Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


May 10, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


This story is supposed to be true. A book lover goes to a bookstore in Chingford, England and says:


"I'm looking for a copy of Mein Kampf."


Bookseller: "Is that the author?"


Customer: "No, it's German for My Struggle. It's by Hitler."


Bookseller: "Hitler who?"


Customer: "Are you serious?"


Bookseller (rolling eyes in pained look) : "Look, I don't know every author in the world."


There is a lesson in that tale. Hitler has been dead for more than fifty years. He is kept "alive" not by the ones who might feel true affinity for his beliefs but by those who profit from keeping him in full view of the world as a very useful, handy Evil Incarnate.


They do so shamelessly! At every turn! Whether it fits the occasion or not! It is disgusting business.


Not a war can be fought, not a massacre inspected, not a word can be said without these special interests waltzing in on human tragedies and putting their spin-doctoring on it for moral, societal and financial profit.


The world is waking up that this is going on.


A perfect example is a letter that I received via some detours just recently:


"Thank you for the faxed pages of Ingrid's Z-Gram about the shooting in Littleton, CO. Here is an article from the New York Post which shows that one of the killers, Dylan Klebold, was Jewish.


The headline says he was "Neo-Nazi" and "half-Jewish", but the article says his mother is Jewish, and by Jewish religious law, that snakes him fully Jewish.


As Ingrid points out, it is preposterous to say those two kids were "Neo-Nazis" or influenced by National Socialism. The nihilistic "Goth" subculture these two were a part of has its roots in the twisted music scene which the Jewish-dominated entertainment industry has directed at the public for five decades. The Trench Coat Mafia is a direct product of the nihilistic ideology of such music groups as Lou Reed, Alice Cooper, Ozzy Ozbourne, Iggy Pop, and Marilyn Manson - not Adolf Hitler.


I believe that there is a "hidden hand" behind these and similar horrific events, designed to frighten the public into allowing greater censorship and the elimination of the right of the citizens to be armed.


In the case of the events in Colorado: 1) three different states were about to pass laws protecting the right to bear arms and 2) the National Rifle Association is scheduled to hold its national convention on May 1st in Denver. The press has now reported that the sponsors of the pro-gun bills in all three states have withdrawn the legislation, and Charlton Heston has announced that the NRA will hold a much scaled-down convention.


So the bottom line is that this terrible tragedy has immediately benefited those who would destroy the 2nd Amendment of the U.S Constitution." <end>


Attached to this letter was a summary culled from assorted sources that gives the facts of the matter, as reported in several papers:


* "Neo-Nazi Klebold was half-Jewish. Dylan KleboId, the Columbine. HS killer who spouted Nazi slogans and "embraced "Adolf Hitler has a half-Jewish mother and is the great grandson of a Jewish philanthropist."


"His mother's maiden name was Susan Yassenoff. She was the grand daughter of Leo Yassenoff, a wealthy real estate developer and philanthropist in the Columbus Ohio Jewish community."


"She was 'definitely brought up Jewish,' said Skip Yassenoff, a distant cousin. He said Susan's husband, Thomas Klebold is not Jewish."


"I don't understand," said Yassenoff, 49. "His mother was raised Jewish and he's a neo-Nazi and likes Adolf Hitler?" (NY Post April 24, 1999) <end>


Another letter I received says:


"It took me a little while to go through my stack of recent newspapers and find the articles about the shootings in Littleton, Colorado I told you about on the phone yesterday. My feeling is that the media deliberately spread the lie that those two high school student killers were motivated by love of Hitler and racism.


* USA Today, on April 22 had a front page story titled "long-simmering feud may have triggered massacre." The article begins with the words.


"They wore black ... They sometimes spoke German. They traveled in a relatively small group -- no more than 15. They idolized Adolf Hitler. They were no different from their peers, who ridiculed them ______ (uneadable) wearing black trench coats even in the summer, that they proudly adopted what was initially a moniker of ridicule the Trench Coat Mafia...."


* The New York Times for the same day (April 22) gives a clue as to at least one of the people responsible for starting the rumor about the "Neo-Nazi kids" rolling. Three paragraphs on page A27 were as follows:


"Asked about a motive for the shooting, Sheriff John Stone said, 'A dysfunctional individual, several dysfunctional individuals' He paused. 'I don't see any motive,' he said, then added, 'I get a real concern with people who identify with Adolf Hitler as a hero.'"


"Acquaintances of some of the youths said they revere _____ (unreadable) of Hitler, and the shooting happened on Tuesday to commemorate his birthday.


"Hitler worship, if openly expressed, is certainly something that would have triggered alarm among teachers. But schools today are so focused on test scores, and not emotional train wrecks, that they are missing the real problems in their midst, some experts say."


* Yet the New York Times, again on April 22, quoted Rabbi Abraham Cooper, of the Simon Wiesenthal Institute as saying that two of his researchers had come across Eric Harris' Web site by looking at "various anarchy and bomb-making listings."


"Rabbi Cooper said there were no threats that merited contacting law enforcement officials or enough hate language to be listed on the institute's hate site list."


* On April 24 The New York Post reported that Dylan Klebold was Jewish (again they said "half-Jewish" - they never say "half-Neo-Nazi") and a day or so later the New York Times contained a brief mention of that fact plus the information that Klebold had attended his family's Passover Seder and had actively participated in the ritual.


* It wasn't until April 30 that I saw evidence in the press that Harris and Klebold were anything but racist. This was in an interview with eight students from Columbine High School in the New York Times. Along with this letter I will fax part of the text from that interview. (It is difficult to fax the entire article because it covered an entire newspaper page.)


* On May 1, the New York Post printed some excerpts from Eric Harris's Web site which said that he hated racists and people who were biased and that they should "have their arms ripped off and be burned."


It seems clear that the whole myth started in large part because the killings happened on Hitler's birthday. The media, with its intense hatred of all things German, used that as an excuse to put the anti-Nazi, anti-German spin on it, That the event took place on April 20 may have been a coincidence. Apparently the prom had been held in the school week or weekend before and during that night the guns and bombs were supposedly smuggled in.


I don't discount the possibility that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were being manipulated by hidden conspirators, but that is another subject altogether and very difficult to prove without information that only the authorities have, The timing of the killings, just before the May 1 National Rifle Association convention in Denver is suspicious. The fact that the shootings took place in a suburb of Denver is very interesting.


In conclusion, it appears to me that the news coverage of this horrible event has furthered the agenda of the Ruling Elite, which is to:


1) Keep hatred of nationalists, patriots, National Socialists, Germans, gun owners, white males, etc. at a fever pitch.


2) Frighten the public into accepting the eventual banning of all privately owned firearms.


3) Frighten the public into accepting the eventual censorship of all speech considered threatening to the Ruling Elite. <end>


Here I want to excerpt part of Ernst Zundel's May Power letter to round out the picture:


"I began receiving reports gleaned from the Internet from all over the United States that those teenagers were anything but Nazis - that they were anti-racists, in fact, that the Nazi emblems they wore were swastikas with a red circle around them and a diagonal slash through the center of the swastika.


It turns out that in an article which appeared in the New York Times on May 1, 1999 by James Barron, titled "Warnings from a Student turned killer" that Harris said:


"In one of the more intriguing passages Mr. Harris, whom officials said targeted Blacks in his attacks at the school, repeatedly asked readers of the site: "You know what I hate?" One of the answers he gave was "RACISM."


He wrote that people who are biased against "Blacks, Asians or Mexicans or people from any other country or race besides White Americans should "have their arms ripped off and be burned."


"Don't let me catch you making fun of someone just because they are a different color," he wrote.


Ernst then continued:


"Suffice it to say that I believe in the Biblical or karmic turn of events: You shall reap what you have sown."


America allowed cultural aliens and Marxist ideologies to infiltrate and replace traditional values and role models in public education with the advent of Roosevelt's New Deal and their Anti-Nazi agenda, accelerated during and especially after the war. American and Canadian children see 100,000 acts of serious violence and almost 10,000 murders on television before they enter grade school!


Violent video games, with lots of blood and gore, are their daily fare. As they get older, video rentals and even regular movies expose them to unspeakable perversions and violence, brutality, sadism and anti-social behavior on a daily basis.


School teachers, many of whom are textbook Marxists, leftists, anarchists and sexual and moral deviates themselves further complicate the picture.


The one frequently overlooked aspects are the diets and utter junk food, soft drinks and drugs of all kinds those youngsters are ingesting.


In all my studies of National Socialism spanning some 40 years - and even knowing that guns were plentiful in Hitler's Germany - I have not ever come across any reports of any school yard shooting or MacDonald's type massacres in peace time or time of war!


This exploitation by the ban-the-gun lobby of this incident by Clinton and his cotery in full view of all of America is one more sign of how far this ruling elite has strayed from the principles of the American Founding Fathers.


Harris and Klebold fit the text book case of thoroughly screwed up, mentally and morally destroyed, utterly confused and to be pitied human wretches "Democracy", not "Nazism", has produced! <end>




Thought for the Day:


"The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."


(Thomas Jefferson in "Notes on the State of Virginia")

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