Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

January 24, 1999


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



My thanks to all of you who heeded my call to write in and give the Canadian Girl-Fridays in Parliament and mainstream media lapdogs an idea of how the world views them.


It's Sunday, and I have reserved all day to polish another literary sortie I need to send out - this time to the Politically Correct, by now delirious Religious Front.


Did you hear, by the way, that the Reverend Jerry Falwell misspoke himself in his own politically correct fever and said that the coming Antichrist would be a Jewish male?


Some even claim he said that he is already on earth!


I have never in my life seen any preacher backpaddle so fast! I heard him deny it, but I didn't hear the original quote. Feedback, please, on that one.


Anyway, here are the letters, copies of which I have stored. I received many such similar letters, but I will ship you five:




Letter # 1:


Marvin Kurz of B'nai B'rith (Jan. 20 Globe&Mail), wants the Canadian courts to protect 'Jews' from being accused of being swindlers.


In that case, what of some protection for Germans from being accused of being homicidal monsters, as Daniel Goldhagen does in his vile bestseller, "Hitler's Willing Executioners"?


What Kurz and the "human rights" lobby have done is politicize the "hate" crime issue by making it apply solely to their political rivals and opponents.


Germans are vilified, defamed and subjected to contempt to an enormous extent in the mass media. When will Canada prosecute the authors of this anti-German bigotry?


As an American I am not in favor of the criminal prosecution of any published expression, but Canada's system is especially pernicious because your selective prosecutions have established a proprietary relationship between victimhood and only certain groups favored by the establishment. By this means supremacy in Canadian society is perversely obtained by a media-canonized victim class.


Canadian taxpayers have been funding the prosecution of Ernst Zündel since 1983, when his postal privileges were removed. Since then I have yet to see anyone in Canada prosecuted for promoting hatred of the German people. Obviously, as Orwell observed, "Some are more equal than others."




Letter # 2


In consequence of your participation in the most distasteful antics of your colleagues, now culminating in the "banning" of a lawyer


- An officer of Her Majesty's Court -


from the Parliament Buildings


- Our Parliament Buildings: Not Yours ! -,


I regret and am ashamed of having contributed my ballot to electing you as a representative of this region.


Your performance, in identification and collaboration with your colleagues, indicates that you understand your role not as representatives of your constituents, under mandate to guard their interests against attempts to diminish and/or infringe their rights and dignity as citizens.


You evidently see yourselves enthroned as rulers, dei gratia, charged by God with the responsibility to grant or deny your subjects leave to hear or read what you deem suitable for their simple minds.


The revolting arrogance, implicit in the decision to elevate such insane notions as "Truth Is Irrelevant" etc. to a principle of law, and thereby exposing our country to ridicule among civilized nations, impels me to reject your attempt to ingratiate yourself by way of the gift of a calendar and newsletter. I'd rather not be reminded of those who govern us with so much presumption and am returning same herewith.




Letter # 3


Marvin Kurz manifests almost unbelievable chutzpah with his expression of dismay over speech that is "likely to create hatred and contempt for groups."


His and other Jewish organizations and persons have been engaged in such speech for many years to a degree that is not even approached by any other group. Their ceaseless and vitriolic vilification of the German people would have landed them in a great deal of trouble in any land where the application of justice is fair and impartial.


That, evidently, is not the situation in present day Canada. If, as Mr. Kurz avers, "the principles of free speech should not be abused to allow hate mongers to attack the rights of others," and if that principle were impartially applied, he and others like him would be rightly recognized as its foremost violators.


Instead, the judicial system has been used to harass and persecute Ernst Zundel, James Keegstra, Malcolm Ross, and many other Canadians for nothing more than expression of their honest beliefs.


Mr. Zundel has also been the victim of arson and attempted assassination - something that seems not to have aroused much interest with law enforcement authorities or the media. These attempts are unquestionably related to the legal actions taken against him and the media sensationalism that attended it.


The law that is used to persecute Zundel and others is bad law because it is arbitrarily applied, it denies free expression of opinion, and because it can be and in fact is being used to promote the agenda of a powerful and favored group to the detriment of all others.




Letter # 4


I am deeply distressed by the news that Canada is slowly sliding toward the dark and sinister abyss of criminalizing the expression of free speech.


Even expressing the Truth about certain matters - if it offends or belittles a person or a group - can lead to being charged with a criminal offense. How can this be in a country that supposedly values democratic freedoms of the individual?


You must, of course, be aware by now that two legal residents of Canada have been banned by undemocratic and autocratic edict from Parliament Hill. Why? For no other reason than to prevent them from holding a news conference in an area designated for such purposes in Parliament's Centre Block.


Do the Parliament Buildings belong to a select section of Canadian Society? Can entry and use of any parliamentary building be denied on the basis that an opinion will be expressed therein which may be unpopular with a segment of the population?


Why do you as our elected representatives in our Parliament want to stymie our freedom of speech and our search for truth? You were not elected to indulge in such pernicious and totalitarian law-making.




Letter # 5



You may find this 1950 Supreme Court of Canada rulling interesting. It clearly says that the Constitution DOES NOT belong to parliament but to the people.





"The Constitution does not belong to Parliament or the Legislatures; it belongs to the country and it is there that the citizens of the country will find the protection of the rights to which they are entitled."


- The Supreme Court of Canada, Oct 3, 1950




Thought for the Day:


"It's made of granite, bronze and gold leaf. It rises eight-stories high. And it just might be coming to St. Petersburg's waterfront.


This is the dream of a few art aficionados trying to bring to St. Petersburg a massive monument to survivors of the Holocaust. Picture a man, arms stretched triumphantly toward the heavens and holding an abstract gold object, perhaps a bird, or an embryo."


(The opening two paragraphs of a recent St. Petersburg Times feature)

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