Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


April 23, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Part II of Ernst Zundel's op ed piece on the Kosovo war deals with the larger perspective of what more and more people now call NATO's War - namely the "fertile soil" of 1946, soaked with the blood of Aryans that threw themselves against the Communist onslought that grew this monstrous New World Order war:


Even while the German leaders went to the gallows, the roads of Eastern and Southern Europe were full of women, children and old people who were raped, robbed, beaten, starved and massacred by murderous gangs of cutthroats, bandits and gangsters roaming the countryside - from the Baltic to the Adriatic Seas! - while the Western press covered up this horrendous crime through their silence.


To this day, for this crime there has been no apology, no recognition, no penance, no compensation, nothing! Not one guilty murderer has faced a court! No rapist or robber has ever been charged!


Instead, there has been a 50-year-long concerted campaign by all the murderers and their descendants to blame the victims, the decimated, hapless Germans, who had spent the flower of their manhood in trying to save an undeserved, spoiled, rotten European continent from the scourges of barbaric Bolshevism - now known to many, and feared by many, as the apporaching New World Order. What makes me infinitely sad is that the German vassals in power since WWII, installed as puppets by the Western and Eastern Allies, would be so soulless and so utterly thoughtless and without shame or sense of history to be involved in the current campaign of ruthless destruction.


I say this not because I take sides for or against Serbs (or Albanians, for that matter!) or ignore some of the activities on either side! I simply say:


The Germans above all should have stayed out of this mess the Allies brought on themselves, for the end result was a foregone conclusion! The real war-time criminals knew exactly what they were doing to the Germans - and now the chickens are coming home to roost!


I believe in Karma - and Karma is merely catching up with the guilty! The whole lot of them!


There are now signs that those who so cruelly and without justification dispossessed hundreds of thousands of Germans in that region at the end of WWII and after - in other words, the thieves, rapists and murderers - are now finally being deprived by fire and sword, with cruise missiles and bombs, of their ill-gotten gains. All the goods - furniture, paintings, enterprises, homes, factories etc. - they stole from those productive German elements in Yugoslavia are, if not already in ruins, going to be reduced to rubble by the time the murderous, destructive campaign by NATO is over. Some of the old-timers who had a hand in blowing up German trains, machine-gunning convoys or planting mines, kidnapping and mutilating German soldiers and civilians, will learn by the time this conflict has run its course what it felt like to be victimized by such brutal policies. Lots of people are being taught things they would rather have left hidden - and will still learn more valuable lessons in history. Do not do unto others what you would not have others do unto you!


Already I see in the American media that American military planners are reaching back into the history of World War II campaigns and actually are trotting out Hitler's brilliantly conceived and executed plans, reluctantly admiring how he fought his campaign against the ethnic cleansing with lightning-like, swift ground force moves in the Balkans. It is not lost on these modern military planners that Hitler managed to subdue the entire region with a minimum of destruction of property, infrastructure and, above all, lives, and virtually no dislocation of people, in less time it has taken murderous NATO-bombers to do - what? Brag in the media, bars and whorehouses of Aviano and Tirana that they can wipe out car- and chemical factories and ancient bridges and towns, and bomb innocent civilians at will?


It revolts me as a European white male to be so powerless to stop this insanity - and that all I have to fight back with are my pen and my words!


I have done weeks of study into this conflict. I must admit that at first I was confused by what I was seeing and hearing and did not think that I could trust my eyes and ears. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to this seemingly senseless destruction.


Only this week did NATO's true aims become clear. Jamie Shea, NATO's spokesman in Brussels, finally came out and said it: What was at stake in Yugoslavia was the upholding of multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious societies and, thus, modern states - in the next century and the new millennium!


The mandate is now clear: The forces of anti-nature, of artificiality, of constructs born out of the secret societies concepts of "Liberte, Egalité, Fraternité", which have created all these problems in Europe and, for that matter, in colonial Africa, have to be preserved and upheld - at gunpoint and by the cross-hairs of bomb sights!


Milosevic is now the loudly-proclaimed "villain" - the new Hitler-of-the-Day, like Saddam yesterday and Khadafi before him. Milosevic, that known Marxist apparatchik, was perfectly acceptable to the New World Order brass as long as his repression and crimes were to "preserve and protect" the artificially created hodgepodge called Yugoslavia.


He became unacceptable when he proclaimed Serbia for Serbians - in other words, after he had an ethnic wake-up call on his visit to Kosovo in 1993, when he was confronted in person, in real life, on the ground, unshielded by glossed-over bureaucratic reports by Secret Police Communist apparatchiks that Kosovo, historically so pregnant with meaning for the Serbs, a city where where only a hundred years ago the majority of the people had been Serbian, was now lost due to the "high birth rate" Albanians.


This must have been quite a shock for the ingrained Communist, steeped in Marxist egalitarianism and its high-sounding phrases of proletarian brotherhood and with its seductive but unrealistic concepts and internal ethnic realities and contradictions! |Milosevic is undoubtedly stunned by the West's almost psychopathic reaction and murderous behavior. He could not have foreseen it. After all, he was no stranger to "ethnic cleansings."


He had known of the Tito Partisans' treatment of the Germans and seen ethnic cleansing all around him. For years! What he did not realize was that one ethnic cleansing ***in favor of*** Communism's and Secret Societies' multi-cult ideology, or one ***against*** fascist ideology and its supposed German carrier population, was lauded, allowed, supported even, and utterly politically correct - but ethnic nationalism for the Serbs?


For a Serbian ethno-state? Boy! That was a no-no!


So the war in Kosovo is not really about Human Rights. If that had been the case, then the NATO jets ought to be bombing the hell out of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and all those armed villages the Israelis have established to subdue the native Palestinian populations in Palestine!


NATO jets, by rights, should then also be blasting British positions in Northern Ireland. They ought to be bombing the French Foreign Legion bases in Corsica, the Spanish police stations and army garrisons in the Basque region of Spain. NATO's planes should be blasting Turkish cities, Turkish army convoys and air fields in the Kurdish area of Turkey - or even airports near Antwerp and Brussels, where Flemish Nationalists, only a few kilometers away from NATO headquarters, have asked for autonomy and a separate Flemish state - for decades! These Aryans want the breakup of the artificial construct of Belgium with its smorgasbord minorities!


So the war in Kosovo is all about upholding and bringing about the victory of the New World Order. The cat is now clearly out of the bag!


It is fitting that an expanded NATO would now be the instrument of choice for the New World Order crowd. Their other instrument of control and artificial pipe dream, the United Nations, has failed them too often lately. The many little nations in the UNO, often based on tribal borders, think too much like Milosevic and his Serbs. These people have not had the "benefit" of a hundred years of liberal brainwashing inflicted on the far-removed-from-reality Western crowd of arrogant but woefully ignorant Baby Boomers. Their elites are not yet so far removed from the realities of life and ethnic differences that they cannot appreciate what's happening in Kosovo! Hell, even in faraway paradisical Fiji did the population, through its military, rise up in the late 1980s, when they found out that in their own country the faster-breeding Indians, who had been brought as plantation workers by the British less than a century ago, were dislocating and displacing the native Fijians in their own ancestral island. And China and Russia, of course, have similar ethnic conflicts and problems within their own borders. We in the West, held in ignorance by our own masters in the controlled media and government, do not realize that China has large restive ethnic and linguistic minorities within its borders, Tibetans being only the most visible ones. Russia did it to Chechens in the South and in other areas of its vast former empire during the last century - campaign after campaign of ethnic cleansing! - of which, once again, the ethnic minorities (Mennonites, Volga Germans and Germans in other regions) were the chief but deliberately forgotten victims, along with the Cossacks in the Crimea and people of the Caucasus.


So if NATO's murderous campaign is successful and becomes the New World Order's signal that no homogeneous, ethnic-based states are acceptable to the New World Order brass, then many a NATO alliance member could one day see his country at the receiving end of such murderous campaigns of meddling in their internal affairs.


After all - it was not so very long ago that today's Kosovo "Liberation Army" was called a "Terrorist Organization" by U.S. officials! Who says that Turkey will not be a target, when you consider how they allegedly treat the Kurds? Who says that Israel could not be targeted when the mood finally swings to a more honest and balanced assessment of the Jewish statelet actions against their ethnically cleansed Palestinians in the corridors of power in the West?


Tomorrow: Part III


Thought for the Day:


"If a cat has kittens in the oven, that does not make the kittens cookies!"


(One of Ingrid's grandmother's favorite sayings)

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