Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

November 28, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Thanks to my wonderful readers, some ZGrams are short but sweeter than a Hershey Kiss. Here's one for you to savor.

It was run by the (Orange County) Register. The LA Times has asked permission to run it. Others are pending.   
"Orange County Register
Editorial Dept. 
P.O. Box 11626
Santa Ana, CA 92711


The recent flap over the movie "Seven Years in Tibet" once again exposed the usual assortment of the intellectually challenged, making stupid but politically correct remarks about the Waffen SS.

The Waffen SS was an army! Its young volunteers came from 34 countries, and were the elite in an anti-Bolshevik crusade. The Soviet Union, Americas ally, was preparing to invade Europe. But for German leadership, it would have been unopposed.

As a former combat Marine, I feel humbled by the sacrifices made by these men. Their enemy was our enemy; their battles were our battles. What does that make of us, poor pathetic creatures that we are? They have been demonized, and their honor dragged through the mud by the emasculated and simple-minded.

Contempt for the truth cannot be tolerated forever. Political prostitutes of the "free" press should be held to account for their cowardly complicity in the big lies."

This brief letter sent to me was signed by one Philip J. Fogarty. I assume that he is the original author.

If that is wrong, I will stand corrected and publish a retraction tomorrow, but this letter is so brave it seduced me to run it "as is."

Thought for the Day:

"The mission of this generation is the most difficult that has ever faced a Western generation. It must break the terror by which it is held in silence; it must look ahead; it must believe when there is apparently no hope; it must obey even if it means death; it must fight to the end rather than submit.

Fortifying it is the knowledge that against the Spirit of Heroism no materialistic force can prevail . . . Ultimately nothing can defeat them except inner decadence."

(In Yokey's "Imperium")

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