Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

July 19, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


A few days ago I did a little program for a small group of patriots, and afterwards one of them came up to me and handed me a little booklet he said he had translated. It was originally written by one Wolfgang Juchem in German and titled, translated, "Truth and Justice versus Lies and Hatred: Germany's Fate from a German Perspective."


The author had written:


"This booklet is especially aimed at our betrayed youth. It should give them a basis for their orientation and, we hope, unassailable argumentation against the mendacious Mafia of anti-German atrocity propagandists."


As I was reading this little, well-written pamphlet, I thought of all the many times when German youths had "learned" about the Nuremberg Trials - taught as a "legitimate" war crimes trial in every German high school - where one-time German leaders of great distinction and accomplishment were hanged. What must it have done to impressionable minds to see their parents' generation's heroes treated like common horse thieves?


It is instructive to learn why this was done - no doubt, in part, to weaken their resistance to plunder in the name of "reparations for the Holocaust."

That would be the first and most logical aim. But the "holocausting" of the truth is reaching much, much deeper into the psyche of the German folk - the "holocausting" of their psychic essence through guilt.


I am running a series of excerpts, here a bit paragraph-rearranged, that shed some light on this matter of systematically induced and force-fed guilt of generation after generation. Please remember the original author is German and writes from "inside Germany":


"The specialists in 'psychological warfare' evolved their plans for the final subjugation of Germany long before 1945. Their atrocity propaganda, which had been tested in World War I, had proven to be very effective and was to play a decisive role in World War II. Every lie, every disgraceful reach into a bag of dirty tricks was allowed. That was openly admitted by the Chief British propagandists and inciter of hatred, Sefton Delmer (See Heinr. Härtle: Freispruch für Deutschland, Page 113)


Till the end of the war the German people, almost without exception, were still immune to the barrage of enemy disinformation with which the Allies poisoned world opinion. Coupled with massive economic blackmail, this mendacious propaganda caused most of the world's nations to declare war on Germany. These included states (some in South America) with which our country had traditionally been bound by especially friendly relations. (...)


"With the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg the Allies created an instrument to ordain their very transparent lies with judicial legitimacy. To this day our (German?) politicians, teachers and media hacks - all of whom are lackeys of the victors - like to cite the judgments of the Nuremberg Tribunal, which was nothing more than an illegal show trial of vindictive victors against their vanquished wartime opponent.


During the proceedings on July 26, 1946, even the Chief Prosecutor, Robert H. Jackson, openly stated at the Nuremberg Tribunal: 'This military tribunal is the continuation of the war effort of the Allied Nations'. (See MIT-Minutes, German ed. Vol. XIX, p. 440)


Whoever perceives the judgments at Nuremberg, and subsequent trials based on them to be 'just', betrays the fact, perhaps unwittingly, that he or she belongs to the pitiful victims of re-education which Allied propagandists and their German stooges have produced by the millions.


The majority of the post-war generation in Germany have by now become parrot-like willing recapitulators of historical Allied lies. They do not even realize that they are thereby destroying our own future. The hidden agenda of the German-haters has been in the past, and is today, to blackmail our people as long as possible in order to make them subservient to foreign interests.


An article in the well-known German daily, Die Welt, published in the fall of 1986, directly hits the nail on the head with this statement: 'As the present 'guilt' generation has by now become politically impotent and will soon die out, attempts are being made to inject a guilt complex into their grandchildren and great-grandchildreen'. This is intended to make them more receptive to physical and psychological blackmail.' (...)


It is incumbent upon all to counter this self-destructive mood and return to a normalized concept of our history. Historical events and their co-relationships can only be understood by those who already have a grasp of the specific historical background. Those who eliminate the period from 1933 from the overall portrayal of verifiable historical occurrences have already committed a cheap, but very dangerous distortion of history. (...)


There was hardly any protest after the war when the victorious powers translated their true war aims into reality. (...)


On the program of the - oh, so democratic - enemy states of the West and on the banner of the Red Army stood:


* The partitioning of the German Reich into a number of zones of occupation.


* The total severance (from Germany) and plunder of our Eastern provinces.


* The arrest and physical liquidation of the entire top German leadership.


* The recruitment and deportation of millions of Germans for forced labor.


* The exploitation of our German soldiers as a work force for the Allies till up to 10 years after the war.


* The theft of all our patents worth billions of Marks.


* The dismantling, occupation and exploitation of our factories and mine installations.


* And the changing of the German national character called 'reeducation of a criminal people.'"



Thought for the Day:


In 1994 the German constitutional court ruled that Holocaust denial is not protected by free speech. . . In the same year, the Bundestag passed a new law declaring it to be a crime, punishable by up to five years in prison, to deny the Holocaust, ***whether or not the speaker believes the denial.***"


(David Botsford)

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