Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

December 23, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Michael Hoffman II, probably the most skilled and experienced reporter in the Nationalist/Revisionist movement and, not too incidentally, the unofficial biographer of Ernst Zundel, is a keen observer of "The Lives and Times of Ernst Zundel."

Mike put the preceding week's events into perspective in his December 20 Hoffman Wire (see for full credit) in a release titled "Irene Zundel Cross-Examined And The Media Are Not Interested":
"Dr. Ingrid Rimland reports that the expert cross examination this month of Ernst Zundel's estranged wife, Irene, by defense attorney Doug Christie, has been ignored by every Canadian media outlet. Such unanimity of censorship is frightening. It suggests conspiracy.

The cross-examination did not go well for the prosecution, which is
trying to fine or deport Zundel for the "crime" of allowing some of his written statements to be used by Dr. Rimland on her California website.

Last October, when Irene Zundel first testified against her own husband, Paul Lungen of the "Canadian Jewish News" wrote a three column story about her with the banner headline, "Zundel linked to Internet Site" (Oct. 22, 1997, p. 5). It will be interesting to see if Mr. Lungen will give equally attentive coverage to the fact that she has now been discredited.

Meanwhile, your editor has contacted the leading Internet rights' group in the U.S., "EPIC", demanding to know why they have not published a single word in defense of Mr. Zundel's right to have his publications appear on American websites. EPIC has not given me the courtesy of a reply. For EPIC to be politically correct AND a censorship fighter is an oxymoron.

I have concluded that EPIC is not really battling for free speech for
dissidents, but chiefly for the porn industry and techno-nerds who want to be able to send their encrypted SciFi musings to fellow, bespectacled nerds in outer Turkestan."

I predict that the ritual defamation of Ernst Zundel in the Canadian media will continue as soon as the Christian holidays are over, and as soon as the vultures sitting in the courtrooms and gleaning useful snippets from the Tribunal hearings will have had a chance to select, distort, misquote, exploit and generally put a Jewish spin on Irene Zundel's testimony in the months and years to come.

For the moment, the powers-that-be obviously did not quite know how to sew up and stitch up the much fanfared but, in the end, dyspeptic "secret witness" testimony, especially since defense attorney, Doug Christie, was able to read into the record document after document and letter after letter to government bodies such as Parliament, Ministers, Chiefs of Police etc. in Irene Zundel's own handwriting where she adopted and reflected her husband's own viewpoint and outlook on things.

Irene Zundel has left behind a written record, exposing to the world her new-found friends and allies with chilling clarity before she jumped ship. Will they easily forget and not hold it against her what she compiled in over a year's worth of work and research to discredit NOT her husband but her husband's political enemies? The sudden change of heart of Mrs. Zundel have yielded transcripts useful for the movement that will reveal to the world things that will astonish the novices and make the professionals shudder.

Make no mistake about it: the Zundel "Secret Witness" Milepost will be around to serve as an example illustrating to what extent some people and organizations will stoop to get their destructive ways. Not for moot cause has one of the fight-censorship fellows labeled the Human Rights industry the "Human Rights Disease."

Meanwhile, the struggle continues. Ernst and his attorneys used the weeks preceding Irene Zundel's cross-examination to prepare appeal documents in the Federal Court in Vancouver for a series of legal encounters there, as well as an appeal once again to the Supreme Court of Canada.

This means that Doug Christie will have appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada in more cases involving state (Jewish sponsored) censorship versus the Free Speech rights of Canadians than any other lawyer in Canadian history - bar none!

Remember Jamie McCarthy's snarky comment that Ernst Zundel does not fight for Freedom of Speech principles? The struggle for Freedom of Speech in Canada has rested on this one man's shoulders for almost two decades. Canadians owe Doug Christie, Malcolm Ross, Imre Finta, Jim Keegstra and Ernst Zundel a debt they do not even dimly perceive.

If anybody ever deserved a Human Rights award above all others, it would have to be the Battling Barrister - and his embattled clients!

Thought for the Day:

Despite a total media black-out and two days where Webcom mysteriously quit counting visitors and documents and showed a "Zero" Zundelsite count ( and more than half the ZGrams bounced for weeks! ) the Zundelsite visitor and document count will top ALL preceding counts in December.

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