Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

May 19, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


In "Friends of Freedom", a newsletter for the supporters of the Canadian Free Speech League, the following summary was published in its February/March 1998 issue:


". . . All the while, the Tribunal continues, hearing witness after witness, while the costs are escalating for Mr. Zundel who must pay his own expenses, and for the taxpayers, who pay for the hearing.


"At issue is essentially how far the new (Canadian) inquisition can go to stifle freedom of expression in another country. The 'mainstream' civil liberties groups and internet freedom groups do little or nothing to help, as they are intimidated by the names "neo-Nazi," "racist," "hate monger," "white supremacist," etc. and make convoluted arguments as to why they don't see this as a free speech issue.


"The Zundel Tribunal is set to go for many weeks in April, May and June, while the judicial review proceedings are without a hearing date."


As I am trying to distill the essence of this past week's hearings, I feel as though I am peeling an onion, at the core of which is this part: "How the 'German Guilt for all Eternity' maxim for what is alleged to have happened in the 'Holocaust' was set in cement in Germany - not just via financial extortion and blackmail, but via emotional and spiritual extortion and blackmail.


In the documentation I received there is a special section marked in Tom Segev's "The Seventh Million" book, marked thus:


". . . these are the most important two sections, since never before in history was this brought before a public inquiry. Doug Christie went over this with Schweitzer because it proved the "how, why and when " of the Bonn government under Adenauer caving in to Jewish pressure applied like a vice to the throat of a prostrated nation."


Here are the actual quotes from Segev's book:


"This, then, was the statement of contrition that Horowitz had demanded from Adenauer five months earlier, the "ceremonial act." The Bundestag signaled its assent by standing in silence, in memory of the victims of Nazism. Adenauer chose his words carefully and - as was learned a generation later, when Israeli diplomatic records were opened to research - he had not been alone in choosing them. Some of the words had been dictated to him from Jerusalem. Adenauer had sent drafts of his declaration to Maurice Fischer in Paris, using a special envoy, Jacob Altmeier, a Jewish member of the Bundestag for the Social Democratic party. Altmeier had also been involved in arranging the Adenauer-Fischer-Horowitz meeting. Fischer passed the draft declaration to Nahum Goldman, president of the World Jewish Congress. Goldman edited it in red ink, as though a teacher correcting a composition, and sent the corrected pages to Jerusalem, where they were further amended and returned, via Fischer in Paris, to Bonn." (p.203)


And a little farther down in the notes:


"In the draft, Adenauer declared his willingness to enter negotiations with 'representatives of the Jewish people.' Israel was not mentioned. The name of the country was inserted in Jerusalem.


"Both Jerusalem and the World Jewish Congress weighed every word. Where Adenauer wanted to say that people had been killed, they demanded that he say 'innocent people.' The draft said that the majority of the German people 'had not wanted any part' in the crimes of the Nazis and noted that this was a fact 'known to anyone of unbiased opinion.' The Israelis, however, struck these phrases. Instead of 'had not wanted,' Jerusalem suggested 'abominated,' a fuzzier term; this was accepted. Jerusalem had wanted Adenauer not to speak generally of 'circles' still engaged in anti-Semitic agitation but to say specifically 'groups.' Bonn rejected this remark but gave in on its original intention of saying 'limited circles.'


"Where Adenauer wanted to say that, unfortunately, his country could pay only within the bounds of its limited ability, Israel insisted that the word 'limited' be omitted, and Adenauer agreed. Adenauer wanted to say that 'much remains to be done' in the matter of restoring property to its rightful owners. Jerusalem demanded that, instead of 'much,' he say that 'most' still remains to be done. Adenauer agreed to say 'very much.'


"Two days before the speech in the Bundestag, Ben-Gurion noted in his diary: 'There is a modification in Adenauer's declaration - he won't speak of guilt or responsibility.' Walter Eitan dashed off an urgent cable to the Israeli consul in Munich: 'You must base yourself on the first draft and notify them that if the declaration is not revised, we cannot promise a favorable reaction on the part of the Israeli government and world Jewry, and the Germans are, after all, interested in a favorable response.' In the meantime, the foreign ministry began recasting its response: 'Add a few moral arguments,' the director-general ordered. This last minute pressure worked. Adenauer reverted to the previous version. Israel reacted with restraint. The foreign office promised, perhaps sarcastically, 'to study' the declaration. 'There is some doubt to what extent the declaration may be seen as an expression of a prevailing mood of repentance,' Haaretz wrote." (pp 204, 205)


These portions were discussed at length by Christie and read into the record, the handy vehicle being the Holocaust lobby's own chief witness, Dr. Schweitzer. The following was not discussed, but I am adding it here for the sake of completion and edification:


"Some day," the editor of Maariv wrote, "a true peace movement will arise in the world, and it will ensure peace in Europe by eradicating Germany from the face of the earth." (p. 207)


So what do we have here? We have before our eyes the blueprint of an extortion scheme with many tentacles and many charges and implications that has cost the German nation an estimated 100 billion plus. More sinister, we have the blueprint of a spiritual lobotomy of an entire nation whose citizens have been - by now for more than three generations - kept in a groveling position before this cruel, calculated and deliberate fraud. To point out once again why this Canadian-German activist, Ernst Zundel, is so "dangerous", and why he must be silenced at all costs, here is how one supporter sees it:


"When you have a murder of one person, it is examined in detail. A single murder usually demands a forensic examination. Yet the greatest mass murder in history escaped for over forty years any forensic scrutiny until Ernst Zundel had the verve and courage to tackle this vehicle of never-ceasing slander.


"Could that have been the unforgivable 'crime' he committed?


"Not to this day has there been an examination which essentially refutes the findings of the original Leuchter Report. It was left to Ernst Zundel, a single individual with limited resources, to initiate the first forensic examination of this 'horrendous crime'.


"This was an accomplishment without parallel. It was probably the epitome of civil courage and guts anywhere and anytime. For this he reserves the respect of any fair-minded human being, friend and foe.


"Regardless of what Ernst Zundel's political viewpoints may be, German immigrants to Canada who have been on the receiving end of this never-ending campaign of slander, will be forever grateful to this outstanding man of simple origin for unmasking the gross exaggerations and lies perpetuated against Germany and the German people ever since the end of World War II.


"Should indeed a warped system of 'Justice' eventually succeed in deporting and jailing this brave man, others will rise to take up the cause. This matter will not come to rest until the free marketplace of thought and communication will have established once and for all the Truth."




Tomorrow: Two days of Talmudic hairsplitting


Thought for the Day:


"Disagreeing with the propagandist is called 'hate speech.' Associating with others who disagree is called 'joining a hate group.' Tracking, spying on and slandering those who promote any truth inconsistent with the propagandist's lies is a multi-billion dollar tax-exempt industry in America today.


Since 1990, these tribal pressure groups and quasi-government alphabet organizations have actually coerced every law enforcement agency in America to collect and compile reports on every 'bias-motivated crime' brought to their attention. (...)


(Yet) truth keeps sneaking up on the propagandist and smacking him on the back of his head."


(From John Bolton's "Counter-Propaganda 101")

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