Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

August 22, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


While I was writing this, my server, Webcom, was down for hours because it is expanding and needed to move. Therefore, I did not have access to parsley-fresh material and dug into my file of Goodies on Ice. There is one article by a fine writer who shall be plugged today. Known as "The Bird Man," (Real name: John Bryant) he is an avid ZGram reader and an incisive, albeit a bit quirky, thinker.


I love to read his essays because he spikes them with those little jolts embedded in bushels of common sense. The excerpt below is taken from a longer article he sent to me - which I shall post as soon as possible. Here my friend Bird Man speaks of OJV, which stands for "Orthodox Jewish Version" of the Holocaust:


"In trying to determine which version of a story is true, one should always look at the motives of the tellers. While it is often claimed by the supporters of the OJV that the revisionists are "nazis", this does not supply a particularly strong motive for trying to refute the OJV's assertion that nazis killed Jews, since nazis were obviously quite hostile to Jews, and thus killing Jews would not be totally out of character for such people.


But on the other hand, the supporters of the OJV have numerous reasons for promoting it even if it is false:


(1) The Allied governments have reason to support it, since showing that the judgments of Nuremberg were faulty would reflect badly on them, and might lead to huge claims for reparations.


(2) "Survivors" have reason to support it, because most of them are receiving pensions based on it.


(3) Jews have reason to support it, because they hate nazism, and want it to look "immoral".


(4) Jews have another reason to support it, because to show the OJV is false is to show that Jews have either deliberately or unwittingly spreading a huge falsehood, a situation which would make all Jews look bad.


(5) Zionists support it, because Israel has received in the range of two hundred billion dollars in "reparations" and other aid based on the OJV -- aid which continues fifty years after an event which happened several years before Israel even existed.


(6) Historians support it, because most have not critically studied the issue, and the few that have studied it have usually not -- unlike the most famous revisionist, best-selling historian David Irving -- gone to the actual documents, but instead have used secondary sources, particularly each other. Also, historians are creatures and employees of the Establishment, and thus have no special desire to buck the trend and suffer the unpleasant consequences.


(7) People in general have reason to support it, because "everybody does", and thus any dissenter is likely to be looked down on, and in particular to be called the usual nasty names which Jews and their liberal friends use to stifle dissent: "anti-semite", "nazi", "bigot" and the like. In conclusion, I think it should be said that, because the Jews and their friends have turned the OJV into a sort of civil religion whose temples are the Holocaust museums, whose Devil is Adolf Hitler, and whose god is the Six Million (and, by extension, the Chosen themselves), they have set themselves up to go down in a big way.




John Bryant is the author of more than 30 books, including Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Jews But Were Afraid To Ask Because You Thought You'd Be Called "Antisemitic" (Available for $11.95 postpaid from the Socratic Press, PO Box 66683, St Pete Beach FL 33736-6683.) A catalog of Bryant's books is available free upon request from the Press, or from




Thought for the Day:


"For want of a nail, the shoe is lost, for want of a shoe, the horse is lost; for want of a horse, the rider is lost; for want of the rider, the battle is lost."

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