Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

June 15, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

People write or call and say: "NEVER have we seen such editorials as are now appearing across Canada speaking out against the brazenness and chutzpah of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal sitting in judgment of Ernst who has done nothing wrong.


"Who do they think they ARE? It's going to hurt them more than it is hurting our cause!"


Here is one good example:


"These's no doubt that since the CHRC Tribunal struck the Reva Devins roadblock last week--and is likely to strike similar roadblocks in the near future, the Jewish community in Toronto and elsewhere in Canada will be pausing to consider whether "getting" Zundel is beginning to be worth it."


It isn't - let me assure you. These people ought to have known better! Their crown witness, Professor Schweitzer has opened the Pandora's box by claiming anti-Semitism has its roots in Christianity - and this from a professor who is employed in a Christian college!


Believe me that this will not be the end of it - the statement he submitted as an "evaluation" of the Zundelsite, ***accepted*** by the Daffodil Tribunal, (and never mind that it was not only anti-German but anti-Christian) ***did not have a single annotated reference as to where his opinions came from*** - whereas the statement prepared by Zundel witness, Dr. Alexander Jacob, was ***rejected*** by the same tribunal as "anti-Semitism".


Some standards of "equality" applied!


It is incumbent upon the Zundelsite, of course, to let the global community know what was kept from the records of the Tribunal hearings. I bring the Dr. Alexander Jacob statement here in the interest of elucidation.


Part I:


A Reply to Prof. Schweitzer's Report on historical antisemitism and the Zundelsite:


I have read the materials submitted by Dr. Schweitzer to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and can state categorically as an intellectual historian that his commentary on antisemitism in history is historically and philosophically distorted, and his description of the Zundelsite is a contrived philosemitic critique which depends on false analogies supported by spurious documentary evidence, for this evidence is often made up of sentences and passages taken out of their context and infused with a violent significance that they do not possess.


Dr. Schweitzer begins his report with a strategically expanded definition of antisemitism as "hatred, fear, and hostility for Jews . . . that results or is likely to result in harm to Jews" - and not all forms of antisemitism have or are likely to provoke injury to these people.


He goes on to make the absurd contention that antisemitism has been synthesized "over the past two millenia to form a 'self-consistent ideology'". In fact, the brands of antisemitism that have prevailed over the centuries have been most diverse in their argument and intention.


The religious antisemitsm of Luther, the philosophical antisemitism of Schopenhauer, the cultural antisemitsm of Wagner, and the economic antisemitism of Werner Sombard are all different in their specific focuses and aims. None of these types of antisemitism can be considered objectionable or criminal, since they are entirely rational and based on historical and intellectual evidence.


(If we were to use Dr. Schweitzer's own distinction between antisemitism and antijudaism, we may indeed say that all these rational forms of antisemitism are indeed evidence of antijudaism).


Of these various types of antisemitism, Dr. Schweitzer emphasizes the earliest, namely mediaeval antisemitism, and makes the preposterous suggestion that Mr. Zundel is guilty of a superstitious, mediaeval fear and loathing of the Jews which derives from a consideration of the Jews as diabolical monsters endowed with "mythical" superhuman powers.


The demonization of the Jew is a specifically Christian phenomenon arising from the view that the Jews are deicides and therefore the spawn of the devil. Such a belief in the Jews as the brood of Satan is peculiar to mediaeval and Renaissance Christian thinkers such as Luther and Giardano Bruno, but it is not characteristic of Mr. Zundel, who is not a Christian at all and subscribes to the Aryan or Indo-European tradition, which is distinct from the Semitic and Judaeo-Christian.


Dr. Schweitzer's citation from the Zundelsite to this purpose is the reference to the fact that the Allied powers imposed German traitors as the leaders of the new Germany, so that "by using these despicable people as 'leaders', the Dark Forces embodied in the Allied Occupation authorities created for themselves a pliable and useful instrument." Anyone who understands the finer shades of meaning in the English language will readily recognize that the use of the term "Dark Forces" is not a reference to agents of the Devil but rather to forces that operate behind the scenes and are, therefore, hidden or obscure.


Similarly, the accusation that Mr. Zundel considers the Jews to be "murderers and poisoners" is supported by a section in the website page which in fact requests information, rather than offering it, on the poison-killing of hundreds by the Jewish execution commandos as described in a book by a Jewish writer, Michael bar Zohar. The Zundelsite makes no claim whatsoever that the Jews have poisoned anybody.


(Ingrid's note here:


We did, as a matter of fact, but only ***after*** the Holocaust Promotion Lobby, via Dr. Schweitzer, brought up the matter to begin with. They have only themselves to blame!


Now this is, too, is part of the record that, for instance, the London Observer, of March 15, 1998 reported about a plan right after the war to exterminate 6 million Germans. Sample quote: "We painted 3,000 loaves with arsenic, but only 400 died. We hoped for $12,000."


Also, a program called "The Avengers" was broadcast on ABC's Ted Koppel program, North America-wide, about six weeks ago proving that certain faction of the enemies of the Third Reich did engage in mass poisoning of German prisoners' bread, but failed in killing millions of Germans via poisoning of the water supply in large German cities!)


The antisemitic remarks in the Zundelsite do not in the least display an obsession with any diabolical powers that the Jewish people may possess, but rather with the growth of Jewish political and social power after the second world war. This power has been acknowledged by the Jews themselves in their recent scholarly publications (W.D. Rubinstein's The Left, the Right, and the Jews, London, 1982, and Benjamin Ginsberg's The Fatal Embrace, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1993, Jonathan Goldberg's Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 1996, for instance), and has been equally criticized by distinguished American political organizations such as the Council for the National Interest, in Washington, under the chairmanship of ex-Senator Paul Findley. The Zundelsite discussions are only a contribution to the same debate on the inordinate predominance of the Jewry in the political and social affairs of North America, Europe, and the Middle Eastern lands.


In fact, neither the Jews nor their powers are described as being fabulous, but as fully real. These powers are, I may add as a natural philosopher, indeed to be attributed to the sharply developed intellect of the Jews, an intellect however which lacks that highest philosophical and metaphysical orientation which characterizes the Indo-Europeans. The basis of the critique of Jewish power is thus the incontrovertible fact of the peculiarly stunted nature of the Jewish intellectual development. This is the reason for considering Judaization as a "mental and spiritual circumcision", as the Zundelsite has it.


The very persistence of anti-Judaism for centuries since the Middle Ages, when the Jews first began living in European host societies, is a clear and undeniable evidence of the incompatibility of the Jewish and the European ethos. Indeed, the very first records of the Jewish people began with the banishment of Abraham and his tribe from the Sumerian and Chaldean lands in which they dwelt, for having forsaken the lofty, astronomically oriented natural philosophy of the land for a more mundane ethics, as the ancient Jewish writers, Philo the Jew, (De Migratione Abrahami, 184, and De mutatione nomini, 72-26) and Josephus the Jew (Jewish Antiquities, 1:15) reveal.


No amount of Jewish-European assimilation or Jewish-Christian dialogue can eradicate the radical difference between the mentalities of the two peoples. As Schopenhauer expressed this difference, "While all other religions endeavor to explain to the people by symbols the metaphysical significance of life, the religion of the Jews is entirely immanent and furnishes nothing but a mere war-cry in the struggle with other nations ("Fragments for the history of philosophy", Parerga and Paralipomena, I). All antisemitism that focuses on the nature and effects of the Jewish mind is thus to be considered rational and valid anti-Judaism and not fantastic or "chimerial."


Furthermore, insofar as it is rational, it should be public and open, not, as it is now, violently suppressed on the false grounds that it is imaginary and absurd. All efforts to artificially avert the discussion of this difference will only result in the increase of popular antisemitic feeling until the problem can no longer be resolved except through revolutionary means. This, as any serious historian must have realized by now, is the explanation of the rise of the antisemitic political phenomenon of the Third Reich at the height of Jewish socio-political power in the Weimar Republic. It is also the explanation of the gradual and inexorable drift that is taking place today towards a renewed and universal antisemitic revolution.


As for the attribution of the two major socio-political movements that are prevalent today, communism and capitalism, to Jewish inspiration and leadership, it is clear to any careful student of the Russian and other Bolshevist revolutions that these were indeed due in their origins and conduct to Jewish agency (cf. Martin Gilbert's The Jews of Hope, Penguin Books, 1984, p.39: "The Jews were prominent in all the revolutionary movements of the time: Socialist, Menshevik and Bolshevik. When the Bolshevik revolution came in October 1917, individual Jews predominated among its leaders, and Jewish energies, which had so long been suppressed by Tsarist laws, contributed to the revolution's success").


Simiarly, the connection of the capitalistic system of economics and politics to the Jews has been clearly demonstrated by several scholars since Werner Sombart wrote his pioneering work on the subject, Die Juden und das Wirtschaftsleben (Leipzig, 1911) in the early part of this century.


More recent books on the Jewish domination of the capitalistic economy and society of America have been produced by Jews themselves (cf., for example, Benjamin Ginsberg's The Fatal Embrace, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1993, and Jonathan Goldberg's Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 1996)


It should be noted, besides, that the anti-judaic remarks in the Zundelsite are not continuous or elaborate enough to constitute an "ideology." Rather, they are always incidental to its diverse discussions of history and current affairs. Their significance is not inflammatory but rather cautionary. As the Zundelsite clearly declares, the site is maintained in the belief that "a truly democratic society does not need to fear, suppress and persecute an alternate view of history, culture, race, religion or politics." The Zundelsite does not advocate violence against the Jews on this site. Besides, the political conditions which allowed pogroms in Tsarist Russia or Hitlerite Germany do not prevail in the West today.


Mr. Zundel's chief and admitted aim is to free Germany from its commercial and cultural subservience to the victors of the second world war. His observations on the excessive influence and power of the Jews on the political and social affairs of America and the West are indeed no different from the focus of a journal like the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs on the politics of the Middle East. They are a mere indication of the ever more urgent need to address and resolve the Jewish question.


In this context, I may mention that the people at large are already aware of the inordinate power of the Jewry in North America and the West, as well as in the Middle East, and the question of exposing them to contempt and hatred through writings such as Mr. Zundel's is an absurd one."


(end of Part I)


Tomorrow: Part II of Dr. Alexander Jacob's evaluation of the Zundelsite - a document rejected by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal as "too anti-semitic."


Dr. Jacob was prevented from testifying for the defense after the unanimous ruling by the Tribunal!


Thought for the Day:


"They certainly have the capacity to destroy themselves."


(Daniel Burton-Rose reviewing Israel Shahak's book "Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policies, Z Magazine, Feb. 98)

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