Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


June 11, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


We are back to serious Freedom of Speech issues! Today's and tomorrow's ZGram report on new and ominous developments - one in Australia, one in Great Britain.


This one was sent to me a week ago by Geoff Muirden of the Australian Revisionist Adelaide Institute, written by J S Chiappalone, subject line "Internet Finished in Australia, titled THE CLEVER COUNTRY OF OZ PLUNGES FURTHER INTO STUPIDITY!


It says, essentially, what has been said in many ways before - but it still bears repeating. I intersperse it here with comments:




Last week, without the "sheople" being stirred, but with a few affected by the change protesting strongly, all to no avail, legislation was passed by the Australian Government to generally censor access to the Internet. The excuse is that children must be protected from pornography and other material on the net. Almost as an afterthought, the censorship extends to censorship of undesirable sites.


Just what is this move all about? It is the Zionist-controlled Government being forced to stifle free speech in Australia. (Again I remind you of my definition of Zionism. A Zionist is not necessarily a racial Jew.)




Churchill is quoted as saying that he was a Zionist, and look what disasters came from that political rogue! (Ref. Letter to Chaim Weizmann, Nov. 19, 1951. Source: The Jewish Western Bulletin, March 9, 1995!)




Make no mistake about it. The laws are draconian and regressive, being more restrictive of personal liberties than those passed and then apparently repealed in Singapore and Malaysia. The so-called Clever Country of Oz has become just that little bit more stupid once again.


It appears that any objection can have a website banned and the service providers are then obliged to blot out that site. You can see the results: It is, in essence, just like in the times of the Inquisition, in which a false accusation which suited the Church, became a death sentence for many.




This has been Canadian, German and French practice for years! ISPs, out of fear of repercussions and "trouble" with Simon Wiesenthal, B'nai Brith, ADL etc. usually simply kick people off to save themselves some grief. In the process, freedom of speech goes down the tube!




This Australian Government move is a blatant attempt to suppress Truth and to highlight the revision of history. It is an attempt to prevent people from breaking out of the destructive programming, pollution and indoctrination to which they have been subjected by the Archons.


Admittedly there are many, many dangers for young minds in uncensored material, and pornography is rampant. But the censorship is not about pornography at all. It is about protecting the Untruth of Zionism. If alternative views to what the Archons present as truth were all rubbish, would not exposure of their nature be a better tactic? What have they to fear? They fear their own exposure and the Truth! Why do you think they object to my writings so strongly? Why do you think they want to silence sites such as this? Why do you think the Australian Government blocked David Irving's visit to these shores? They call this site a hate site. Where is the hate, apart from their own hatred towards any who speak the Truth and dare to expose them?




It's one thing to make an argument for censoring sadism, bestiality, and vicious violence in pornography such as you find in snuff films - and quite another in engaging in the immorality of lumping questioning or revising history together with the obscenities above, as if both were pornographic acts and similarly reprehensible.




But look, the reality is that inspite of all these efforts, the Zionists are being exposed and soon enough the backlash and revolt against them will be unprecedented. That is a statement of fact and not a threat. And the result will fulfill an ancient prophecy found buried within the Zionist psyche and culture that such a thing is inevitably to occur!


The Net is the frontier they cannot control and manipulate at will, and they are angry as can be, for their control is diminished when other views which make people think are presented. Why do you think they bombed the Serb TV stations recently?




Marshall McLuhan, media guru, said in the 1960s: "He who defines, controls." One might as well put those four words right on their heads: "He who controls, defines."


By controlling the flow of information, it is a snap to define the Holocaust debate. And, not too incidentally, vice versa.




Let me go back to the pornography question once again. Who do you think runs the pornography business? Have you been to a milk bar, petrol station, news agent or stand recently? The explicit pornographic material is as bad and the effect worse than on the Net. Why do I say that? It is dangerous exposure of such material which is involuntarily thrust onto shoppers. Young children are exposed to it whether they want to see it or not and the effect is therefore dangerous because it is against their wish to be exposed to it. Those seeking pornography on the Net, in contrast, do so as a voluntary act - hence they are already of an inquisitive mind set and they have already used their will to view such material. The damage is already there in their minds and all that lies ahead is further energy loss and disappointment for them.




In many countries there are TV programs in the late evening showing frontal nudity, copulation, oral sex etc. - and video rental stores live virtually off porno films. Is somebody claiming that teenagers or even kids watch some of these films while the parents are at work? Pornography is a red herring.




Another point needs to be made. Australia's pornographic industry is all but located in Canberra! That's right at the Seat of Government, at a town dedicated solely to Government, where each citizen is known intricately and intimately. Why is the industry not attacked at its base there? The answer is that the situation regarding pornography really suits the government and its Zionist Masters.


In the last few years have we not had scandal after scandal that politicians, under the protection of the police, run child pornography rings? Was the NSW whistle-blower, parliamentarian Franca Arena, not politically `burned at the stake' for exposing them? Were her damning files full of evidence on such corruption mysteriously not lost by the Police who were supposed to investigate the claims?




There are some parallels in other countries also. Remember the scandal exposed in Belgium after abducted teenagers were found dead? Judges, police officials, doctors, politicians were trying to hush up their involvement. Control the internet - and you have a fine way of preventing such exposure!




The battle against pornography is like the battle against illegal drugs, is it not? Those in control sponsor both, for the profits are enormous and the ostensible fights are but window-dressing to fool the gullible whose numbers, finally, and due to material such as we present, are diminishing daily.




More information, not less, is the key to human progress. Most cultured people would call that obvious principle something like "Free Speech ABC."




If you have any objection to this worse-than-Nazism act of censorship, complain now, as forcefully as possible, to your member of Parliament, to your local representatives, to any who may make a difference, not because you want to be a trouble-maker but because you realise your rights have been trampled into the dust! This censorship move is not the thin edge of the wedge by "Big Brother and his New World Order" to control the masses. The thin bits occurred long ago, and all the while the Sheople have been slumbering away under the noxious programming of living in a democracy while, in actual fact, they have been living in the Shadow of the Lie. Symbolically, this is a sledge hammer attack on the occipital cortical area of all of us who think, to blind us to the Truth. But it will backfire on the Zionist manipulators and their Untruth.


Finally, realise this is just another reason why this "civilisation" is being terminated. It is fraudulent, hypocritical and inimical to the very essence of truth!




Mind control, not crime control, is the aim of this kind of legislation. Otherwise, much more finely delineated legislation would be proposed, protecting sacred freedoms carefully - and only after full public debate! Where is that debate - when once-proud Free-Speech Internet activists now cower like curs before whips?




Thought for the Day:


"Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end."


(Lord Acton)


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