Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

December 14, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc., a part of the fight-censorship crowd, just sent out the media release below, dated today.

It is instructive and ironic, in view of what is happening in Toronto where Ernst Zundel has to defend himself against "hatemongering", specific examples of which could not be cited during cross-examination by the very person who was responsible for laying one of the complaints, Her Worship, Toronto's Mayor, Barbara Hall.

Asked David Jones, of the Canadian fight-censorship version: Did I have proof of a "conspiracy"? Is there a world-wide, coordinated effort to prevent the truth from being told about the so-called "Holocaust"?

You be the judge. We'll let you guess. This isn't about kiddie porn, booze, bestiality and Scientology, believe me.

As you read the Australian press release below, keep in mind that Dr. Fredrick Toben of the Australian Revisionist website, Adelaide Institute, because of truth material on his website, was also hauled before a so-called "Human Rights" Commission. (Dr. Toben packed up and walked out on the Australian Kangaroo Court, to make a political point. More political points will be made all next week in Toronto so that specifics of the Revisionist claims can be set in the Tribunal transcripts of the Zundel proceedings and thus be forever preserved in cement in the law history of Canada as a salutary lesson to others on how freedom of speech is abridged.)

Keep this in mind: Not only are the Wiesenthalers and their Canadian fellow travelers at it. Not only are the British at it in the Nick Griffin trials because an articulate journalist chose to challenge the traditional version of the "Holocaust". Not only are the French "Holocaust" dogma guardians at it by zapping Le Pen one more time for having called the "gas chambers" a "mere detail of history of World War II". It is surely no coincidence or accidental timing that the Australian Politically Correct Establishment is pushing like sharks in a feeding frenzy for Internet censorship as well.

Read on, and then read "why"-courtesy of yet another missive sent to me from Granata Communications.

Press Release first:

Electronic Frontiers Australia today slammed the decision of State and Federal Attorneys-General to push ahead with unpopular Internet censorship laws.

Despite widespread industry criticism, the Attorneys-General still propose to make Australian service providers responsible for overseas content and the actions of their customers. "This is the equivalent of making Telstra and Optus responsible for the content of people's telephone calls", said EFA Chairman Kimberley Heitman.

Last year EFA was leaked a copy of draft legislation, which led to a national campaign by Internet users and civil libertarians, culminating in a protest march on NSW Parliament. That legislation was postponed at the request of Senator Alston, the Minister for Communications, and it is understood that Senator Alston's department is afraid that Internet censorship laws may cause damage to Australia's fledgling information technology industry.

"The United States and even Malaysia have given up trying to censor the Internet", said Heitman. "It does no good locking up Australian ISPs when contentious material can be stored anywhere in the world. Australia is behind the rest of the world in coming to terms with the Internet, and attempts to censor it will make Australia an international laughing-stock."

Ditto for Canada.

So you must ask yourself: Why but why are all these folks-Mayor Hall of the Metropolitan Toronto Mayor's Committee, Sol Litman of the Canadian Branch of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Sabina Citron whose name is synonymous with the Canadian Holocaust Remembrance Association, God knows who else-persisting in doing something that is so patently against their own interest, makes Canada the laughing stock, and only draws attention to the ever-so-rapidly spreading Holocaust stink that comes out of their ranks? (Take note of the "soap story" cross-examination tomorrow!)
Because ***they have no choice but be censors, out in the open, for all the world to see!*** By now, Revisionism is such an all-pervasive force, so widespread and so threatening to the establishment version of fake history, they simply have no choice. And so they keep on sticking finger after finger in the various holes in the dikes of mainstream Holocaust promotion, trying to hold back the force of truthful history.

Will it work if they gang up on Ernst Zundel and his lawyer team of two with 14 of their own? Yet one more time? Yet one last time?

This is no longer about Zundel. It's far beyond Ernst Zundel and his determined "Free Germany and Germans of Holocaust Extortion" campaign.

I quote here from the above-mentioned Granata Communications missive:
"What sort of issue would be the political equivalent of a hydrogen bomb? What cataclysmic upheaval would sink the entire political establishment of the Western world as completely as the fabled lost continent of Atlantis? It would have to be an issue so dangerous in its implications that no apologia, no explanation could defuse the resulting explosion.

There is such an issue - and every Revisionist knows what it is.

By comparison, the divinity of Christ, the Holy Grail, and the rights and wrongs of every war ever fought are irrelevant trifles for debaters. The lies of the modern world are summed up in one delusion.

In short, the exposure of the hoax of the six million "gassed" Jews represents Armageddon for the forces which control the world. It is the duty of every Revisionist to bring Armageddon to the desk of every established voice of the reputable world.

Only in that way will the twentieth century of lies crack open, never to be closed against truth again."

Exaggerated? No.

Even those of us who are standing full-length in the trenches and in the open line of fire of a desperately flailing monster in its death throes just firing away at the Revisionist voices can barely grasp how vile and wretchedly squalid the Hoax of the Twentieth Century is.

Thought for the Day:

"The decision-making process (of an Israeli leader) can be compared to that of a drunk driver trying to maneuver a truckload of volatile explosives in an unmarked mine field."

(An analogy borrowed from WRMEA, December 1997 Issue, page 7, in an article by Victor Ostrovski, a former Mossad agent)

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