Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


August 12, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Just a few minutes ago I received word that last night the Zundelsite was shown on the tax-supported PBS station - apparently in connection to the North Valley Jewish Community Center shooting in Granada Hills.


To that, I want to state the following:


Nobody called me. Nobody interviewed me. I have no idea in what context the Zundelsite was shown and what spin was put on that broadcast. Nobody consulted with me to ask if there was even a shred of connection between what I post on the Zundelsite and what happened in this unforgivable crime against young children - committed by a clearly deranged man whose name I never heard before yesterday.


To my knowledge, not even a shred of evidence has been produced that this dastardly crime in the Los Angeles area was in any way connected to the Internet per se.


Yet all we have heard by the mainstream media and Jewish talking heads since the unfortunate Jewish Community Center shooting is the mantra "hate crime!" - "hate crime!" - "hate crime!" - the implication always interwoven that somehow the Internet is once again to be blamed for setting off a nut case!


Crazy people killed innocents long before the Internet even existed!


Here is an easy test a friend pointed out on the Net. A postal worker, apparently a Filipino, was killed by the same man - yet was the attention focused on him? Clearly not. Why not? Because the wounded children happened to be Jewish - and there is clearly a Jewish agenda to censor ideas the Jewish spokespeople don't like on the Net?


When the Columbine shooting occurred, did the media dare to suggest that that crime was a "hate crime" against white children?


In fact, all talk about a so-called "hate crime" stopped when it was revealed that one of the perpetrators was Jewish. Odd.


When a few weeks later this kid called "Solomon" went on a shooting spree in the South, did anybody suggest that he did it because he hated gentiles? Was that a "hate crime"? No?


Yet the pretty easily discernible Jewish spin-doctoring is on and picking up speed by the minute, fueled by all those "professionals" who know how to live off the funds raised by donations from within the so easily manipulated public, especially the Jewish community at large. Rabbi Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the spokespeople of the Southern Poverty Law Center are having a field day with all this promotional fallout. Imagine the money they will be raking in!


And yet, the casualties in this latest tragedy will not only be the little kindergartners and other victims of a senseless act by a crazed lunatic - but Freedom of Speech and the "Right to Bear Arms" in America.


I will say it here and now: Ever more it looks as though these acts of senseless murder or attempts at murder are arranged by some kind of remote psychological manipulation process or programming - for they are eerily alike. They always benefit the political Marxist agenda. They always hurt the image of the Right - the Nationalists, Second Amendment defenders, the NRA etc. They are not in the dissident movement's interest - not even a little bit.


The point is: Crazy people will hurt children! People without conscience will hurt children! Why, is it news to anyone that governments have no qualms whatsoever to hurt children? Does the name Waco ring a bell?


Here I quote part of Michael Hoffman's editorial of today, subtitled: When Zionists Shoot Palestinian Children:



It is instructive to contrast the negligible media and US government reaction when Zionist troops and activists shoot Palestinian kids, with the non-stop outcry and outrage when a neo-Nazi psychiatric patient attacks Jewish kids:


Israeli Soldiers Murder 13 year old Palestinian Boy


Palestinian Boy Beaten to Death by Jewish Settler


Other Jewish Shootings of Palestinian Youths:


Can the American public even dimly recall such crimes against Palestinian children, funded by US taxpayers? These crimes are seldom condemned or commemorated by the  corporate media. They are simply noted for the record, described as "sectarian clashes" in the Middle East. Ho-hum.


When the US government's "sanctions" starved to death more than 100,000 Iraqi children, Madeline Albright described their deaths as a necessary condition of US policy. When the Air Force and NATO slaughtered scores of Serbian children in bombings last spring it was business as usual, with Clinton ordering the carnage and the Establishment media, for the most part, applauding it. (...)


It remains to be seen whether Furrow's abandoned van with the telltale license plates and Christian Identity literature conveniently on display, his psychiatric handlers and medication, the more than $4800 in cash he possessed of late, his having eluded the entire, massive LAPD dragnet to taxi unhindered to Las Vegas FBI hq, and that Arthur Bremer-style grin he flashed as he did his perp walk for the cameras, adds up to yet another Manchurian candidate, programmed by "our" government to shoot, in service to the crusade to abolish the Bill of Rights by means of terrorist acts clandestinely fomented on "Arlington Road."


Michael A. Hoffman II


Hoffman's website is


One final thought: When our taxpayers' money kills children in Serbia, plain murder is dismissed as "collateral damage" - and not a peep of outrage from the Wiesenthalers. When a person with a documented psychiatric history of violence takes out his crazed fantasies by shooting kindergartners, the hue and cry is on. It is odd, is it not, that the Internet is not at fault for NATO flattening young lives into the rubble that is Kosovo?







Thought for the Day:


"War Cycles / Peace Cycles is a book on economics dealing with the history of usury through the ages from ancient to modern times written from the Christian perspective. It is not antisemitic. The mention of Jews has to do with their traditional presence in banking. I fail to see what a book on Christian economics has to do with the reprehensible shooting of children in California."


(Part of yesterday's statement by author Richard Hoskins, read to the press)

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