Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

July 23, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


I am doing this week's series largely directed at my young German readers - and to show Ameericans and others that Germans are not all spineless and that some do fight back with vigor, even though they live inside the most repressive government of the Western world. Wolfgang Juchem in his pamphlet, "Truth and Justice versus Lies and Hatred: Germany's fate from a German perspective" concludes:


"In contrast to the contention of the anti-German atrocity propagandists, we Germans who have remained true to our people are definitely of the opinion that it is only normal and honorable for a German to demand the truth and nothing but the truth about (the World War II) chapter of European history.


It has long been apparent that the "exaggeration factor" is the decisive psychological cudgel when it comes to branding and plundering the German people for all time.


A German government should actually be duty bound to gratefully welcome any factual circumstance that tends to exonerate us. And, yes, it should even conduct an ongoing search for the truth in order to deflect further harm from our people.


Instead, it persecutes the truth seekers - "On whose orders?" one may ask - with hateful resolve and criminal proceedings, (strangles) scientific investigation and willingly serves as lackey for those who regard the German people merely as objects of exploitation, or, as they say, "the goose that lays the golden egg." (...)


Although the Leuchter Report has been acknowledged to be a "sound scientific work" by the (German) Federal Minister of Justice, the federal government has still not even thought of appointing an independent commission to scientifically examine the complexities arising out of Auschwitz and other camps.


Quite the contrary. Even in criminal trials, the state bases its judgment on the state of affairs which are deemed "self-evident" and therefore need no further investigation. At the same time, however, ***no court has ever produced any evidence whatsoever for the alleged gassing of concentration camp inmates***!


Jews around the globe ought to be no less eager to see this matter scientifically investigated. In fact, they in particular ought to demand an objective establishment of the truth - that is, if they themselves are convinced of the veracity of their own claims! (...)


(All) criminal court cases (in Germany) have proceeded on the assumption that the circumstances of the case were self-evident; there was no need for further investigation. Therefore, every court has been guilty of ignoring the factual evidence of the alleged gassings in concentration camps. (...)


As long as mountainous stacks of documents classified as "top secret" are kept under lock and key in the archives of our former opponents to which access is denied to researchers and historians, we may therefore assume that in regard to the question of "war guilt" and the "Holocaust", there may yet be many surprises in store that are favorable to Germany.


Anyone who desires true reconciliation between the affected peoples and therefore a stable and lasting peace should demand that the documents that have been withheld from public scrutiny be released - not decades from now, but today.


Thought for the Day:


"A commentary on the times is that the word "honesty" is now preceded by "old-fashioned."


(Larry Wolters)

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