Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

August 19, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Well, B'nai Brith scooped me by three days - as I just now found out, since I have been removed for quite some time from the list of their press release recipients, and I don't always have the time to pay a visit to their web page. (But when I do, it's always interesting . . . )


About two weeks ago - August 2, 1998, to be exact - I shipped a ZGram calling Revisionism "a diplomatic tool of Middle East politics", reporting joyfully that finally it seems to dawn on Arab country leaders where all the money really comes from that permits the decades-long mistreatment of the Palestinians.


Revisionists have pointed out for many years that once the Arab leaders understood and learned to use this knowledge politically - that is, how human rights abuses practiced by the Israelis were financed and kept from the people through massive media control and constant Holocaust indoctrination in the West, especially America - a lot of things would change for the better, especially for Palestinians, the immediate and chief victims of the Israelis.


It's been an uphill struggle, but the seeds that were planted early have finally begun to sprout. Even in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Ernst Zundel had alerted the intellectual leadership of the Arab world to Revisionist facts and findings. As early as 1984, when Ernst Zundel first stood accused, thanks to the Canadian Holocaust Enforcers, of "spreading false news", insiders knew the so-called "Holocaust" was ***the*** cash cow for Israel that no one dared to challenge.


At that time, Ernst had published a small four-page pamphlet "The West, War and Islam" and had tried to alert the Arab leaders to the tap root sustaining the unchecked growth of militaristic Israel. The Holocaust Enforcers zeroed in at once, but history records that he was found innocent by a Canadian jury of having "spread false news" with that small document in 1985. He ***was*** found guilty by that same jury of having "spread false news" with another, larger booklet, now famous globally and ***still*** the big bone of contention - entitled "Did Six Million Really Die?"


Did they?


***That*** is called Holocaust Denial. To utter these five words is punishable in Israel and Germany by five years' imprisonment. (In Austria, it could be ten or more years! And in Spain there is talk that one "offender", Varela, might get as much as 24 years for - get this! - "genocide"!)


And now you know how the awakening of the Arab world all started. The seeds were planted and have sprouted. The Garaudy Affair saw to that! And where did Garaudy help himself to his facts? From Dr. Robert Faurisson - that's where!


And how it all will end is for the gods to say. I think the B'nai Brith press release below is of great significance politically because it shows that there are now no longer enough fingers in the Holocaust Enforcers' hands to stop the leaks in the dike holding back the forces of Revisionism. It shows enormous vulnerability that B'nai Brith Canada has found it necessary to ship the following - a press release dated July 31, 1998.


This press release acknowledges the pent-up psychic forces behind truth wanting to be told but stifled:


"B'nai Brith calls for Arafat to denounce holocaust denial"


For Immediate Release


(Toronto, July 31, 1998...) In a letter to the Chairman of the Palestinian National Authority today, Frank Dimant, Executive Vice President of B'nai Brith Canada, called upon Yasser Arafat to renounce and denounce the issue of Holocaust denial and hate propaganda and to eliminate this tactic from the Palestinian Authority's lexicon.


"We have watched with increasing alarm as Holocaust denial and hate propaganda continues to emanate from Palestinian and other sources as a tool in Middle East politics. This attacks not only Israeli government policies but Jewish communities everywhere. The links between the so-called "unofficial" web sites of Hamas and Hezbollah and antisemitic sites such as Radio Islam on the Internet and their further links to extremist right wing groups in the west, are vile. In addition, when the Palestinian National Authority goes out of its way through its own web site to promote the Holocaust denier, Roger Garaudy, and when your own representative in Geneva spread veiled antisemitic rumours about Israel doctors injecting the AIDS virus into Palestinian children, we can but express our own outrage and urge you to denounce this vile tactic.


"Holocaust denial and hate propaganda can neither further your cause internationally nor promote peaceful relations between Palestinians and Israelis. Indeed, we have come into contact here in Canada with Palestinian students who were fully convinced of the AIDS injection allegations.


"This shows the power of the word and of what Goebbels called "the big lie," and places upon you and your administration the responsibility of rooting out those who would continue to foster hatred between Arabs and Jews, between Palestinians and Israelis. If your children are taught that Jews are liars and tricksters perpetrating a fraud on the world about a Holocaust which did not happen or which has been grossly exaggerated, if your children are taught that Jews control or seek to control the world and to murder all Arabs, if your children are taught these things, if your own representatives help perpetuate these antisemitic slanders, what kind of stable relationship between people can be achieved?


"Mr. Chairman, you have the obligation to speak out in both English and Arabic to dissociate yourself from hate speech and to denounce those who make use of it. It is only on this foundation that a firm ground can be laid for positive international relations and economic prosperity for all in the Middle East."


For further information contact: Frank Dimant, Executive Vice President (416)-633-6224 ext. 102 Rubin Friedman, Director of Government Relations (613)-569-1647


Two things need to be said.


First, why on earth would B'nai Brith ***Canada*** bestir itself to do this? I doubt that it is even legal. Isn't B'nai Brith Canada a supposedly Canadian charitable organization enjoying tax-supported status? Could it be that of all the Western countries, Canada is handiest as a place from which to practice thought control - because its government is firmly under B'nai Brith's sway and is redder than the reddest red, as even mainstream media are now beginning to pontificate about?


Secondly, the "big lie" referred to above did not in the least come from Goebbels. It came from Adolf Hitler, and it is twisted in this press release as to its meaning and its origin.


This topic was first treated on the Internet in one of the very first Zundelsite's documents placed, titled "the Big Lie" - and here is how it reads in its entirety, translated from a German article:


Hitler writes in "Mein Kampf" (MURPHY translation: page 134:)


". . . In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.


"From time immemorial . . . the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race? And what a race! One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He (Schopenhauer) called the Jew "The Great Master of Lies". Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail."


Here I just want to add that I have heard Ernst say on more than one occasion that toward the end, Hitler refined his definition of "Jews" and called them "a race of the mind" because, by then, he realized that there were Chinese, Indian, Black and other Jews - a position that Ernst also holds. At least that's how I understand it.


The Zundelsite article, translated from German, continues to expand upon the Hitler quote:


And that was written in the year 1925, describing the situation after the First World War!


But we want to talk about the even more sinister lie of the last war. It must be asserted that we should never forget not only the size of the lie - be it the 5 or 6 million the world is talking about, or the mass-exterminations in gas-chambers or what-not - but also the many cunning little lies that penetrate the smallest details of the thousand-times repeated 'big lie' which was assembled like a giant jigsaw puzzle, piece by piece, where no effort was spared by those who had the abilities and resources to create the appearances of an integral whole.


The creation of such a multi-faceted "tower of lies" is promoted by the ingenious talent of the Jew for such endeavours and, in this particular case, the added hardships of a rampant war and its associated propaganda ploys, intertwined with misinformation incessantly produced by the enemy nations of Germany. In addition to that, on the one hand there was the absolute defeat of our side at the end of the war, literally down to ground zero, and the total elimination of any possibility of defense/argumentation, while on the other hand the other side had complete control over a media which was developing into unimaginable dimensions. Thus, the "horrible", the "uniqueness" was created - in a vast area concealed from the outside-world.


The defeated people wanted peace. What allegedly had happened - of which they had no idea - was happening next door and was presumably committed by "others". The naive and decent German people condemned the imagined "others" . . . more than their enemies did, who were laughing behind their backs.


Methods were employed where persons, who were in vulnerable positions (' . . . we don't want to say that nothing ever happened, especially at the frantic final phase of the war"), were blackmailed and tortured to the point were they felt they could save their own skin by implicating others or "inventing" crimes just to escape the wrath of their captors, as we now begin to recognize. They willingly signed any prepared "testimonies", sooner or later. Even the most subordinate participants were confronted with "ready-made" protocols containing, seemingly, insignificant details, small pieces of a larger puzzle, without even looking at what they were signing.


And so the net was woven tighter and tighter.


A syndrome was created in which the mere "being there" -may it be with a party-button or even the heart - was a crime, where everyone searched the far corners of their souls just to scrape up something negative about the past


Also, many young people, who had their lives still before them, had to prove that they were "always" against it - just to get ahead. Far too many kept up that line, because it was opportune, i.e. essentially necessary, but also, because any change of political directions was extremely difficult.


The change of political direction in 1945 was only possible under those described conditions, created by the almighty victors over the vanquished. It was possible then, and now it is almost impossible to escape from it anymore.


Schopenhauer writes: " It is quite natural that we oppose any new findings on things about which we have formed a definite opinion, because they invade the primary concept of our conviction and shake the tranquility we have derived. It expects new efforts from us and declares old concepts as lost."


Particularly those concepts, as mentioned already, that were driven into the minds with an iron hammer. Far too many of the re-educated convinced themselves into postulating the images that emanated from the "tower of lies" with the well-known overcompensation of a believer. And "they" talked and taught and preached it to the young generation following, which had no choice but to believe: ". . . it must have been like that." And that belief system has developed to such a degree that the most primitive and hair-raising products of Hollywood and other black-magic cauldrons could be served up to them - and they believe and believe and believe.


And let's not forget that the result of all the believing, the forcing to believe, mixed with the almost infantile good-naturedness of the Germans, represents a multi-billion dollar business - hence, the constant agitation, which produces even more new additions to the "tower of lies and fantasies" will run perpetually.


But I also would like to mention some of the additional consequences that evolve from the multi- faceted big lie.


Whenever one confronts someone wrapped-up in this net of lies, the discussion goes something like this:


"Well, you mean the (six) million is a lie?"


"Yes, it is a lie for many reasons, and that is proven."


"But what about the Final Solution order that existed?"


"No, that, too, is a lie."


"But we have seen all the gas chambers! They are everywhere!"


"Those are forgeries, built after the war."


"But there are so many Jews whose relatives were gassed!"


"Yet no one has ever really seen that."


"But one can see all those mountains of corpses in documantary movies."


"Many of them, as has been proven, were victims of the bombing terror unleashed over German cities. Many people, without a doubt, were killed in the chaos of war and resulting starvation - inconceivable in today's minds."


And question upon question keep coming - and the answer is always: lies, lies and lies. However, that doesn't work very well; the people simply cannot believe that. They can't imagine that such a monstrous lie could exist and, hence, see in us nothing more than fanatics who want to deny everything, trying to turn all bad events into good deeds.


It is impossible to remove every little detail from the minds of the indoctrinated masses. I believe, therefore, that it is important to dispute the large dogmas like the (six) million, or the gas chambers - which is easier today than at Galilei's time of the "orbiting sun"!


Ernst Zundel and his co-workers have worked tirelessly to bring those dogmas down. We can't do enough to support him, even if we don't like some of his characteristics. But it remains a fact that Zundel faced great dangers and efforts, not only in delivering evidence, but also in presenting it to the public, out in the open. That is of great importance.


Along with the repetitious screams of the old lies, the weapon of silence is used rather successfully in combating counter-evidence. It is very crucial, therefore, to emphasise the importance of propagating Zundel's (and others') evidence and research materials, even if the politicians of our nations are total and complete puppets, subservient to the Dark Powers, who never miss an opportunity to affirm their guilt complex draped in nebulous dogmas, even banning the doubting of the official governments as ". . . indisputable facts which need no evidence".


And like a bee caught in a spider net can only escape by jerking and breaking the main threads of the net, we must tear through the prime lies of the Holocaust."


I placed this document three years ago. And now you know why there's no man on earth considered such a threat to the established mental Gulag of ***Canada*** (!) that it sees fit to call him a "security threat." But he is challenging the tower of lies of the powers ***behind*** the government of Canada. That is the threat! And even the mainstream media know it - and are beginning to hint around it.


Ernst has lived for 40 years in Canada - and Canada still stands. The simple people of that country have no trouble whatsoever with Ernst Zundel. You watch him go into most any store or restaurant in downtown Toronto, and there are smiles from ear to ear. To mind comes this Chinese who has a printing shop - who always asks with an expansive grin: "More Plopaganda for the Fuehrer, Mr. Zundel?"


The simple folks of Canada have little Ploblems with Ernst Zundel's Plopaganda. It is B'nai Blith of Canada that does!




Thought for the Day:


"All the current blarney one hears about the benefits of the falling dollar, and the need to "preserve Canada's unique social benefits," have one sole objective: to maintain the special interests of the non-productive governing class."


(Eric Margolis, a well-known and much respected Canadian mainstream columnist)

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