Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


March 26, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


It feels almost sacrilegious to keep reporting on our own narrowly circumscribed struggle while the world is aflame with disgust at the latest outrage by the Zionist-controlled White House for its air strikes against the Serbs.


Bob Djurdjevic of Truth in Media <> describes the situation vividly:


". . . anti-NATO and anti-American protests are erupting around the world, including in the NATO countries. If you have any doubts that this is Vietnam all over again, only worse (because it may lead to WW III), read on...


In Toronto, Canada, America's neighbor and closest NATO ally, more than 1,000 people - many of them Serbs with young children in tow - gathered in front of the consulate, shutting down University Ave, according to today's Toronto Star report. When police finally managed to clear protesters and reopen the major city artery 3 1/2 hours later, many of the U.S. Consulate windows were broken, and debris, broken eggs and rocks littered the street.


"Hey, hey U.S.A., how many Serbs have you killed today?'', chanted the crowd, refreshing a Vietnam war protesters slogan ("Hey, hey LBJ, how many have you killed today?'').


Truth in Media's (non-Serbian!) Toronto sources report that many Canadians joined in the protest, outraged by the fact that four Canadian CF-18 fighter jets were among the planes that dropped the bombs on Serbia. "I can't believe Canada is standing for this. I'm so ashamed,'' a 27-year-old Toronto woman, holding small baby in her arms, told the Toronto Star.


In Prague, the capital of one of the three new countries admitted to NATO membership, about one hundred Serbs, some of them wrapped in Yugoslav flags and waving banners condemning NATO air strikes on Yugoslavia, staged a protest march past the embassies of the USA and Germany today. The march ended outside the Yugoslav Embassy. That's where about one thousand people, most the newly-minted "NATO citizens" (the Czechs), signed a petition against NATO attacks in an hour.


In Moscow, thousands of protesters pelted the American Embassy with eggs, paint and stones throughout the day. Thousands of volunteers signed up to fight with the Serbs against NATO.


In Skopje, as we had reported earlier, several thousand Macedonians attacked first the western journalists' equipment, and then the American Embassy in that Balkan country.


In Canberra, the capital of Australia, demonstrators expressed their anger at, what they called, the "West's Mafia Tactics," according to the Australian, a national daily newspaper.


We could go on, but we'll stop here with reports of the world's outrage with the NATO bombing of the Serbs. <end of excerpt>


Against that backdrop, to mind come Thomas Jefferson's reflections of so many years ago:


"Their (Europe's ) mutual jealousies, their balance of power, their complicated alliances, their forms and principles of government are all foreign to us. They are nations of eternal war. All their energies are expended in the destruction of the labor, property, and lives of their people.


On our part never had a people so favorable a chance of trying the opposite system, of peace and fraternity with mankind, and the direction of all our means and faculties to the purposes of improvement instead of destruction...And the system of government which shall keep us afloat amidst the wreck of the world will be immortalized in history.


I am so far from believing that our reputation will be tarnished by our not having mixed in the made contests of the rest of the world that, setting aside the ravings of pepper-pot politicians, of whom there are enough in every age and country, I believe it will place us high on the scale of wisdom to have preserved our country tranquil and prosperous during a contest which prostrated the honor, power, independence, laws, and property of every country on the other side of the Atlantic."


Yeah. Right.


Americans ought to reflect on Jefferson's wise counsel and not permit themselves to be used as the New World Order Enforcers they have, of late, become. For what? To make another weapons dealer richer? Why in God's name is America dancing to the tune of people such as Samuel Berger - like a bear with a ring through its nose? Is Milosevich doing anything Israel has not been doing for 60 years to the Palestinians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Egyptians, Syrians?


Compared to what is going on and building, our struggle seems insignificant. Nevertheless, important things are happening here in America and around the world as well.


* As reported by the Nationalist Times at <> the French leftist weekly "Marianne" reports that Holocaust deniers have "three times more {Internet} homesites than their detractors, and that thanks mainly to the Internet, ". . . the wind is turning in favor of historical revisionism."


* The newest issue of the German-language Revisionist journal, "Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung" has just arrived in the mail, and I want to recommend it highly to German-speaking audiences. It is brimming with Revisionist news, scholastic papers, insightful articles and editorials. It is no doubt the most important European publication reflecting what Dr. Faurisson has coined as ". . . the most exciting intellectual adventure at the end of the 20th Century." It can also be found on the Net at - soon with a complete segment in English.


* David Duke and his bestseller, "My Awakening" wherein he blasts the Zionist influence on American society in general and politics specifically, are getting wide media attention and many respectful and even favorable reviews. In the patriot underground, this book is the hottest item there is. A couple of weeks ago, it also began hitting the bookstores. This autobiography is over 700 pages in length and includes numerous footnotes. According to Duke, compiling notes and putting all of the information together took about six years.


Duke is a politician to watch. He is a savvy media person. Over the years, he has been interviewed by Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw, Barbara Walters, Sam Donaldson, Ted Koppel, Jerry Springer, Pat Buchanan, and Larry King. He is being taken very seriously. In the past, he has debated other prominent figures like Jesse Jackson, Carl Rowen, Candace Bergen and Ben Bradlee. At one point or another, he made appearances on programs like Good Morning America, the Today Show, Nightline, CNN's Cross Fire, CBS Morning News, Donahue and ABC's Prime Time Live just to name a few. More about David Duke and his race for Congress can be found at


***Duke will be on "Meet the Press" this coming Sunday.***


An interesting tidbit item titled 'German right-wing attacks drop' was sent to me from the fight-censorship group, with a note from this Jewish fellow, "Lizard" of whom I have written before. He has a big gripe against "collectivists" - an ideological bucket into which he rabidly dumps "Communists and Nazis" at every opportunity as though the twain are interchangeable! - but otherwise sees things our way, attentively and sensibly. :) - at least some of the time!


Writes Lizard:


"I just wanted to call attention to this article:


"Two things to note:


"The number of 'left wing' violent acts was and is slightly higher than the number of 'right wing' violent acts -- but look at how the headline is phrased. Why not 'Extremist attacks drop'?


"Second, while news about German skinheads and neo-fascists occasionally dribbles into the American press, usually just behind the Third Elimination Round of the Tiddlywinks Tournament scores, I can't recall ever seeing an article about violent left-wingers in Germany. I won't say no such article has ever appeared, but it doesn't seem to be a common theme in the papers, despite the fact that the same number, roughly, of incidents are perpetrated by both types of thugs.


"My intention in pointing this out, of course, is not to excuse or condone violence by the right, but to note how violence by the left is very often under- or un- reported. This bolsters the use of censorious tactics against only half the collectivists, because they are classed as 'dangerous', while allowing the other collectivists free reign.


Well, here is one area where Lizard and Ingrid agree!


Things are moving. Eyes are being opened. It is astonishing to watch. Perceptive Jews (like Hilberg, the "pope" of the "Holocaust) are distancing themselves discreetly from the crass Holoschlock and ambulance-chasing exploitation - and well they might. And should.




Thought for the Day:


"An Englishman thinks he is moral when he is only uncomfortable."


(George Bernard Shaw)

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