Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

November 20, 1998


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Long before I knew the Nizkor site existed to systematically discredit, ridicule, vilify and demonize politically incorrect people afflicted with a yen for Truth in History, I received in my mail from Mister Danny Keren, Nizkorite, a smudgy copy of a flyer which a very young, very rich and still politically obscure Ernst Zundel had put out some decades ago to organize a UFO expedition to Antarctica.


A few years ago, deep into an evening of quiet congeniality such as you find among kind, trusted friends who share a bottle of good wine and pizza, spiced with John Wayne type memoirs out of a distant youth - I finally heard that story explained right from the horse's mouth.


It was revealed at last that some super-rich, super-adventurous handful of Gentiles, inspired by a then up-and-coming book publisher, Ernst Zundel, planned to rent a 747 long-range jumbo jet with special tanks, fly over vast German-claimed territory in the Antarctic, make merry, pop on-air champagne, take aereal photographs, defy political correctness and drop the Hitler flag.


It was a lark - the kind that makes grown people in a playful mood sign up for Mystery Weekends or finance expeditions to vaults and catacombs to search for Egypt diamonds. It was also meant as media hype to promote a series of UFO book Ernst's publishing house had just launched.


The expedition was aborted because there was an airplane accident in the Antarctic, and subsequent fly-overs were forbidden. Not that the story died - it's useful to the Nizkorites who fling it about as if there might be no tomorrow.


This story happened long before Ernst Zundel made himself quite poor yet ever more notorious with Holocaust Revisionism. And ever since, the UFO story pops out - and poops out! - in predictable places to make the gullible believe that Zundel is a UFO buffoon telling stories of little green midgets from Mars.


Two recent news group posts exemplify that strategy - and offer a reply:


· Holocaust Enforcer, heckling:


"I've heard Antarctica isn't too bad, and Zundel believes that UFO's are based there, so why don't you give it a try and leave Idaho alone? Antarctica is already very white, and once your eugenics program gets rid of the black in the penquins, the entire continent can be lily-white!


"Although allowing a curse such as Nazism to infect penquins might piss off animal-rights activists..."


· Holocaust Revisionist, swinging:


"It is quite amazing that you take pride in parading your ignorance so publicly. Don't you realize the impossibility of the myths you have been fed about the Nazis?


Sometime in the 1930's, the wrong man came to power in Germany. He was some kind of a frenetic insane psychotic genius who captured the imagination of the German citizens of that time, who were all uptight about getting squeezed dry by war reparations. So collectively, they developed this intense scapegoat hatred of the Jews and communists among them. The whole nation. Amazing.


So then, under the leadership of psychotic Hitler, they developed a massive war machine and built a whole set of extermination camps. They fed all their nice Jewish neighbors to gas chambers and made plans to sail all over the world to exterminate Jews. They put doctors in the camps, and the doctors all went crazy like Jeffrey Dahmer, experimenting with Jivaro head shrinking techniques, human soap, human skin lampshades, tattoo collections, and a variety of creative tortures that make a normal person's skin crawl.


Meanwhile, the main effort went forward with the invention of better and better ways to kill masses of people and vaporize their bodies. They imported Russian submarine engines to the Polish hinterlands, built mock, hermetically sealed farmers' huts, and gassed the Jews with diesel fumes. They dug pits in the earth and forced fires to burn without drafts, cremating bodies in impossibly short periods at temperatures never before (or since) effective for cremation. They vaporized 6 million people in a huge federal program without ever mentioning the extermination program in government documents.


It was an amazingly successful program, considering that Germany was in desperate straits strategically and logistically. The program required many of the same critical supplies and personnel as the war effort, and yet the extermination went on. Out of the approximately 4 million Jews who were ever within reach of the German war machine, 6 million were exterminated. Isn't that amazing?


But like the three fishes and the five loaves, more than a million Jews managed to escape to other countries, another million emigrated to Israel, and many more Jews were left after the war to repopulate the region with Jewry.


But now we come to the most amazing part of all. Nazism continues to this day. The primary element of Nazism is the desire to exterminate Jews. There is no scientific explanation for this syndrome to occur in the people it occurs in ... it just does, spontaneously, without cultural, educational, or ethnic preference.


You may detect that a person is stricken with Nazism because he denies that the Nazis tried to exterminate Jews. By this strategy, the Nazis (reincarnated within the bodies of modern young people) hope to regain power and continue with the extermination program.


If this program makes no sense to you, there is an explanation for this: Nazis are crazy. Nazis are so crazy that instead of bragging about the monstrous near-success of their historical extermination program, they deny it ever occurred.


Doesn't that prove they are Nazis?


If you want the straight, pure, 100% historical truth on the subject of Nazis, just ask organized Jewry. They have made billions of dollars and accumulated tremendous political clout on this story (not to mention a piece of the Middle East), so you know they are telling only the Gospel truth.


The official story about the Nazis is so undeniably true, organized Jewry is working hard all over the world to send people to prison, confiscate their property, and burn their books if they discuss any other version of the whole event.


By that fact alone, you know they are telling you the straight truth. Why would they lie about a thing like that?"


(Courtesy of Slade Farney)


Thought for the Day:


"Hitler is so thoroughly fixed in the brain-washed minds of the Western world that it would be easier for you to sell Satan than Hitler."


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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