Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

December 28, 1998


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


This is a short but highly significant and thought-provoking ZGram containing two letters, juxtaposed - one written by a ZGram reader to Josh Rubenstein, and the other Mr. Rubenstein's reply. They deal with the monstrously vicious Jew, Ilya Ehrenburg, at whose feet must be laid the rape and murder of millions of Germans during and after World War II.


Ilya Ehrenburg was Stalin's chief propagandist who daily exhorted the Red Army with calls such as "Kill! Kill! Kill! No one is innocent! Neither the living, nor the yet-unborn!"


The result was a blood bath and terror inflicted on innocents and mostly non-combatants the likes of which the world has never seen. Judge the two letters below:


Ms. Rimland,


I am a subscriber of your great ZGRAMS. Your recent Zgram regarding Ilya Ehrenburg's Biography (written by Josh Rubenstein) was eye-opening.


I became righteously indignant enough to search for info on John Rubenstein (director of Amnesty International as was Ilya Ehrenburg!).


I'm glad I did, because now I've become aware of the devious Amnesty International organization. I sent an email to Josh Rubenstein and quoted from your ZGram. I hope you don't mind, if so please let me know.


I basically derided Mr. Rubenstein for his white-wash of Ilya Ehrenburg. I'm pretty sure that Mr. Rubenstein was motivated because of their mutual association with Amnesty International.


Josh Rubenstein's reply is below.




From: Josh Rubenstein <> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 11:13:39 -0400

Subject: Re: For Your Information


I received several e-mail communications today concerning Ilay Ehrenburg's role during World War II and his effect on the behavior of the Red Army. There is no question that he intended to teach Soviet soldiers to hate the Germans. He firmly believed that it was necessary in order to defeat the Wehrmacht. And he was criticized by other officers at the front who saw incidents where Germans continued to fight under hopeless circumstances rather than surrender because they feared what the Red Army soldiers would do to them. Nonetheless, there is no evidence - notwithstanding the claims of Goebbels - that Ehrenburg ever advocated the slaughter of innocent Germans or that he ever advocated the rape of German women. This was a fabrication circulated by Goebbels in late 1944 as the Red Army was entering German territory. Ehrenburg, in fact, visited Germany in March and saw for himself how abominably the Red Army was behaving. He then lectured on this twice in Moscow, with severe criticism for the soldiers were behaving. I describe this incident in my book Tangled Loyalties. There is an entire chapter in my book on Ehrenburg's role during the war. I urge you to read it and make up your own mind about his role.


Joshua Rubenstein




Thought for the Day - this time a brief interview with Ernst Zundel in response to the Rubenstein letter:


"Can this be true? Ilya Ehrenburg at Amnesty International? Surely this must be a hoax!


If it is true, no wonder Amnesty International last year changed its by-laws, so that now they no longer have to come to the aid of Revisionist Prisoners-of-Conscience - something they regularly weaseled out of under the old by-laws!


By changing the goal post to allow for only politically correct, trendy causes to be defended, Amnesty International has betrayed its ideals and is collecting funds under false pretenses from a hoodwinked public."



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