Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


April 25, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Revisionist insiders know, of course, that the predestined booklet that launched the Revisionist movement as a politically incorrect hazard is Richard Harwood's "Did Six Million Really Die?"


The story surrounding this publication would be content enough for a major treatise or movie all by itself - and naturally its title and cover picture grace the cyber pages of your deserving Zundelsite in various translations.


"Did Six Million Really Die?" is probably one of the most plagiarized booklets ever, appearing absolutely everywhere where the Politically Incorrect reconnoiter to spy out the weaknesses of our enemies. It was republished in a corrected, updated and expanded version, including an index, and incorporating some of the court-found interpretations and facts, by Samisdat Publishers which owns the Canadian copyright.


It is available for purchase inside Canada, thanks to the hard-won Zundel battle that culminated in the Supreme Court Decision in 1992, giving Ernst the right to publish and promote it. If someone dares to bring it into Canada, however, from the United States or England, let's say, the Revenue Canada censorship sharks immediately pounce on it and confiscate it to the glory of the Chosen. Any book that has the trigger words "Jews", "Nazis", "Revisionist" or "Six Million" in the title is banned by Revenue Canada in a knee-jerk genuflection to Canadian Holocaust Enforcers.


This happened to Paul Fromm, one of Absurdistan's most politically incorrect fellows. He was crossing the border after a speaking engagement and found out that, even though it was his property while inside Canada and he could take it out for sale during a speaking engagement, he could not bring it back.


Upon a recent visit, I was given a copy of his legal challenge to the Canadian Thought Police while I was traveling in Canada and immediately said to myself: "Aha! Another perfect ZGRam!"


Read on:






The booklet "Did Six Million Really Die?" (hereinafter referred to as "DSMRD?") is a historical treatise on the subject of the fate of the Jewish ethnic group during World War II in Europe at the hands of the Nazi Government.


It is the thesis of the booklet that the author has "brought together irrefutable evidence that the allegation that 6 million Jews died during the Second World War, as a direct result of official German policy of extermination, is utterly unfounded." (Intro)


The author supports his conclusions by reference to an extremely large number of books, newspapers and studies which he references fully. These materials are in various languages such as German and English and range from major works to encyclopedias to year books to newspapers to autobiographies to transcripts of the Nuremberg war crimes trials.


It is clear that "DSMRD?" is like any historical treatise. It submits a thesis and attempts to prove the author's viewpoint on a point of history by supporting facts and interpretations. There is no incitement to hatred of any ethnic group in DSMRD? within the meaning of "hate" as it was defined by the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Keegstra, [1990], 3 S.C.R. 697.


Discussions of history necessarily mean that ethnic, racial and religious groups are discussed. The actions by Nazi Germany against the Jews is normally spoken of in just those terms: "against the Jews". Books refer to "the Jews" constantly: for example, "The Abandonment of the Jews"; "The Destruction of the European Jews"; "The War Against the Jews". These are well-known historical works which refer to "the Jews" and "the Germans" in the normal course of historical discussion.


DSMRD? does not refer to "the Jews" in any manner outside of this tradition of historical writing. The author discusses what he believed happened to the Jewish ethnic group during World War II in Europe, his belief that far fewer died than is normally believed, and his belief that the reparations which Germany has paid to Israel and Jewish survivors since the war were obtained fraudulently.


In tone, this thesis is no different from the thesis of Daniel Goldhagen in "{Hitler's} Willing Executioners," which alleges that the German people were so viciously anti-Semitic in their history and culture that it was inevitable that a Holocaust of the Jews would occur. One could say that this book was anti-German hate literature, but it is clearly mainstream historical writing.


Truth: Criminal Code, section 319(3)(a):


Section 319(3)(c) of the Criminal Code provides:


"No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2),


(a) if he establishes that the statements communicated were true.


The thesis of DSMRD? has been proven to be true in the years since it was written. Many of the claims of Holocaust historians made in the books quoted by DSMRD? have now been admitted to be false.


For example, the author of DSMRD? believed that no gas chambers existed in the concentration camps, contrary to many claims that millions had been exterminated therein during the war.


Today, it has been admitted by a major American historian, Prof. Arno Mayer, of Princeton University in his book "Why Did the Heaven's Not Darken?" that evidence for the gas chambers is "rare and unreliable." He admits in his book that most people in the camps died of disease and that historians really do not know how many died.


Today, the "Leuchter Report" by Fred A. Leuchter, an expert in gas chambers and other execution equipment, has proven that what is shown as "gas chambers" in Auschwitz could never have been used and were not used as execution gas chambers.


Where once it was claimed that 4 million people were killed in Auschwitz, today it is admitted that some 1 million died. The figure may even be lower. DSMRD? was one of the first publications to point out that the claims of numbers killed in Auschwitz were unrealistic and to cast doubt that so many millions could have been killed there. DSRD? has been proven correct on this issue today.


It is admitted today that no order has ever been found by Adolf Hitler ordering the extermination of the Jews. This was a major point made in DSMRD? and it has been proven correct. All major historians today admit that no such order exists.


DSMRD? pointed out that the story that the Germans had made soap out of Jewish corpses was wartime propaganda. This story has now been admitted by major Jewish historians in Israel to have been untrue. It was vicious anti-German wartime propaganda. DSMRD? was right on that issue.


In its major theses, DSMRD? has proven correct: no order exists from Hitler for the extermination of the Jews: no gas chambers existed in the camps (or at the very least, historians today acknowledge that the evidence for them is rare and unreliable); no soap was made out of Jewish cadavers; the numbers of Jewish dead have been reduced by 3/4 with respect to such camps as Auschwitz; it is admitted that it is unknown exactly how many people died, but admitted that most of them died from disease and privation.


Public Interest: Criminal Code, section 319(3)(c):


Section 319(3)(c) of the Criminal Code provides:


"No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2),


(c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true."


DSMRD? discusses what happened to the Jews of Europe during World War II, what is now commonly referred to as the "Holocaust", and how what is claimed to have happened, namely the death of some 6 million Jews, has been used to obtain vast reparations from Germany since the war for Israel and individual Jews.


It cannot be claimed that the "Holocaust" is not a matter of public interest. The Holocaust is the subject of a great many books, movies, TV mini-series and newspaper articles in the past few years. Movies such as "Schindler's List" are extremely popular motion pictures winning major awards.


The statements in DSMRD? are for the public benefit in that if they are true, then the German people will be exonerated of the very horrible crime with which they have been charged, that of exterminating 6 million Jews pursuant to a deliberate policy of extermination.


It is for the public benefit to hear another point of view on this matter and which brings a critical mind to bear on the evidence which had been put forward to support this allegation against the German people.


His view that the reparations being paid by Germany have been obtained fraudulently is of particular public interest and benefit, given the extremely large number of claims for money against both companies and countries that are being made by Jewish organizations and individuals today. In Switzerland, Germany, and France claims are being made for billions of dollars. Settlements have been already made in the billions of dollars from the Swiss banks. Discussion of the events which provide the basis for these gigantic claims obviously is a matter of public interest since it will be the taxpayers and consumers of these nations who will pay these claims in the end.


The author had reasonable grounds to believe his statements to be true as he gives full reference citations to the evidence and facts he relies on. There is no evidence any of these books are "made up" out of thin air. Most of them are well-known and can be found in any major library.


Purpose of Removal: Criminal Code, section 319(3)(d):


Section 319(3)(d) of the Criminal Code provides:


"No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2),


(d) if, in good faith, he intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of hatred towards an identifiable group."


The author of DSMRD? notes in his last paragraph that no one has the right to mark with "eternal shame a great European nation", that of Germany, with a vast imaginary slaughter.


The "Holocaust" is a horrible accusation against the German people of a crime of gigantic proportions. There is no doubt it has created hatred against the German ethnic group. People who believe that Germans committed these crimes despise them.


Thus, if the crime alleged did not happen, then people must know the truth and this would remove a matter producing or tending to produce feelings of hatred towards Germans.



Thought for the Day:


"I practically have blisters on my mouth."


(Zhu Rongji, Chinese Premier, on the amount of time he spent discussing "human rights" during his U.S. visit.)

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