Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

October 16, 1998


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


This is the second part of a two-part Lilienthal ZGram excerpting from an article in the Washington Review of Middle East Affairs, April 1998, titled "What Price Holocaustomania? The Specter of Hitler That Drives Washington's 'Israel First' Mideast Policy."


Dr. Lilienthal, whom we have named a "Righteous Jew" speaks here:


"Through the near-total Zionist control over Hollywood, the television networks and the printed media, this obsession (with Holocaustomania) is forever kept alive. Thus we have "Exodus," "Shoah," "Schindler's List" and tens of thousands of visitors pouring into the Holocaust museum in Washington and other Holocaust centers around the country.


Day in and day out, some new facet of Nazi genocide is brought forcibly to public attention through highlighting by the media or television. It may be the arrest and trial in France or Italy of alleged Nazi war criminals (now in their nineties) or it may appear in the Arts-Section of the New York Times where a new play or movie is reviewed.


Television, the press and book publishers have brought us an endless array of Holocaust survivors, sons and daughters of Holocaust survivors, "righteous gentile" rescuers of Holocaust survivors, and now the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors searching through Eastern European cemeteries for their "roots." (...)


The name of the game is simple - never ever permit the words "Nazi" or "Holocaust" to slide from the consciences of readers and viewers."


Lilienthal then has a passage where he fervently asserts that he happens to believe in the genocidal story, absolutely! - even though the numbers are "far too high . . . ". But then he goes on to say:


"But certainly, this horrible crime ought not to be permitted to cloud our judgment as to what constitutes justice in the continuing Palestinian-Israeli-Arab conflict, which is taking place in a totally different place and at a different time. Nevertheless, the New York Times competes with the Washington Post daily in dredging up material to deepen our sense of guilt - not over what's happening today in Jerusalem but what happened more than half a century ago in Berlin. . . We can be sure that Zionist control over the media will never permit the image of Hitler to vanish."


So now you know - as if you didn't know! - why the "villain" that you daily hear about and are required to despise and virtually defame by rote is so important.


Here is a thought from a "Justinian" essay, titled "Means and Motivations", Instauration, Sep 1998, page, 6:


"Contemporary life reminds the dissident of that existential tale of a man accused of a crime about which he knew nothing. Every Aryan living in our post-industrial society is deemed guilty.


Of what we are accused, no one knows for sure. We have been conditioned to accept the duty of selfless sacrifice in all walks of life, hoping that our meek behavior will expiate our consciences.


Perhaps, believes the Aryan, if I only commit one more crime against my own people, if I only degrade myself with one more depersonalized act of self-immolation, then I will be accepted by those who hate me.


How shall we prevail over the orthodoxy of the establishment? Shall we adopt our own orthodoxy grounded on political or religious lines? Shall we adopt the hated strategy of our oppressors, and use it to further our own ends? It is sad to realize that we, like the dog who licks his abusive master's hand, all too often adopt our enemies' orthodoxy."



Thought for the Day:


"'Hate-laws' are, in fact, designed to protect the socially destructive workings of only one group. If we don't pay attention to the history of the last 50 years, OUR PEOPLE won't have a history 50 years from now!"


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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