Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

May 9, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

On May 5, 1998, the Toronto Globe and Mail ran what looked like an innocuous story titled "Overhaul of old law removes loophole" with the subtitle: "McLellan introduces extradition bill today".


Here is how the slant went for the first two paragraphs:


"Justice Minister Anne McLellan will introduce legislation today that will allow accused war criminals to be extradited to stand trial at the international tribunals for Rwanda and former Yugoslavia.


"The overhaul of Canada's 100 year old extradition law will remove a loophole that could have proved embarrassing for a country that has played a leading role in the prosecution of war crimes. Louise Arbour, a judge of the Ontario Court of Appeal, is chief prosecutor of the United Nations war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda. Canada also is a leading proponent of a ***permanent international war crimes court.*** "(Emphasis added)


This is how a mind set is created and a devil's brew is quietly slipped into your breakfast orange juice. What does the average reader tell himself? Not much. He knows about the horrors of the Balkan struggle and Rwanda and feels that justice ought to take its course where justice might be due.


Now read on:


"The bill will combine the Fugitive Offenders Act of 1882 and the Extradition Act of 1877, which were passed before airplanes existed. It is deemed to make the rules simpler for other countries to use and to deal with new kinds of crime, such as telemarketing fraud, theft of information by computer, ***and using the Internet to commit an offence in another jurisdiction***" (emphasis added)


The latest wrinkle in "Get Zundel"? This means much more than just another round of "Let's get Zündel!" and, by extension, the censorially embattled, California located and American-operated Zundelsite.


This means that if a Chinese, German or Frenchman accesses a website from or in China, Germany or France, located in another part of the globe - then these governments deem that website owner/operator as having committed a criminal offense in China, Germany or France.


That is the new logic being applied! Not the computer owner who has to start the computer, types in the URL etc. and who initiates the act - the guy who inactively stores the information is the "criminal"!


If that owner/operator lives in Canada or the website is located in Canada or even run and operated in the USA or elsewhere, website owners can be tried and convicted for a "computer crime" (using the new logic) in these censor-happy countries! They can, and will, be promptly extradited from Canada for a "computer crime" to China, Germany or France ***if the government of that country requests it!***


Canada, under that new extradition law, blithely acts as the enforcer arm of the censor-bound Chinese, German or French governments and their courts' verdicts! And what does that mean? It means extradition, if the sentence in those foreign countries is a prison term - or even collecting a steep fine! (In Germany today, fines of $20,000 - $40,000 for Holocaust Denial is not unheard of...)


This new legislation makes Canada a "New World Order policeman" enforcing the verdicts of foreign jurisdictions - from arrest, detention and extradition to searches and seizures of evidence, such as computers, hard drives etc. needed for proof of "Holocaust Denial" in foreign court cases, and even collecting the huge punitive fines resulting from convictions of Canada's aiding and abetting of Communist and anti-democratic regimes!


Canada will treat all this as a "crime prevention activity" and act on it AS IF A CANADIAN COURT HAD IMPOSED THESE FINES, PRISON TERMS ETC. A nice hatchet job for a country like Canada, right?! Boy, will the Holocaust Lobby be happy with this state of affairs!


The Globe and Mail expands by shaking a politically correct finger right in the face of honest dissidents:


"Ms. McLellan is expected to say that the bill sends a clear message that Canada is not a haven for those accused of war crimes ***or other offences.*** (emphasis added.)


Such as the little booklet of "Did Six Million Really Die?" that is legal in Canada but banned in Germany as doubting the Holocaust and defaming and belittling the memory of the dead?! 4-5 years would be meted out by the German courts - way enough to qualify the publisher/distributor for extradition. Bill C-33, the one that was used to harass columnist Doug Collins and the North Shore News in Canada's British Columbia, even though it is a provincial statute, would serve as the excuse. The new Act specifically includes provincial statutes - matching foreign laws as a basis for extradition.


Read the fine print of the proposed law - and shudder!


The Globe and Mail again:


"The bill. . . will provide a single act that simplifies the extradition process in Canada for ***our partners*** (emphasis added) who wish to extradite a fugitive from Canada to their country . . . The new guidelines would effectively broaden the grounds for extradition, in part by abandoning what is known as the "list approach" of offences."


Under the new Act, Canada can designate by "special arrangement" any country a "partner" for the convenience of extradition!


Here we have situational ethics allowing the government of the day to extradite politically incorrect or intellectually troublesome dissidents to please noisy domestic lobbies or "friendly" foreign trade partners, even regimes like Cuba and China - not only "Holocaust Deniers" like Ernst Zundel by Germany, France and Austria for refusing to accept the Jewish version of the German people's history in World War II called the "Holocaust", but also in the case of Palestinians requested to be extradited by Israel for insisting on Palestinian statehood and freedom, Chinese "Friends of Democracy" by Red China, or Cubans who yearn for liberation of their homeland!


Think about it! Canada will be a party to a World War II type Keelhaul Operation where people are delivered over to vengeful, tyrannical governments who in some cases do not stop with imprisonment of dissidents - but instead torture them as happens in Israel, courtesy of the Israeli Supreme Court-approved ruling permitting torture, or even execute them, as Red China is known to have done to democratic dissidents!


The Globe and Mail once more:


"Under the new rules to be proposed today, an extraditable offence would be one that is considered a crime in both countries, and that, generally speaking, would carry a penalty of at least two years' imprisonment in Canada.. This method would allow for extradition to be pursued in cases of new offences (such as computer crimes) ***without the need to amend legislation***." (Emphasis added)


This permits Canada's government to get around the inconvenient protection of speech, opinion etc. granted by its Charger of Rights and Freedoms. No need to amend or rescind the Charter - just navigate around it! This MUST sink in with people who can still think!


What this means is not in the least about villains in Yugoslavia or Rwanda, or of a former SS soldier in the geriatrics ward in Canada. It means GLOBAL INTERNET CENSORSHIP BY REMOTE CONTROL!


It means siccing the repressive Germans, Red Chinese, or Israelis against Canada's domestic free-thinkers! It means, in fact, practiced and camouflaged as "treaty" or "legal international obligation", censorship by stealth by foreign governments through the the back door of the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act - under the smoke screen of allegedly merely "overhauling an outdated statute."


There is more to this story than can be revealed at this time. Let's just say that serendipity seems to have intervened, and there is a fine-print document in the possession of important experts that marks the Canadian Government ministers' and Globe and Mail's weasel words a despicable lie!


If this act passes in Canada's Parliament, operators or owners of websites not liked by oppressive governments like Canada, Red China, Germany and France will be criminalized with the willful, deliberate conniving of the Canadian government - a process WIDE open to abuse by lobby-beholden and censorship prone politicians in Canada and overseas.


There have apparently already been two readings in the House of Commons so far. The text of the First Reading, released to the public, is mamby pamby. The text of the Second Reading is more revealing and shocking - and nowhere to be found as yet on the Internet, not even by services who routinely provide these texts to lawyers, it seems.


Democracy is supposed to be about public input and debate! Where is the public input and debate! Where is there even awareness that this is happening?


If the public is kept in ignorance of the fine print and true intention of the legislation, it makes the whole process a sham! It is a brazen deception of the public, and a corruption of the democratic process!


Call or write for a copy of the proposed changes and the new Act - and if you get it, STUDY IT! QUICKLY! THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE1


Then call or write, fax or e-mail your Member of Parliament and protest! Ask for changes and safeguards!


Call or write to the Department of Justice to get your free copy of the text of the Second Reading of Bill C-40 by sending your request to the attention of:


Marie Josée Levaseur

Tel: 613-957--4212

Fax: 613-354-0811.


This legislation is a threat! It threatens not just "Holocaust Deniers" but Iranian dissidents, pro-democracy Chinese dissidents, critics of Israeli policies etc. It basically threatens freedom everywhere - not just in Canada!


You cyber fighters of the world - WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE! And please remember who told you that this, precisely, would happen - when you thought you could have your precious freedom and still ignore the Zundelsite!




Thought for the Day:


"The unconditional support for Israel and Stalinist slander campaigns against those who critique it in the US and Canada is so extreme that Israelis are well aware that the chauvinism and fanaticism of organized Jews in those two countries in supporting Israel exceeds by far the chauvinism of the average Israeli Jew."


(Daniel Burton-Rose reviewing Israel Shahak's book "Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policies, Z Magazine, Feb. 98)

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