Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


June 27, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



Here comes the clincher ZGram about the Houdini acrobatics of the elusive Mr. Farber.


In his June '99 Power letter, Ernst continues:


"Thus, twice has Mr. Farber eschewed a scheduled cross-examination in a town where he lives, and where his lawyers, who had the time to meet Fromm, reside. This does not make them look so hot. We need to put before the judge and court his answers to Christie's or Fromm's questions as to how, exactly, the well-connected, influential and powerful Jewish community is harmed by Ingrid Rimland's ZGrams. Otherwise his alarmist statements will be thought to be uncontested and unchallenged by us and thus accepted as factual and true. The principle of cross-examination is very important in law. It prevents people from making wild claims and prevents them from misrepresenting facts. Laymen would put it much simpler: Cross-examination is the legal tool to flush out potential liars.


The result of all this legal maneuvering is this: Because Mr. Farber was not cross-examined, due to their own avoidance tactics, if you can call it that, the "expedited" hearings they so fervently wanted and pushed for are now delayed for weeks, maybe even months - and like a comet's tail, their not accepting Paul Fromm's credentials and not allowing him to cross-examine the mystifying Mr. Farber, it has even further delayed the proceedings.


Haste makes waste! Our enemies are obviously making dumb mistakes!


Barbara Kulaszka says that, lately, the attorneys for the opposition seem to be frequently confused about files, file numbers, etc. They have made amazing form errors, and the court even refused to accept papers because they were improperly drawn up. This is surprising to me, because we are talking about some of the most prestigious law firms in Canada. When I took that "Farber witness conduct fee" cheque to the one law firm, I found that they occupy three whole floors of a huge sky scraper in downtown Toronto. The law firm's post office area alone has more space, and more staff, than I think I have in my entire building! I handed one of the clerks the envelope with the cheque for Mr. Farber's expenses. He recognized me and said: "Wow! You are Ernst Zündel."


"That's right."


"I recognize you from the TV News."


I told him: "Boy, I had no idea you were such a big outfit. Maybe I should show your lawyers more respect?"


The clerk responded proudly: "You can never win against our team."


I smiled and said to him, a man a little younger than myself (white, Irish...):


"Well, you are quite mistaken. We just won three judicial reviews against your team last month."


He was incredulous. "Nobody told us about that."


I turned around, saluted him by tapping my hand on my Africa Korps cap with the red-black-white Zundel-Z right in the middle, and sauntered down the hall while smiling sunnily.


How sweet our hard-won victories are! <end> ====


There is a postscript to all this, as partly summarized by Paul Fromm:


"Since then, the CJC's vindictiveness, in order to protect their Bernie Farber from cross-examination on his ludicrous affidavit trying to prove "irreparable harm" - should the Zundelsite continue to operate and offer opinions that annoyed some Jews - has actually cost THEM perhaps another three weeks or more in delay.


"Mr. Justice Noel's ruling of June 22 compels the court to decide my applications to represent CAFE in the expedited hearing appeals of the CJC, B'nai Brith and Wiesenthal Centre ***before the court decides on (Ernst Zundel's) demand that they produce Bernie Farber and grant us a further extension for submissions on Farber's rulings. The date on which their request for an expedited hearing will be heard seems to get farther and farther away.***


I am now demanding that the court do something about the CJS's lawyers having fraudulently signed my consent to the appeal book. I gave no such permission and, by their own line of argument, not being a lawyer could not give (one, with or) without consent. <end>


So there you have it. The CHR Tribunal hearings have become such a hot potato, our opposition is frantically juggling it from hand to hand in order not to drop it.


And doing so, they (according to Mr. Fromm's view at least) FORGED PAUL FROMM'S SIGNATURE! If true, that could be called fraud - and it is serious, especially on documents submitted to a court.


Ernst's last blast reads as follows:


"Our torpedoes are running. Our support holds firm. Revisionists around the world have dug in their heels and taken a stand. Together we have drawn our line in the sand and said: To here, and no further! The CHR Commission's persecution of me has cost the taxpayer nearly half a million dollars, counting all revealed and hidden costs. The Jewish lobby groups have easily spent as much in this one case to silence me - and the defense has barely begun!


"Whenever the Zundelsite case continues - before whatever forum! - the enemies of truth and human freedom will be met, fought and defeated. I am proud to lead this fight on this northern front and thank all those valiant souls around the earth who have made this fight possible by their loyalty and sacrifices." <end>



Thought for the Day:


"Remember that these people fear truth like a vampire fears the sunrise, and will do anything any everything to kill truth wherever they find it."


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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