Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

October 20, 1998


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


The following letter was sent to me by a regular ZGram reader. It was written by one Charles E. Carlson of "WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS" - of whom I know nothing except the name, which I have heard mentioned ever more frequently.


The letter is intelligent, and the writer seems very well informed - and I am passing it on for one reason only: I want you to pay close attention to: The mentioning of "Non-Government Organizations" - in short called NGOs.


Wherever it reads NGO - try "Anti-Defamation League" or "The Simon Wiesenthal Center" or, even worse, "The Southern Poverty Law Center" and you will get a feel for what this so-called "International Religious Freedom Act" (S-1868) may mean.


Here is that letter:




What would motivate the Senate to unanimously vote broad new powers to a President who is under impeachment investigation for lying and abuse of power? The Senate Friday passed the so called INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ACT (S-1868) sponsored by Senators Don Nichols, Joseph Lieberman and others by a vote of 98-0 in the closing hours of the session.


The bill is touted by the press as a "compromise" to the FREEDOM FROM RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION ACT, which was tabled by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in May. In fact, the difference between the two bills is largely cosmetic, masking the powers granted to the president. S-1868 has already been referred back to the friendly Newt Gingrich controlled House, where it received instant approval on Saturday. President Clinton reportedly finds the compromise bill acceptable, Undersecretary of State and Council on Foreign Relations member Stuart Eizenstat having negotiated an acceptable compromises for him.


S-1868 is less Orwellian than the Freedom From Religious Persecution Act, placing nearly open-ended discretionary sanction powers in the hands of the president in Section 405 under the heading of "Commensurate Action". It sets the stage for government to make religion its business while supposedly in search of persecutors. The bill is clearly internationalist legislation, relying upon the same United Nations' covenants cited in the predecessor bill, and it goes a step further by recognizing the authority of the International Criminal Court; it provides for an appointed "commission" to "monitor" religions instead of an ORPM director, but the commission is chaired and dominated by a presidentially appointed "ambassador at large". No doubt Mr.Clinton will add Christian influence to the committee, like parsley on a dinner plate, by appointment of a celebrity Christian to the commission.


Perhaps most ominous, S-1868 authorizes taking advise and input from "Non-Government Organizations" (NGO's) without any specifications as to which NGOs Mr. Lieberman and Mr. Nichols have in mind. The presidentially appointed "Ambassador at Large" will choose whom he will listen to, and FREEDOM HOUSE and HUDSON INSTITUTE are NGOs that promoted the bill. These predominately non-Christian groups might have direct and preferential input, but would your church? We Hold These Truths is an NGO, but we doubt if we will be consulted about questions of religious persecution and warmaking sanctions, any more than we were allowed to testify in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. This bill invites selective, consensus decision making propaganda generation.


Some of the last minute compromise details are not yet available at this writing, however, but it is clear that the Nichols bill is a forward pass over the growing grass roots resistance against the religious monitoring. It must again be asked, who really controls Congress? The answer is the presence of a warmaking, NGO power structure that not one Senator dared to oppose.


This shadowy force has now succeeded in compromising most of the Christian celebrities, most of the House, and the Senate. We hold These Truths will now face the task of unmasking who controls that power structure and what is behind the totally phony, world government oriented, anti-Christian drive to protect Christians from persecution. This disclosure is more important than defeating this bill, for it is impossible to correct the problem without first a public understanding who has hijacked our Congress, and for what purpose. Future issues of our RIGHT TO THE POINT Journal will be continued where our WARMAKER SERIES left off, focusing a laser beam on this sinister power.


To all those who have helped, we thank you for your understanding of our common problem, and your very effective efforts to expose the Freedom From Religious Persecution Act for what it is. Most important, we have discovered in one another the presence of a committed and knowledgeable remnant that does not believe in compromise on matters of God. He requires not that we win, but only that we be faithful.


We have faced and at times temporarily stymied one of the most powerful forces for evil on earth. Now we must expose those persons and factions behind that evil force and learn how it has come to control both our Congress and many of our influential celebrity Christian leaders. Do this we must, for otherwise there is nothing in our children's future but a Bolshevik style, world state government.


We Hold These Truths

Charles E. Carlson, Director

4839 E. Greenway Rd. #151

Scottsdale, AZ 85254


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Thought for the Day:


". . . this loathsome combination of Church and State" (Thomas Jefferson)


". . . the fatal theory of the separation of Church and State" (Pope Leo XIII)

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