Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

April 14, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


In a conversation with a friend, it was revealed to me that there exists a tightly monitored newsgroup offering the Traditional Holocaust Menu. Participants are guaranteed a "Revisionist-free environment" - guarded by six rabbis!


Now, are we making progress - or are we making progress?


I was just scanning the print copy of CODOHWeb's Smith's Report. What do we have there?


* A telling article about one "Soviet Simon" - poking a little deeper into the murky past of Mr. Wiesenthal -


* A note about the February issue of Blockbuster Features, the newsletter published by the huge video rental chain, with an announcement that Susan Sarendon will star in "Denial", a Jewish civil rights attorney brought into a First Amendment case - only to discover that the client is the leader of a group that ". . . denies the Holocaust" -


* An announcement that Joseph Sobran, described by Pat Buchanan as "the finest columnist of our generation," and a person characterized by the inimitable Bradley Smith as "skewering sacred cows, among which the great lumbering lummox of the Holocaust cult must be numbered . . ." as having linked to CODOH -


* Bradley tells us, furthermore: "A year or two ago, who could have imagined that Middle Eastern media would be functioning as a trampoline for truth on the Holocaust and on the suppression of Holocaust Revisionism? The patient work and sacrifice of Revisionists like Robert Faurisson and Ernst Zundel has enabled men like Garaudy and Rami to create a new outlook, indeed a new paradigm regarding the Holocaust -


* "Clearly, the outreach efforts of CODOHWeb have brought us new allies in places where just a few short years ago Revisionists would never have dreamed of making contacts and forging friendships. Today no one can doubt that this struggle called Revisionism is one of world-wide involvement and global significance."


What does the opposition have to offer?


"Schmierfinks", as we say in German. Attack poodles yapping "Nazi!" "Racist!" "Anti-Semite!" Lapdog media playing footsie with our sites. Legal whores and bureaucratic pimps. And, of course, ever increasing censorship attempts - and ever more use of the mob with its Mau-Mau machetes.


The writing is clear - on the wall.


Courtesy of Granata Communications, we have this summary of what it really means if only we can hang in long enough:


"Anyone who thinks the history of the 20th century will remain the same after the exposure of the "six million" hoax isn't thinking. There are some issues which ***by their nature*** cannot be whitewashed.


The "six million" hoax is in that category.


"Such a fundamental distortion raises unavoidable questions about everything else. Polite society normally declares certain subjects out of bounds. Once the truth about the "six million" is out, everything formerly impermissible will be wide open.


"Think about that. We have all heard the story of Pandora's Box. Once the lid was lifted, none of the demons which emerged could be put back into the box again.


"The hoax of the "six million" is the Pandora's Box of the 20th century.


"It might also be likened to the Gordian Knot. The world is twisted into a vast tangle of lies. The "six million" story, once exposed, will unravel the lies virtually at one stroke.


"Nothing so amazing has ever before occurred. The National Enquirer in its wildest dreams never hoped for so much.


"The Revisionist exposure of the "six million" story is the Christian Revelation of the 20th century. It will not be a revelation based on faith or divine will but a revelation of the real history of the world based on hard evidence."


On my desk sits a fax by an Associated Press writer, dated April 8, 1998 and quoting Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a former presidential candidate of Russia:


"The essence of the conflict around the Jewish people is that when their numbers grow too much in some country, war breaks out there. . . That happened in Germany, where there were too many Jews."


Why does he say a thing like that? Your guess is as good as my guess.


We know this much: He does have copies of the groundbreaking documentation that came out of the two Great Holocaust Trials of Ernst Zundel, hand-delivered to his "dacha" by our leading man in 1994.


Dr. Faurisson was right: "Revisionism is the great intellectual adventure at the end of our century."


Is there anything appealing whatsoever in the revolting Cult of the Dead?


On the other hand, is there anything but anything more seductive than to join the ever growing numbers of sovereign men and women who, in the words of James J. Martin, ". . . cannot or will not work docilely as tractable mules in harness."




Thought for the Day:


"Only two white nations are capable of taking on the New World Order - Russia and the US."


(Instauration, August 1997, p. 30)

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