Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

May 5, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

I think it is no exaggeration to say that the past three years will be remembered as the beginning of the end of systematic mind contro by mankind's enemies. As I look back on those three years, I can hardly imagine it happened.


I just returned from a two-week visit to the continental Northeast where I did a trial run of introducing "Lebensraum!" to a small group of friends. As I explained how truly dramatic the emotional upheavals have been that led to it - and what will come of it - I was telling of the day when the computer screens lit up with those defiant small blue ribbons. Globally! And as I spoke, I felt electric shivers down my back, knowing that that handful of brave and tenacious Revisionists that wouldn't give up in the face of abuse, terror and vilification had made a difference that centuries will still remember.


I believe these past three years will loom larger in the history of man than when Columbus embarked to find a pristine continent. Revisionists embarked that way to craft a pristine world of mind and morals that will, once and for all, do away with deceit and betrayal. The way it has happened already can boggle the mind.


"We are standing together as we never have before," writes one of my favorite correspondents, "thanks largely to the hardware before me, the online computer.


"As I write, I see before me a copy of Smith's Report dated November/December 1992 describing David Cole's videotaped interview with Dr. Piper. In (those) days Bradley published his newsletter every other month. It arrived via snail mail along with a few other revisionist-oriented writings - days and even weeks apart. One thought of the revisionist struggle only occasionally.


"Nowadays, one can sometimes hardly think of anything else.


"From all parts of the world come newspaper articles, columns, essays, documents, files, and so on; on a daily, sometimes even hourly, basis; intervening time and space having been practically abolished. (...)


"Notice how the tempo of anti-revisionist activity is being stepped up. Nizkor et al aside, even Hollywood is getting into the act with a new Susan Sarandon movie titled *Denial*. That, too, is part of the momentum. However much the new SS movie adopts an anti-revisionist stance it will invariably acknowledge and *add* to the revisionist momentum.


"Quite apart from the content of the debate within our ranks, the fact that such a debate can be undertaken with casual ease via the Net is at least as important as anything that can be said. The medium here is definitely part of the message."


So, are we talking quantum leaps? Two years ago it was just Nizkor, just yapping and snapping and yapping and snapping some more - and now it's Hollywood, and we don't lift a finger! Michael Hoffman did an excellent review on "Denial" which can be found at It really says it all. It is must reading, in my opinion, because it gives you a visceral feel of how frantic the enemy is.


Now all we need is an Oscar!


I'll quote you just one sentence that bears the Hoffman thumb print:


"In the final analysis, Jewish Hollywood can make all the movies they care to about us, in the hope of destroying Revisionism, but we are the flame and they are the moth and filming the interplay between the two will not alter the inevitable outcome."




Thought for the Day:


"They sealed the (Martin Luther) King files for 50 years when he died, which should tell us everything we need to know right there. What other reason would they do it except dirt, dirt, dirt?"


(Nelson Waller in "History Drag", The Nationalist Times, April 1998, p. 22)

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