Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

July 1, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Matt Giwer has acquired a name as a one-man cyber cyclone. Here's what he sent me recently:


"In one of the interminable discussions with a holohugger it was suggested I go to the US Holocaust Museum and search on gas chambers. ( )


I did. Now that was a great idea. Thank you for the suggestion.

Here is the part of the response that deals with what I found.


It looks like they have put together a great new resource of material to "revise."


Remember how it was all a secret? Remember all the "taking a shower" to get them to enter quietly? And what is the first picture that comes up?


Caption: "A door to a gas chamber in Auschwitz. The note [on the door] reads: Harmful gas! Entering endangers your life."


OBVIOUSLY not the one any of the witnesses tell about. Warning sign on the door? Did they expect such a sign on the door to a shower? Don't be so silly.


With credibility like that I don't know if I should go further.... What the hell ...


Caption: "View of the walled entrance to the gas chamber in the main camp of Auschwitz (Auschwitz I). This gas chamber was in use for only a short time before being converted into a bomb shelter. In the background is a building used by the Gestapo as a regional headquarters."


Hmmm ... There is no way to tell what this is - from this picture. It might be a passageway to a bomb shelter, but it doesn't show the end of the passageway.


I can caption pictures ***anything I like***.


Caption: "The rear side of a gas chamber. The furnace to the right was used to create carbon monoxide for gassing prisoners. (Post-Liberation)."


There is no way to tell what this is a picture of. It does not say where it is. It introduces something entirely new to the literature - a furnace that generates carbon monoxide for killing. But the picture does not show enough of what it calls "a furnace" to know what it is. From what it does show it is unlikely a furnace.


Caption: "A soldier from the U.S. 7th Army examines the door to a gas chamber in the Dachau concentration camp."


Ah yes, the famous one from Life Magazine, with the skull and crossbones and the warning on the door. This has long been identified as delousing chamber for clothing and such. This hoax was over decades ago.


But again, they all expected skull and crossbones and warnings on the doors of showers. You are gullible.


The next eleven photos are crematoria, not gas chambers. It is not clear why they came up on this search.


Caption: "A group of Jewish men awaiting death in a gas van at the Chelmno death camp."


This is a picture of nothing but five men. Nothing in the background just (presumably) a wall - nothing else in the picture. In other words "jewish" and "gas van" are added by the person doing the captioning.


There is nothing in the picture to indicate the validity of the caption. And of course, (it is) not a picture of a gas chamber.


Hell. I say it is a picture of a group of German soldiers waiting to take a trip in a UFO.


Tell me how to tell which caption is correct? BUT REMEMBER, my caption ***proves*** there are UFOs.


Photo 17 is possibly a photo of Zyklon-B containers, the most common fumigant in Germany since the early 1920s - no more "damning" than finding DDT in the US.


And, of course, no gas chamber.


18 and 19 shoes and clothing - no gas chamber. If shoes and clothing are "damning" why were they not disposed of along with the bodies?


20 "A prisoner in a special chamber responds to changing air pressure during high-altitude experiments." (photograph #78635)


Actually the only thing in this photo is a prisoner sitting down. There is no way to tell where he is sitting.


There is no "chamber" in the picture. You will believe anything - won't you?


21 Caption: "A synagogue in Kolo, a town near Chelmno, where Jews were kept until they could be loaded into gas vans, executed, and cremated at Chelmno."


A picture of a building. No way to tell what kind of building it is. There are no people in the picture.


22 an aerial photo of Birkenau. No gas chamber.


23.photograph #66583


"Photograph taken immediately after the departure of the Germans from Auschwitz-Birkenau. Sacks of human hair packed for dispatch to Germany. The women had their hair cut prior to gassing. In Auschwitz warehouses 7,000 kilos of human hair was found at liberation."


No gas chamber in this picture. Just another inference of things made of human hair.


Unfortunately for all those stories, no one has ever found anything made of human hair.


So in fact you should have looked at (these pictures) before suggesting I look at them.


It is hard to believe that a rational person would not look critically at these pictures and see that there is nothing in them that supports the captioning - and, in fact, (the information is) often contrary to the captions."


Nice little tour of the so-called "evidence" paraded before fools - isn't it? Reminds me of another Giwer gem he sent me quite a while ago pertaining to the controversial Schindler's List:


The drive-in totals are ...


50 near gassings


300 near exterminations


500 near selections


35 naked men running in a circle


1 near train trip


7 lists


29 X-rated views of Schindler's terrible angst over 7 lists


6 Nazis being bought with dinner and drinks just like congressmen


Lots of gratuitous high brow pornography.


100 nearly seen breasts in women's prison shower . . . "


Concludes the irreverend Giwer, quite correctly: "Spielberg bought an Oscar with a Schindler. A good investment where I come from - and just the kind you want when your real purpose is necking in the back seat."


Thought for the Day:


The fraud of the holocaust lobby is not merely the unfounded claim that there were gas chambers. The deeper deception is insisting there is no room for doubt."


(Another Giwer Gem, a tad modified)

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