Copyright (c) 1998 - Ingrid A. Rimland

March 6, 1998

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

When I first heard of what I now think of as "Operation Cairo", I thought it to be a "hush-hush" undertaking where quiet Revisionist inroads were supposed to be made into the Arab world.

But fate would smile on our efforts and have it otherwise.

I don't think the message has yet sunk in at important strategic quarters in the Arab world about what it means to have come across, and exposed, the financial tap root that feeds the conflict in the Mideast on behalf of the militant Zionists. But a mighty beginning has now taken place - some of which was reflected in the March 1998 Germania letter, hot out of the Zundel-Haus.

I translate here a brief but telling excerpt authored by Ernst Zundel, adapted and modified to ZGram tone and style: I have already shipped you bits and pieces, but here is a rounded-out story out of the Zundel fountain pen:
"Zundel Books at the Arabian Booksellers Convention in Cairo

"New inroads are being made in Revisionism in the Arab countries and over the Internet.

"My attorney informed me at the end of January that on February 5 the largest booksellers convention in the Arab world was supposed to take place. I knew of the controversy that had been ignited through the book "The Founding Myths of Israeli Policy", authored by ex-Communist Garaudy, now converted to the Islamic faith. Garaudy had taken much information out of the book by my attorney, Barbara Kulaszka, ("Did Six Million Really Die?" - Report of the Evidence in the Canadian "False News" Trial of Ernst Zundel - 1988) and had also made use of thoughts and points made by the distinguished "Dean of Revisionism", France's Dr. Robert Faurisson, without mentioning his name or giving him credit. Nonetheless, Garaudy was questioning the Holocaust - and now he stood on trial in France.

"As it so happened, Garaudy and his wife, born in Palestine, had been invited by the Egyptian Minister for Culture and Information to come to Egypt. There he did a One-Hour television show on the official Egyptian government channel on the themes of 'Gas Chambers' and the 'Six Million'.

"I knew about all that. As often happens in my life, there is a shortcut from idea to action, and thus a way was found to send an Arab-speaking Revisionist, Ahmed Rami, now living in Sweden, to Cairo with the message of our work.

Rami took along several suitcases of books, along with thousands of business cards, printed in Arab and English. Additionally, he had printed thousands of flyers in both languages in Egypt, which were distributed by four people at the Booksellers Convention.

"Next thing that happened was that Ahmed Rami found himself on Page One in Egypt's largest semi-official newspaper, "Al Ahram". A few days afterwards there was a full-page book review of the 567-page title of my 1988 trial, "Did Six Million Really Die?" compiled by my attorney and printed and distributed through my publishing house.

"Furthermore, Rami was interviewed in the Arab weekly, "Al Shaab" - circulation more than a million! - a publication read in all of the Arab Countries. Themes: "Gas chambers and Israel's control of the Western world through its Lobby."

"Ahmed Rami was also interviewed by the French-language section of "Radio Teheran International." Here, too, the revisionist themes of "gas chambers" and "Holocaust" were covered in detail. Rami called on the Iranian public to publicize in all of the Arab countries the disgraceful incarceration of Gunter Deckert and Udo Walendy - two German Revisionist pioneers who languish in German prisons for their courageous work in exposing the Holocaust through their research.

"Thanks to these breakthroughs, made possible through donations and, in part, through a bequest, we now have the Barbara Kulaszka book offered for sale and on display in the windows of the largest bookstore in Egypt. Once again, we have shown ourselves worthy of your financial support and donations.

"Where in Germany, Canada or the USA can you find similar responses to the Revisionist efforts? Nowhere, so far! Just recently in Canada, the Kulaszka book has been removed from the University Library of Sir Wilfried Laurier. Why? Because a handful of Jewish students chose to protest!"

(End of "Germania" excerpt)

There is a postscript to this story:

Two days ago, at 6 o'clock in the morning, Ernst was awakened out of deep sleep by a soft, hard-to-understand voice in German, calling out of distant Iran, asking for an interview about the "gas chambers" and the "Holocaust." Ernst, drowsy with sleep, asked rather frankly to be permitted to wake up first, and asked the caller to schedule the interview a couple of hours later. The caller apologized profusely and did call back, and thus another hard-hitting interview took place in German, to be broadcast by Radio Iran via short-wave to occupied Europe. The talk show host followed up by asking via fax for additional videos, audios, literature etc. Apparently this, too, is a spin-off of contacts made via Ahmed Rami and Dr. Faurisson in France. He also asked Ernst to supply him with names and phone numbers of other leading revisionists for future interviews.

So here you have an Iranian broadcaster, fluent in German, living in Teheran who heard about Revisionism in an Egyptian book fair, having to call a German in Canada to broadcast the liberating Revisionist message via short-wave in German to his beloved occupied German homeland! Why am I am telling you this story from the about-to-be-censored Zundelsite in the United States, thanks to the self-appointed Zionist censors in Toronto?

Is this a crazy world, or what?
Thought for the Day:

"Many Americans, including non-Zionist Jews, are asking the question: Must the great United States at the zenith of its power be a giant that is paralyzed by midget?"

(Letter to the Editor in WRMEA, March 1998, p. 73)

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