Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


March 20, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


I have been besieged with requests from people who are beside themselves with accolades for David Duke's newly released title "My Awakening." Many of my ZGram readers consider this new title by one of America's most controversial activists the most comprehensive, down-to-earth summary and warning of what is coming down the chute for America and, by extension, the Western world - ***unless we understand what's happening today by studying the past***.


They urge me to do a review. I wish I could - but I can't.


I have such a pile of unread manuscripts and titles piled up simply everywhere, I know I won't find time in the near future to read this book and comment on it. In fact, I don't even own a copy yet, but I believe that since Duke is running for Congress and the opposition forces are shrieking with angst and alarm that, just as he "awoke", others might "awake" as well - I cannot let the opportunity go by to document what is being said in reviews already published.


By practically universal acclaim by friend and foe alike, this title is considered a powerful, well-documented book. It cites a great many facts and statistics. Therefore, I do the next best thing - I run excerpts of a review written by John Bell, a syndicated columnist, who published the following in the Nationalist Times, ( March 1999.


This two-part review starts with a quote from Duke in "My Awakening":


"In the last decade of the 20th century, to criticize the Jewish people, religion, or the nation of Israel is considered the worst of moral crimes. Jews are the most sacred of sacred cows, and anyone with a negative word about them finds himself labeled an 'anti-Semite.' Once a man acquires that label, true or not, nothing can redeem him from what the mass media views as the ultimate sin. So, irredeemable as I am - I have the freedom to write and speak openly about an issue that few dare to breach. I am not an anti-Semite, and I reject that epithet. However, I just address what Henry Ford called the 'world's foremost problem,' a problem now critical to our people's survival and freedom. (...)


"The same establishment that preaches the holy writ of racial equality and amalgamation, never lets Americans forget the right of Jews - in fact, the holy obligation of Jews - to maintain their heritage both here and in their Jewish state. It reminds us constantly, from the pulpit of television, of their unmatched godliness, their eternal innocence and victimhood... There {whites} can learn of the worst transgression of all: questioning the only true 'civil right' - the Jewish right to rule us culturally, spiritually and politically."


Then Bell continues in his own voice:


"Such language will certainly make the uninitiated very uncomfortable. So saturated is America with Anti-Defamation League attacks on 'anti-Semitism' and the Holocaust lobby's non-stop wailing, that any mention of Jews, even to the extent of quoting Jews' own words, can bring down a firestorm of vituperation from the myriad Jewish organizations that crowd the political landscape. Even more than the taboo of race, Jews cannot be discussed without harsh consequences. (...)


"(W)e ...let David Duke tell his story of Jewish influence in American life in his own words. Surprisingly, these words often turn out to be the words of Jews themselves - either the boasts of Jews bragging about their accomplishments in forums intended only for Jews or, more rarely, in the words of Jews who abhor the precipitous moral and physical decline of Western society and who decry the role of Jews in bringing about that decline.


"For the squeamish, one may well pose the question, is this suppression of free dialog morally right? Is it fair to render any subject off limits to all discussion? Is it in keeping with the Western tradition of free speech and free inquiry to suppress any discussion that simply attempts to ascertain what is true and what is not? Especially when the object of discussion is not just abstract, theoretical truth but instead deals with the very survival of our race? In this situation, one should ponder carefully the words of the wise man who said: 'To know who are your rulers, first know whom you may not criticize.'


"For those who would reflexively dismiss Duke's narration, we ask only that they read his words and assess whether what he says is true, not whether what he says is pleasant or conforms to preconceived opinions. We live in a time where truth itself is under constant attack, an assault we cannot permit uncontested.


"For if people can never discuss the truth, they can never confront that which assails them. If they can never identify the enemy, they can never take the steps that are necessary to insure survival. If they cannot take those needed steps, they will surely perish. (...)


"Duke details the Jewish role in creating communism. Perhaps the best kept secret of the 20th century is the fact that the Bolshevik Revolution and the Red Terror orgy of genocide that followed were Jewish in their creation. This was well known early in the century, but since Jews own most media outlets, it has been dropped down the 'memory hole,' to use George Orwell's sinister description from his book '1984.'


"So well known was the Jewish role that no less a luminary than Winston Churchill wrote openly of this relationship. 'My Awakening' begins its treatment of 'the Jewish question' with Churchill's article, 'Zionism versus Bolshevism, A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,' which appeared in the London newspaper, Illustrated Sunday Herald, on February 8, 1920. Writes Duke: 'Churchill had maintained that the world's Jews were being torn between an allegiance to Communism on one hand and Zionism on the other.' Here are Winston Churchill's own words:


"In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy population of countries where the Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, of not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among them is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide community for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing...and now at last this hand of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.


'There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian revolution by these international and for the most atheistical Jews...'"


Bell again continues in his review:


"The evidence Duke presents is massive and overwhelming. Readers are encouraged to study this section of "My Awakening" carefully, for it tells a profound truth about how our own current world, with its declining moral standards, its unlimited Third World Immigration, its loss of basic freedoms, and its incipient New World Order, came to be. To tie these threads together and show that the murderous horrors of the Red Terror are not disconnected from the people who own most of America today, Duke cites one more fact. That fact is that the Bolshevik Revolution, with all of its horrors and human suffering, was financed by Jews on Wall Street. (...)


"The horror perpetrated during and in the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution is virtually unimaginable to today's sheltered - and Holocaust saturated - American public. Duke points out the contradiction:


"During the years before this book's publication, which is well over 50 years after the end of {World War II}, my local...daily newspaper, The Times Picayune, had dozens of news and feature articles exploring varying aspects of the Holocaust. In that year, the same paper had barely mentioned the Soviet Gulags where between 20 and 40 million people died, and had only one story that mentioned the Cambodian murder of three million. Not a single article appeared on the slaughter of 30 to 40 million in Red China."


"No civilization, Duke contends, can survive if it allows such an assault to go unchallenged. David Duke's words on the subject speak eloquently of the dilemma moral, compassionate Americans face as the life of their civilization drains away."


Bell finishes his review by quoting Duke once more:


"Thoughtful and intelligent Jews must recognize that just as certainly as Jews have grievances against Gentiles, Gentiles have real grievances against Jews. Those Jews must take sincere action to mitigate Jewish supremacism and destructive anti-Gentilism...We do not ask Jews to sacrifice their identity and heritage. In fact, we understand their natural urge for the survival of their cultural and genetic heritage, but we demand that they recognize that same fundamental right for the peoples among whom they dwell...


"I also know that we of European descent cannot rest in the vain hope and trust of the magnanimity of our traditional enemies. No, we have the right to be masters in our own house. We have the natural right to have our Western nations reflect our own soul, our own spirit, our own desires, our own interests, our own destiny...


"I am not an anti-Semite. I am simply an Aryan who strives for the life and freedom of our people. While having respect for those Jews who act honorably, I must oppose Jewish supremacism in our nations. It is as simple as this: Because I love my people, I have no choice but to oppose those who harm us or threaten our survival."


(My Awakening by David Duke. Available from Northern Voice, PO Box 281, Wildwood, PA 15091. $29.00 postage paid. 717 pages. Hardcover. 1998)



Thought for the Day:


Cartoon in the Nationalist Times showing a cringing American tied into a straightjacket, sitting on a chair below a sign that says:


"Welcome to ADL Thought Police Headquarters" with a police man sporting the Jewish Star on his sleeve, holding a billy club, bellowing: "ALL free thought must be approved by us!!"

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