Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

May 20, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


I still have two segments to go on the "Gang rape of Truth in Toronto's Courtroom" series, but I am interrupting them to post this most important press release from the Hoffman wire.


I urge all of you to pass it on far and wide, and I only regret that I did not know about it until yesterday because I believe we could have gotten a strong protest group together to register their outrage at the Wiesenthal hate fest planned for tomorrow in Spokane, Washington.


Michael Hoffman II is coordinating this protest. If you are in the area and able to join, please do so. If you can't but are able to help Michael financially in underwriting this most important protest, please be generous.


Here is Michael's Call to Action:


Hoffman to Protest Orwellian Hate Symposium at Gonzaga University


Former Associated Press reporter and revisionist historian Michael A. Hoffman II, whose book "The Great Holocaust Trial" is banned in Canada, will protest the Orwellian Wiesenthal Center's National Symposium on Hate, in Spokane, Washington on Thursday, May 21.


"On behalf of all writers who have been imprisoned or prosecuted in Canada, Germany, Britain, France and Australia at the behest of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, I intend to peacefully and legally protest, as well as to educate those attending the Wiesenthal symposium at Gonzaga University," Hoffman said.


Hoffman stated further: "The Wiesenthal Center is attempting to erode our First Amendment freedoms by a process of gradualism. They know the American people will not, at this time, countenance an outright criminal ban on anti-Zionist intellectuals in the U.S.


"Thanks in part to the Wiesenthal Center, this ban is however in effect in Germany (where it has caused the imprisonment of Udo Walendy and Günter Deckart and made Max Planck Institute chemist Germar Rudolf a fugitive), in France (where Dr. Robert Faurisson and Muslim Roger Garaudy have been prosecuted, among many others), in Canada (where Ernst Zündel has been repeatedly put on trial since 1983) and in Great Britain, (where Cambridge-educated journalist Nick Griffin was sentenced to a nine month suspended jail sentence on May 1, for the 'crime' of referring to the homicidal gas chamber dogma as 'the holohoax').


"In America, Wiesenthal Center director Rabbi Marvin Hier and his associates are attempting to make criticism of Allied accounts of World War Two history and the racist theology of Talmudic Judaism, subject to interdict--for example, by expulsion from the Internet.


"These incremental steps are intended to make state censorship palatable by degrees. That is why the Gonzaga conference will feature numerous speakers from U.S. law enforcement and various prosecutor's offices--to send a chilling message to American dissidents, suggestive of a tenor of criminalization of thought, whereby our freedoms are already curtailed by a type of pre-emptive intimidation.


"That Gonzaga University, an institution ostensibly dedicated to the unhindered pursuit of knowledge, would lend itself to a campaign dedicated to the erosion of freedom of speech, is a scandal that must be protested.


"Therefore, I intend to be present at the Martin Center on the campus of Gonzaga University on May 21, to distribute materials exposing the tyrannical nature of the Wiesenthal Center and to engage those attending this "human rights" charade in constructive dialogue.


"The human rights of revisionist writers and activists hang in the balance and with them, the rights of all Americans.


"Those who share my views are welcome to join me.


"However, anyone attending this protest attired in or sporting "white supremacist" garb or insignia, or a neo-Nazi costume, I will regard as a government agent-provocateur or a Zionist plant.


"I am neither a neo-Nazi or a white supremacist. I am a traditional American scholar who wishes to safeguard the right to scrutinize what has become America's de facto state religion, the cult of the gas chamber relics and the virtual worship of Jewish supremacists."


Hoffman declared, "Those who, like the Wiesenthals of the world, seek to silence critics, skeptics and dissenters, are the real haters and the true enemies of our American freedoms."


"It should be further noted that the Wiesenthal Hate Symposium will feature Bill Clinton's neo-Bolshevik Justice Dept. Commissar, Acting Attorney General Bill Lann Lee.


"I will be near or in front of the Martin Center on the campus of Gonzaga University, on May 21, from 8:30 a.m. onward. The Martin Center is located at 502 East Boone Avenue, Spokane, Washington.


"I encourage protestors who wish to join me to carry placards reading, 'Human Rights for Dissident Writers,' 'Free the Revisionists,' 'Stop Talmudic Hate' and similar uplifting, civil libertarian sentiments.


"I will have a flyer on hand, printed in quantities of several hundred and will appreciate help in getting the suppressed information they contain to the public, on site. This is investigative and documentary information which the Zionist-mouthpiece media will not itself publish," Hoffman concluded.


For further information, reporters, participants and protestors may e-mail Michael A. Hoffman II at


An important exposé of the Gonzaga/Wiesenthal Hate Symposium is posted online at:


The preceding online exposé contains several hyper-links concerning the symposium as well as its principals.


Donations to cover the cost of transportation to and from Gonzaga and the printing of hundreds of flyers and dozens of placards will be most appreciated. Send all donations to The Campaign for Radical Truth in History, PO Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816


In the past, I heard from a number of people in the north Idaho/eastern Washington area who expressed disappointment at being unable to attend the David Irving lecture in Pullman last April due to a lack of advance notice.


Here is advance notice of the Wiesenthal event. We need as many people as possible to come out and protest peaceably and responsibly.


We need one or two people with good shorthand or speed-writing skills to actually register for the Conference, attend it, take notes and procure its publications.


I believe the cost to particpate is in the neighborhood of $80. Perhaps a donor will reimburse you. You should pre-register by calling the Gonzaga law school at 1-800-448-2138. The official title of the event is, THE CHANGING FACE OF HATE: A National Symposium.


However, it might be possible to do a walk-in registration beginning at 9 a.m. sharp at the Martin Center. I ask any revisionist who attends the symposium itself, to behave responsibly, peaceably and legally. I condemn any other behavior.

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