Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

September 24, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


There is more where yesterday's ZGram came from - the swirling cyber thoughts on Holocaustaumania as an uncritically adhered-to religion versus truthful history inspected with a microscope.


One cyber participant wrote:


"I don't think the Holocaust is a religion in the regular sense, at least not in the way we see and understand other mainstream religions. Other than strict adherence to certain dogma and punishment for infidels, what are the similarities between the two?"


To which the main writer of yesterday's ZGram replied:


Among others:


- a priestly class interested in its preservation,


- places of cult all over the world and a common liturgy,


- a body of dogma involving an eschatological exclusive view of Jewish destiny


- a complete hagiographic catalogue


- miracles one is supposed to accept without criticism or rational inquiry,


- acceptance of sacred testimony viewed as a sort of collective gospel,


- human sacrifices (real or simulated) after ritualistic mises-en-scene,


- and, last but not least, a pedigree that makes it the most recent stem in the most ancient of all religion mills (Judaism).


Also a variety of popular types of devotion and a large number of followers."


Another writer commented:


"(One participant) has, in the past, frequently made the case of ancestor worship being a prevalent theme in this 'religion' but I feel this is a bit off the mark."


The answer to which was (as far as I can tell - it is difficult to catch that kind of interchange mid-stream and pin down who is speaking to whom...):


"From what I've seen in alt.revisionism, the media, etc. it seems to me that these ancestors are being *used* rather than worshipped; the dead act as a shield for the current crop of opportunists to further their cause.


"There may be more than meets the eye. If you investigate the way the "Holocaust" is integrated in orthodox Judaism, you'll soon understand that religious belief, not history, is the right place for it. It's the natural continuity for the amazing adventures of god's own people among the beastly gentiles."




"When I wrote "a worlwide religion" I was thinking more along the lines of a new metamorphosis of Judaism developing into a secular religion for all, with all the trappings of the old ones, minus the insistence on the metaphysical aspects, yet maintaining the Jewish people as a special priesthood linking the believers to the sacred truth. Something like the Jews as Levites and mankind at large as honorary Jews."


And, finally, two comments that hit the nail on the head:


"I've heard the comment that given the present extent of the required genuflection, we are witnessing the birth of the most inclusive religion the world has ever seen."




"I have often said this may well be the first historical opportunity to strangle in the cradle a worlwide religion getting ready to attain global status."


(end of cyber string)


Think about it. And think what strength, determination, sacrifice and staying power it will require ***not*** to be part of such an all-consuming, all-demanding, tyrannical religion not of your choosing. Straddling the fence will not be an option for many.




Thought for the Day:


"Where my heart lies, let my brain lie also."


(Robert Browning)

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