only barely introduced to what Revisionists are saying, may well find this film to be the catalyst to start investigating on their own.


It might well be the watershed in their befogged thinking. (Ernst Zundel will broadcast the true version of the Leuchter story on satellite and on over 60 Public Access markets in the US, beginning next week.)


And, finally, this new Revisionist development shows you cannot keep that kind of story down. Not all the Zundel vilification, not all the slanderous articles about the "hate monger" on Carlton Street, Toronto, no fire, no bombs, no Marxist Tribunals have stopped the march of history. The truth will out. It will.


One thing is clear: This film will show who is the underdog - and who are the relentless tormentors of genuine truth seekers like Leuchter, Zundel and Irving. A world that doubts the official spin-doctored versions dealing with the Kennedy assassinations, Waco, Oklahoma City, Vince Foster, Princess Di, the looming Y2K crisis etc. is going to be fertile ground for sowing question marks regarding "genocidal gas chambers" and "mass extermination programs".


And high time, too, I say. There's justice in the universe, and "Mr. Death" in some small measure will affirm it.


Thought for the Day:


"I liked Errol Morris. He asked good questions. He was warm, showed feeling and artistic insight. We spoke about what this film might do to his career. He was clearly scared. He knew it could be dangerous for him.

At the time of the interview at least, he gave the impression that he was willing to risk all for a truthful portrayal of the Leuchter story. Time alone will tell if he had second thoughts."


(Rabbi Martin Siegel in New York Magazine, p. 32, Jan 18, 1972)

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