Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

June 11, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Breaking Story...


And a glorious "Good Morning" to you!


If you want to know what happened yesterday - or was supposed to happen but didn't - go visit my favorite Zundel cartoon at


Don't miss it - it's worth a morning laugh!


As I said yesterday already, with the discovery of one of the Tribunal members, Reva Devins, having been a Commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission that had issued a gloating and highly unprofessional and biased press release about the then 1988 Zundel conviction for "spreading false news" - ultimately overturned by the Supreme Court in 1992! - I sagely predicted: "This will be interesting."


This long-forgotten press release by the Ontario Human Rights Commission, issued May 13, 1988 - a press release made public on the very day of sentencing of Ernst Zundel ten years ago - spells huge trouble for a Canadian Human Right Tribunal sitting in judgment over Ernst Zundel today - more than a decade later!


It turns out that one of the current Tribunal members (judges) Ms. Reva Devins, had been a Commissioner, not just an employee, of that Ontario Human Rights Commission ten years ago, when the inflammatory, condemnatory press release was issued against Ernst Zundel - a press release naming him by name, and stating details of his "offense"! The issues, and the publication, which were before the criminal court in 1988, were the same then as they are now! The accused is the same! One of the complainants is the same! It is happening all over again what happened already ten years ago, in the same present proceedings! This means that Ernst Zundel is being judged ***again*** by a person who judged him by press release already on virtually the same issues!


In Canadian legal tradition, this is supposed to be a No-No!


And sure enough - this press release was such a bomb shell that this so-called "Canadian Human Rights Tribunal" now sitting in judgment about the merits or demerits of the Zundelsite came to screeching halt - FOR NOW!


Here is a thumb sketch summary of how it happened:


1. As you know, the Holy Inquisition Tribunal in its Politically Correct Wisdom put three pair of feet in their mouths and declared for all and sundry that "Truth is not a defence . . . " "Truth is irrelevant . . . " and "Intent is not a defence . . . " in Human Rights proceedings.


2. Since media attendance had completely dried up as if by magic command, Ernst Zundel, true to style, attempted to inform the public of this abomination of public policy abuse by calling a press conference in a press room set aside by the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa, Canada's capital, for just such an occasion - to discuss issues of national importance.


3. Moshe Ronen, newly elected head of the Canadian Jewish Congress, immediately performed some hefty arm twisting with several ministers and members of the House of Commons, resulting in the cancellation of said Zundelsite-related press conference - and the unprecedented, unanimous resolution banning Ernst Zundel from the precincts of Parliament. (According to media reports, Mr. Ronen is the youngest and "most radical" man ever elected to the presidency of the Canadian Jewish Congress!)


4. A media storm unleashed all across Canada, with front page headlines and prime editorials, most of them strongly critical of Parliament. Earlier stories and even important editorials such as were published in the Ottawa Citizen, McLean's and others, had been utterly contemptuous of the Human Rights Commission Tribunal and its tactics. Ever more citizens of Canada realized clearly - and Zundel enemies have only to thank themselves for this via their drawn-out and costly proceedings! - that Ernst Zundel had managed once more to shine the spotlight of public scrutiny on these parasitic enforcers of political correctness!


5. Meanwhile, Ernst had faxed me the bios of the three Tribunal members - supplied by the CHRC and readily available on your beloved Internet these latter-day Torquemadas are trying desperately to censor! - and I was looking for an editorial nest somewhere for something like the following:


"Anyone having any news clippings about speeches, lectures, membership in professional, business, or cultural/ethnic associations, clubs or lodges of these three Tribunal members is asked to contact me by e-mail at or to send this material to me at 6965 El Camino Real, # 105-588, La Costa, CA 92009.


I never got around to doing that because I didn't know just where such an item would fit - and meanwhile, someone at the Zundel-Haus kept digging deeper into some Internet documents and almost accidentally pulled from the Quick Law archives a posted press release, a decade old, May 13, 1988!


Ernst took one look at that old press release and knew immediately what it conveyed: A clear apprehension of bias on the part of the female member of the Political Correctness Kommissar Trio, Reva Devins!


Ernst called me during a morning break in the court proceedings and told me about the unfolding story. He said again, as he had done a few days prior when he had told me of the cancellation of the press room and, thus, the scheduled press conference on orders by Canadian Parliament:


"Are you sitting down? This is practically an IDENTICAL situation that ultimately brought the SIRC hearings in May 1996 to a screeching halt! Here we have evidence of not only 'reasonable' apprehension of bias' - here we have ***documented evidence*** of someone sitting in judgment over me who was part of a Commission who gratuitously judged me by press release already once before! Ten years ago! That shows a CLEAR APPREHENSION OF BIAS on the part of that judge!"


In the morning already, defense attorney, Doug Christie, had introduced that evidence and asked for a dismissal of the charges - because if one member is biased, the whole proceedings are deemed tainted by bias.


Ernst told me now:


"Their jaws dropped! There was a stunned silence in the room for a moment - a heavy, palpable feeling of foreboding - and then it was pandemonium!"


A little more than an hour later, during lunch break, the Zundel faxes started spitting out another press release about this new discovery. During the afternoon period of argument-and-responses, all the CHRC lawyers and the Jewish intervenor lawyers from the B'nai Brith, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, the Canadian Jewish Congress etc. objected to the dismissal of the charges. A very somber Tribunal listened to all the heated arguments and sophistry - even the suddenly "relevant" economic arguments brought forward by the CHRC lawyers about "all the taxpayers' money" already spent (by them!) on these proceedings - all pleading to get on with crucifying their victim!


This went on for over an hour-and-a-half! In the end, it took Mr. Pensa, the Chairman of the Tribunal, all of 2 minutes to have the hearings *** postponed*** - until the second week of November!


Not canceled, mind you! Just postponed. No doubt they will regroup. If the Canadian public will allow it, the circus will go on! Dates are already being set into the end of January of 1999 - and never mind the taxpayers' pockets of such worry just hours before!


As I have said so many times before: We'll see.


For now, the Zundel tenacity, coupled with his proverbial and dreaded "laser stare", has brought the curtain down on the hearings - and made the censors slink away, their tails between their legs!


This gives us almost five months - to regroup, to pay off legal bills, to re-schedule anticipated expert witnesses not yet heard from, etc. These censors of public discourse parading under "human rights" will be held accountable before history and the court of public opinion for suppression of facts, abuse of power and utter disregard for Truth! This predatory industry called "Human Rights" and its obedient lackeys have forced Ernst to accumulate, at great expense and effort, a mountain of incriminating evidence of what is ***really*** hiding behind the so-called "Holocaust"!


If you know Mr. Zundel, that work and that expense won't be in vain - believe me!


Says Ernst:


"Once again my enemies have forced me to not only focus all my organizational and financial energies on my defence - they have forced me to dig ever deeper and reach ever farther in finding out what really ***was*** going on in the world, who did what to whom - AND WHY! For years, the Holocaust Promotion Lobby tried hard to prevent these truths from coming out in court - they cannot now prevent them from coming out in public!"


As thought for the Day, I want to offer an overnight fax that came from Dr. Faurisson of France, the most highly esteemed pioneer and researcher of Revisionism - a man who has been physically assaulted and brutally attacked and beaten up over ten times by hoodlums for what he ***knows*** is truth. If you want to see the cost of truth and freedom of speech, go to and scroll down!


Here is what Dr. Faurisson had written overnight in response to the Globe and Mail lead editorial of June 8, '98 titled "Parliament catches Zundelmania":


"There is no Zundelmania but Truth, Freedom and Justicemania


"Open your eyes, open your mind, open your heart.


"Open your eyes when you visit Auschwitz as any Holocaust museum, and you will see that there were no Nazi gas chambers whatsoever. ("No holes, no holocaust!")


"Open your mind, and you will realize that the so-called Jewish "witnesses" are living proof that there was no Genocide, Holocaust or Shoah.


"Open your heart, and you will be overwhelmed by the suffering inflicted by organized Jewry all over the world for more than half a century to the Germans during and after the war, and then to the Palestinians, to the Revisionists, to Ernst Zundel.


"Open your eyes, your mind, your heart, and you will discover the phenomenal extent of the Big Lie, of its Business, of its Industry.


Open your eyes, your mind, your heart, and you will realize the gigantic responsibility of politicians and journalists in spreading hate and lie against innocent people like Zundel.


"Even Zundel's professed enemies are mesmerized by this "little man", as they dare say, fighting for Truth, Freedom and Justice.


"There is no Zundelmania. There is only a normal Truth, Freedom and Justicemania.


"That is why we ***also*** are "confident that the little man will continue to grow."



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