Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

February 11, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


As practically all of the world's Free-Speechers know, in 1995 a German native and naturalized American, Hans Schmidt, 68, misspoke himself by coining the, by now, immemorable phrase ". . . Jew- and Freemason-infested."


Schmidt was venting his feelings in a letter written and mailed on American soil to a member of Germany's post World War II elite about both the current German media and the toadies in the German Government.


Those four words cost him near-instant arrest and a five-month incarceration experience in one of Germany's old and most unpleasant prisons, after he went to Germany to visit his ailing mother, then in her 90s. Despite the fact that Schmidt was an American, with his rights protected under the First Amendment, this man was unceremoniously put in the slammer, with not a peep on his behalf from our government. much less meaningful diplomatic intervention.


It was only due to relentless letter-writing by hundreds if not thousands of people all over the world - including a vigorous letter campaign out of the Zundel-Haus and numerous appeals for citizen's actions from the Zundelsite - that he was finally released, pending trial. Some German authorities have since commented that they had never experienced anything like it - that they were simply inundated with angry protests from the farthest corners of the world.


Schmidt's case became a very hot political potato because of the ever-escalating protests and negative publicity for the German regime. And so they let him go. (Actually, he was ordered to face trial but was released, handed his passport - highly unusual! - and given to understand that if he chose to leave the country, skipping trial, chances were no one would stop him . . . )


Hans Schmidt is known for his sharp pen. If Ernst Zundel said in Canada what Hans Schmidt still dares to say in Florida, luckily protected under the umbrella of the First Amendment, Ernst would be tried, convicted, jailed and deported so fast that all you would see is a dust cloud.


We all know that Schmidt is quite capable of pushing the limits of what can be said - and still have a chance to live to a ripe old age. This he has done once again. Yesterday I received a brand new Hans Schmidt book title in the mail.


It is called "End Times / End Games" and shows a tower with the Star of David whose base has crumbled away. I haven't yet read the book and, therefore, I cannot state an opinion - I just quickly scanned the odd paragraphs and, of course, the index. However, you can find out for yourself by writing for some information to PO Box 11124, Pensacola, FL 32524.


There is a sub-chapter in this book pertaining to the Zundel struggle, appropriately titled "Truth is not a Defense." It's quintessentially Hans Schmidt who likes to quote right from the horse's mouth wherever possible:


"Jewish writer Jack Selzer states 'All this Jew...posturing about 'tolerance of dissent' is just another Zionist swindle, the sort of thing which they forever preach to others but never practice themselves.' (...)


This ... is starkly exhibited in the enormity of the advertising extravaganza mounted on behalf of the 6 million/Gas Chamber stories which Jewish analyst Zygmunt Bauman says is 'polluting the world of the living' by what he terms 'the Holocaust syndrome...sort of 'competition for victimhood,' a 'pecking order of pain'... having a hereditary claim to sympathy ... self-perpetuating and self-reproducing...' (Tikkun, July-August 1998).


(A)ll Americans who want to retain their incomes, careers and good names must assent to the 'Holocaust syndrome' or be branded 'deniers,' a category defined exclusively by skepticism toward the axiom that Jewish lore is the inerrant divinity of the cosmos.


Truth, history, evidence play no part in the equation. This was the ruling...during the prosecution of Canadian publisher and homicidal gas chamber skeptic Ernst Zundel, when the government's human rights tribunal decreed that truth was no defense: 'It was the submission of the Commission that truth was not a defense to a discriminatory practice under s. 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act (herein referred to as the 'Act').


Moreover, it was strenuously argued by the Commission that allowing Mr. Christie (Zundel's defense lawyer) to pursue this line of questioning was antithetical to the very purpose of human rights legislation...the dignity of the complainants and the proceedings should not be diminished by allowing the respondent to prove or test the truth of inherently offensive comments.' (...)


The truth about Judaism or the hoax the Soviets perpetrated in Auschwitz has now become 'inherently offensive' and 'discriminatory.' These sophistic snares are employed to defeat reality itself.


In the name of equality a special master class of 'hereditary victims' has been elevated to so stratospheric a 'dignity' that they must be protected even from the truth. Because telling the truth would offend this master class, truth itself is proscribed as racist and discriminatory.


This Orwellian decree subverts the core of Western Civilization's most cherished principles of jurisprudence and scholarship. One would think that those who have made it their eponymous, lifetime vocation to 'conserve' our heritage would make the human rights ruling against Zundel and the underlying 'Holocaust syndrome' which empowers it a major focus of protest and dissent. Instead, conservatives have hermetically sealed the issue in the sarcophagus of their own pusillanimity.


The corollary to the master class is the categorization of a class of misfits and devils who are so low in status in 'democratic' society that any lie may be told about them with impunity. Bauman: '. . . in a world haunted by the ghost of the Holocaust, such assumed would-be persecutors are guilty in advance, guilty of being seen as inclined or able to engage in another genocide. They need commit no crime. Standing accused of just being suspect, true to the message of Kafka's The Trial, is already their crime, the only crime needed to cast them as criminals and to justify harsh preventive/punitive measures.


'The ethics of hereditary victimhood reverses the logic of the Law; the accused remain criminals until they have proven their innocence - and since it is their prosecutors who conduct the hearings and decide the validity of the argument, they have slim chance of their arguments being accepted in court. ...Thus the status of hereditary victim may take the moral reprobation off such new victimization . . .' (Tikkun, op. cit)


By this process, advanced under the rubric of 'human rights,' impudent falsehoods cannot be countered, because to do so offends the master class of hereditary victims. It is easy to see that in this state of affairs, the whole discourse of society is plunged into the illusion engendered by Jewspeak and the masses become too benighted and gullible to espouse the truth about anything of substance, when to do so means to risk defamation as a 'denier' or a 'discriminator.'


And herein lies the key to understanding the enormous significance of the contest at hand. Many people concerned almost wholly with restoring the Constitution or preserving the white race often question the utility of organized skepticism toward gas chamber atrocity stories or sustained criticism of Zionism and Talmudism.


What they fail to see is that the advancement of even Constitutional and racial issues is impaired and inhibited by the intense level of intimidation operating as a condition of the continuation of Jewish supremacy. When a society is forced to suppress independent thinking in sublimation to the irrational demands of the 'Holocaust syndrome', it will exhibit the same denial of reality when any other controversial issue comes to the fore, assuming that issue is clothed in the habiliments of human rights, sensitivity, 'hate speech' and similar appeals to the sacred status of various supposedly historical and hereditary victims such as ... blacks, Mexicans and homosexuals.


The continued uncritical acceptance of the party line about World War II and the benevolence of Judaism is intrinsically linked to the continuing uncritical acceptance of every other hoax and illusion peddled by the media and educational establishment.


In the 'pecking order of pain' it is 'racist' to claim that anyone suffered more than Jews did. That such Jewish claims are themselves racist cannot be acknowledged by those who wish to maintain their reputations in the community and their careers in the establishment.


There's a 'Holocaust Memorial' coming soon to every city in America to commemorate the massacre which overshadows all others by 6 million light years, accompanied by daily 'Holocaust' films and 'human rights' pep rallies where all who understand the perils of not having 'goodthink' in their heads will cheer with mindless gusto.


But this relentless hysteria over Jewish suffering is absurdly incommensurate with what actually transpired in this blood-drenched 20th century, which has seen tens of millions of Christian, Russian and East European peasants shot, drowned, tortured, frozen or worked to death at the hands of the Soviet Union's early Jewish-Communist leadership (Lenin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamanev, Kaganovich and hundreds of others).


Israel Shahak: "An examination of radical, socialist and communist parties can provide many examples of disguised Jewish chauvinists and racists, who joined these parties merely for reasons of Jewish interest and are . . . in favor of 'anti-Gentile' discrimination. (Jewish History, Jewish Religion).


(end of excerpt)


Dr. Shahak is a genuine Israeli Human Rights activist who has long been involved in exposing the human rights violations against Palestinians by the Israeli government, Israel's courts, the military, police and Secret Services. His shockingly revealing book tells it loud and clear what the Jewish set-up really is. Only after reading Shahak's book can one properly understand what's really going on in the world and why certain people act the way they act.


That Schmidt is onto something in this "competition for victimhood" and "copyright on pain" can best be illustrated by the Canadian government's seizure and banning of my trilogy, Lebensraum, wherein I describe the terrible ordeals suffered by my German Mennonite brethren at the hands of Soviet Bolshevik - many of them documented by reputable sources to have been Jews in highest echelons.


My trilogy gives a semblance of balance and perspective, for it shows the tragedy and suffering of not only ethnic Germans on both sides of the ocean but Slavs caught up in that great human tragedy called World War II. The characters in my book illustrate vividly that the persecution of the Jews was not unique - and that Jews were not the only or even the major victims of that war.




Thought for the Day:


"In the whole world, is there any other group of people who hold everyone else responsible for their dead relatives and demand money in their names?"


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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