Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

October 4, 1998


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Yesterday, I wrote:


"In the Zundelsite case, the Toronto Mayor's Committee on Racism lodged their complaint on July 18, 1996 - a complaint lodged by none other than Marvin Kurz, lawyer for B'nai Brith, who acts as their Intervenor lawyer - in complaints he helped bring about!


"Next, Sabina Citron ran to the Commission on September 15, 1996 with her frazzled Zundel charges, made before ad nauseam and steadfastly dismissed for years in every court and every governmental hearing.


"Lo and behold: It took less than one month from the date of Sabina's charges until the CHRC completed its "investigation" on October 14, 1996 of a US website containing more than 2,000 documents in eight languages!"



Some people misunderstood, so I thought that I should summarize again how eager were the Kommissars to cause Ernst Zundel grief. According to Toronto's Globe and Mail (October 1, 1998)


". . . on average the commission took 27 months to reach (their) decisions, including 25 months to dismiss cases and 23 months to decide there would be no proceedings."


Here's how things go for people like Ernst Zundel:


* Mayor Barbara Hall, acting as head of the Toronto Mayor's Committee on Racism and Community Relations, egged on by Marvin Kurz of B'nai Brith, who was briefly a part of that committee, lodged an official complaint with the CHRC ***on July 18, 1996***


* Sabina Citron, who has a hard time grasping what courts and official bodies have told her over and over again - that there is no basis for charging Ernst Zundel with "hate" - followed that with her complaint ***on September 15, 1996***


* The Commission sent Ernst a letter saying that their "investigation" was completed ***on October 14, 1996***


* Ernst, with the help of his legal team, sent to the Commission a ten-page reply - along with supplementary documents, about the Zundelsite being a site located in the USA, run by a US citizen. This reply was dated ***on October 28, 1996***


* Less than one month after Ernst's submission, the content of which was totally ignored, the CHRC went ahead and decided to establish a Tribunal ***on November 19, 1996***.


Was it just brainless "rush-to-judgment" in a politically inspired effort to ". . . get that bastard Zundel once and for all!"?


I don't think so. As tools of vengeance go, the peacocks and pontificates of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal are not a clever choice. To use this puffy, bloated institution to do a hatchet job on "Holocaust Denial" implies that surely they must know that winning their battle can only be done through brute force and utter disregard for Anglo Saxon law.


For what has now become part of Canadian judicial records - such as their yelping "Truth is no defense!" - is mind-boggling.


And that these stooges with their situational ethics might actually get their own way proves nothing - and merely underlines not just their tribal hatred in today's Canada's political climate for one man but also their desperate chutzpah.


So why oh why be so foolish in front of the entire world, thanks to the Internet? Surely they must know they have an image to uphold that cannot be upheld by shooting a mosquito - I speak here of the Zundelsite and not of Mr. Zundel! - with a cannon?


What does that say about them?


Here's what it says about them, as summarized in a brief article titled "Red Holocaust" in Gothic Kipples, an occasional letter put out by Colin Jordan of the United Kingdom:


"Jewry has pressed long and hard for the prohibition of "Holocaust Denial" here (in England) to match the suppression of it in France, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Spain and Switzerland.


"It has done so because ever since World War II it has invested colossal effort worldwide in day-by-day projecting this horror story against Hitler's Germany as the super-way to damn National Socialism, and, by association, any and every challenge to their power and position, implanting the dogma that any hostility to that power and position presages a new Holocaust.


"This investment has brought them a dual return, monetary as well as political, in that by means of it they have squeezed 100 billion marks out of Germany in reparations since 1949 (London Daily Telegraph, 21 August 1997)


"They cannot tolerate any open discussion and questioning of their allegations, exposing their fragility or falsity. To protect the vulnerable edifice, they have to condition the masses to accept it as a matter proven for all time and uniquely beyond any critical examination - and to frighten and force any rebels into silence.


"They have done this with such commitment that they now stand or fall with it."


That's why Red Canada emerges now and then out of the murky waters - like Loch Ness from the sea!


Little did Sabina know what she unleashed when she first challenged Zundel in 1981 by trying to get Canada Post to dance to the Holocaust tune! What cosmic "affirmative action"!


Citizen, imagine!


There would be no Ernst Zundel as we know him today - there would be no Revisionism as we know it today!


There would have been no forensic examination of Auschwitz, Birkenau, Majdanek, Hartheim, Dachau. There would have been no testing of samples from these places in America's labs for Zyklon B residue.


No Germar Rudolf as convert for Revisionism - he was the one, we point out now, who proved Fred Leuchter right!


The "Holocaust" is their Achilles Heel. And here's the irony: the "credit", first and foremost, must surely be Sabina's.





Thought for the Day:


"Anybody can make history. Only a great man can write it."


(Oscar Wilde)

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