Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

November 9, 1998


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


For transition's sake, today I want to start where yesterday I left off - by quoting several paragraphs because they are so poignant:


In spite of the blemishes that invariably soil any product of the hand of man, America was baptized with the holy water of liberty. During the past century, however, what has America done to further the national independence and sovereignty that is the prerequisite of free constitutions?


Someone's going to shout, "We beat the Nazis!"


Yes that's true. The United States can take much of the "credit" for beating Germany into submission and inviting Soviet Russia to swallow Eastern Europe, even as the gate was pried open in China for Mao Tse Tung and his Reds to take over that ancient nation.


Out of the ashes of that war crawled the UN, that mad architect's model for a new world plantation. Under its machinations came forth Israel and its roving marionettes who dun the West for reparations and foreign aid while monitoring every hiccough to ensure that anything "negative" uttered about the Jews is quickly condemned.


There followed the wars in Korea and Viet Nam and the hordes of unwashed hippies trashing our colleges in the name of "free speech" and "peace." By beating those Nazis, we helped build the un-American bandstand upon which the likes of Clinton and his crowd today dance the night away to the requiem of Western civilisation.


There's your heresy. The Nazis were not only better than the Commies; they were the only force that stood against them. It was the despised Nazis who held up the banner of nationalism against a mob of international swindlers and predators. One may not agree with the way they went about setting up political housekeeping, but they had the honesty to say, "This is OUR house!"


In a world gone woozy with sugar-plum visions of raceless, faceless cross-cultural abortions, the Nazis proclaimed that Germany was for the German Volk. Imagine one of our toadying politicians asserting that America is for Americans.


Many of our people are so brainwashed that the very thought is incapable of formation in their straitjacketed minds.


I suppose I ought to state the obvious. The Nazis could be brutal.


The Nazis prided themselves on hardness and toughness, not sensitivity and blubbering. The Nazis weren't always gentlemen. The Nazis committed crimes. One could go on.


Yet any accusation against them can also be flung at the Allies and Soviets.


But what about the big H----?


If you mean the holocaust that was World War II, no one had a monopoly on it. The Nazi Stukas rained Blitzkrieg on Poland; the Americans and British rained firestorms on Hamburg, Dresden and other cities; the Soviets rained rape, massacre and pillage upon Eastern Germany.


But what about the six million?


To be blunt, the legend of a systematic, state-sanctioned, Führer-authorized program to exterminate the Jews does not hold up. The figure of six million dead is too high to square with the admittedly spotty and confused population statistics for European Jewry. As I have written before, those who benefit most from the continuation of the official claims-i.e., the Israelis and their lobby-wings such as the ADL-continue to agitate across the world for laws prohibiting denial of their dogmas and squelching open inquiry and debate.


Not only is the onus of proof on him who asserts that something DID happen; those who claim that the Nazis orchestrated a continent-wide extermination program seem scared to let the issue be bruited in public. At the risk of indulging in excessive propagandising, let me repeat, "If it's false, what do they fear?"


Propaganda. That brings us to the author of the statement I quoted (in yesterday's ZGram): Dr Paul Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment for the much despised Third Reich.


The one-hundred and first anniversary of the little doctor's birth is today, Thursday, 29 Ocotber 1998. No one made much of a fuss last year on the centennial, so I thought I'd do some remedial commemoration.


In spite of competition from his Soviet counterpart, Ilya Ehrenberg, it is the name of Goebbels that we associate with the devious art of propaganda. That's because propaganda has a bad rap, and the Nazis are the West's favourite villains.


Propaganda, however, simply means those ideas that one believes ought to be propagated, or spread. The principles and methods of propaganda vary.


Americans associate the dissemination of propaganda with a wide-eyed Dr Goebbels flailing his arms and pounding his fist. The Nazis cultivated a histrionic speaking style. It is, however, significant that, as historian Michael A Hoffman II reminds us, the Nazis called their propaganda ministry the propaganda ministry. The British called theirs the ministry of information.


How many Americans today consider Mr Clinton's rhapsodizing on a future White minority in America or his doleful warnings about the evils of "intolerance" or his snivelling calls for "common ground" to be propaganda? The ideas and notions that our overseers want to inculcate are delivered in a manner befitting a more effeminate and anemic society. Our propagandists like to come across as "kinder and gentler." They bill and coo and assure us they feel our pain and promise to protect us from "hostile environments."


All they ask is that we not question their versions of history and politics and that we be cooperative and inoffensive subjects of the "global village." That, of course, was neither the substance nor tone of the propaganda served up by Herr Dr Goebbels.


However much an Anglo-American soul may recoil from the Nazi style and methods, one must admit that some of the doctor's ideas were good and could be useful additions to the intellectual arsenal of those fighting for their own people today against the New World Order.


Tomorrow: A Heretic's Hope - Part III


Thought for the Day:


"To give you yet another example of the inasanity plaguing the colleges, a professor at one university was punished for having used the word "wife" in a classroom lecture."

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