Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

November 13, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

When I get kicked in the shin by someone whom I implicitly trusted, with whom I had a casual but amiable correspondence, and who received my ZGrams for a while, I hurt - like every other human being.

I will speak up on that.

This will be the longest ZGram you have yet received, but it shall stand as a benchmark ZGram for you Zundel-watchers, pro and con. Chronology is relevant, so I will date the segments as best as I can manage:

*** Day before yesterday, on November 11, 1997, I opened my ZGram with the following paragraph:

"When the Zundel-Mirrors appeared all over the world at the beginning of 1996, along with the Blue Ribbons, an essay was written by John Perry Barlow - titled "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" - that was one of the most beautiful pieces of writing, I believe, of our century."

Immediately, Ex-Nizkorite Jamie McCarthy, posted this in the "fight-censorship" group:

"Today, Ingrid Rimland claimed that the martyring of the Zundelsite was the spark that inspired John Perry Barlow to write the famous "Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace" last year. Anyone know if there's any validity to this claim?"

Now Jamie is no stranger to you and me and the entire censorship fight - since it was he who dared the Zundelsite to a "debate" he later disavowed - a non-event, as it turned out, that led to the now legendary Zundel-Mirror story. And, luckily, I wrote and shipped my ZGrams even then, so I can now give you an overview, based on chronology:

*** September 1995: Jamie McCarthy's first challenge, via Nizkor, regarding contents posted on the Zundelsite, followed by much acrimonious back-and-forth regarding ways and means to set up a debate. (For the record: Jamie wanted alt.revisionism; we refused and wanted a website debate).

*** January 1, 1996: Jamie McCarthy, referring to a specific document, called "66 Questions and Answers about the Holocaust":

"(O)n this first day of 1996, I would like to take this opportunity to formally invite you (1) to examine our response; and (2) where it is appropriate, to cross-link to it."

A day or two later, the Zundelsite agrees.

*** January 4, 1996, correspondence between Jamie McCarthy and Ingrid Rimland:

Jamie: "Great!

As I've said elsewhere, I don't think the web is the best medium for
debate, but any kind of debate is better than none at all."

Ingrid: "Believe me we want a debate. So let's keep working this. At least we're (at) the 'Paris round table.'"

Jamie: " It sounds like we agree about this much at least. :-)"

*** January 5, 1996: The Zundelsite notifies the Simon Wiesenthal Center via fax, asking for participation in the debate.

No answer.

*** January 8, 1996: The Zundelsite notifies the Simon Wiesenthal Center for the second time via fax, asking for participation.

No answer.

*** January 9, 1996: The Simon Wiesenthal Center sends out a mass mailing to internet service providers and University and College presidents, frantically urging Internet "standards."

That same day, the German prosecutor in charge of an ongoing "pornography investigation" involving Compuserve in his country admits in a television interview that, in actuality, the real target of the governmental interdiction ". . . are the American and Canadian revisionist groups who are sending educational information into Germany via the Internet." (As documented in "Jailed in Democratic Germany: The Ordeal of an American Writer", Hans Schmidt, p 15)

*** January 10, 1996: A front page New York Times article appears, again urging Internet censorship.

Meanwhile, Ingrid in an e-mail to Jamie:

"I just want to facilitate (the debate) as it is supposed to be facilitated among reasonable, ordinary people - without shouts of "Nazi!" and "Pig! and "Scum!" That's where I'm coming from, and that's where I hope that you and I will work together properly."

Jamie: "I see no reason to be that judgemental publicly. I'll be upfront and tell you that I don't think highly of Mr. Zuendel, and privately I don't have very much nice to say about him. I'm sure you've figured that out already. But I believe that my personal opinions are not what people come to the Nizkor site to read, and I believe that injecting my opinion (more than necessary) would be unprofessional. Shouts of 'pig!' and 'scum!' would be quite inappropriate in my view.

"You will notice that Nizkor won't hesitate to call a Nazi a Nazi. When we're talking about someone who is a self-proclaimed National Socialist, whose followers admire him for standing up for Nazi principles, well, we would be remiss if we _didn't_ point that out."

*** January 11, 1996:

Jamie: "Mr. Zuendel, Ms. Rimland,

The English news flash at the Zuendelsite now reads: 'Extremely
important! No Zundelsite/Nizkor debate!'

Nizkor would appreciate a clarification."

*** January 15, 1996: (Please note that the excerpts below are condensed)

Jamie, backing off from what we thought he had agreed to:

"I still don't see why you're making this into a big deal.

"Nizkor has been and will be linking to Zuendel's site, and every other Holocaust-related site we can find. The only question is whether that favor will be returned. ...

"I don't see how we got from a simple exchange of cross-links to "The
Great Electronic Holocaust Debate." First of all, anything on the web is ersatz debate. The web is clumsy and slow. As you put it earlier, Ms. Rimland, running a web site is like flying a 747. I might add that
conducting a web-based "debate" is like trying to _dogfight_ in 747s.
It's hard to change content, and it takes time to make sure it all works
-- much more time than the actual reading, researching, thinking, and
typing that make up the actual process of debate.

"We're only pushing web-based linking because we've all but given up on getting Mr. Zuendel et al. to participate in _actual_ debate. . .

"You're not speaking for Nizkor with your "we." Nizkor has its own
priorities and its own agenda, and I don't recall anyone at Nizkor
agreeing to modify those priorities to include Aaron Breitbart, or even to continue discussion on the 66 Q&A beyond the information that we've already put up."

Ingrid: "But it's got to be done, and I am counting on you to back us up, as we will back you up."

Jamie: "I'm not sure what you mean by this. Nizkor is not obliged to assist you technically or in any other way, other than saying what we've been saying anyway: that we find censorship of Holocaust-denial to be inappropriate and counterproductive. Is that what you mean by 'backing you up'?" (...)

Ingrid: "We _knew_ that this would happen - that all hell would break loose."

Jamie: "All hell has not broken loose. The SWC has sent out a few letters that will have zero impact except to get a lot of people to think about and talk about censorship and related issues. Tempest in a teapot. When you can show me _one_ person or _one_ web site prevented from accessing the Internet due to the SWC's actions, then we can start talking about 'all hell breaking loose.'

January 16 - January 31, 1996 summary: Deutsche Telekom blocks 1300 websites on the Zundelsite server, Webcom, in order to prevent German readers from reading Zundelsite posts.

Although the awkward code word peddled is, at first, "pornography", on January 27th it is admitted in a global radio broadcast picked up in South Africa by a ZGram reader that the target of this massive censorship move is, indeed, the Zundelsite.

*** ZGram excerpt, February 1, 1996

"Of course we knew there _would_ be censorship, but not in our wildest dreams did we imagine the developments ever since Webcom was cut off from Germany.

We now have word of 13 mirror sites, most of them at universities, some of them in Germany, apparently. This morning, Germany's "Spiegel" will interview Ernst. There are other important developments, many of which are far beyond my understanding, having to do with legislation that the powers-that-be apparently are trying to ram through the system.

(I am adding here that this was a reference to the CDA matter...)

And all _we_ wanted, from the start, was just to have our say like any other human being in a democracy - without being harassed, shouted down, vilified, spat at, beaten, bombed and burned!"

*** ZGram excerpt, February 2, 1996

"We don't even know how many mirrors there are and who is still putting them up - the latest count said 13. I heard late last night that the Wiesenthal Center folks are calling for universities to take off the mirrors - that 'public funds should not be used to promote a political cause.'

Well, in that case, how about funding for the preparation of reading materials and teaching aids to reinforce the "Holocaust" lore in "Holocaust" courses all over the nation? With _no_ opposing point of view in practically every university?

It will be a most interesting battle."

*** ZGram excerpt, February 3, 1996

"We are now in the Twilight Zone. It's absolutely Kafkaesque. I cannot really tell you what is happening except to say that someone started spreading blatant misinformation, and as a result, the Invisible Hand started smashing the mirrors.

Since we never even knew where these mirrors were to begin with, who put them up, and for what reason, we have no way of knowing how many were shut down. . . . It seems that the large majority of mirrors were at universities, and a good guess is that someone kneeled hard on the university administrations to stop aiding the world's Numero Uno 'Holocaust' skeptic, Ernst Zundel.

Next thing you know, it catches on where people still have brains.

I received a fax yesterday afternoon from what looks like lapdog media, but even they were critical of someone at the Canadian SWC. The publication is Canadian, and the title read: 'A planet-wide war on into privacy.'

That's where we are today. Planet-wide. Everywhere. . . . (T)he global message couldn't be more clear: "Don't check into the Holocaust!"

*** ZGram excerpt, February 4, 1996

"Apparently, some mirrors are still functional, although some of the original and more impressive ones apparently were taken down due to pressure from the universities.

From the beginning, our strength was that the "opposition" had no choice
but to show its real face and name. Our weakness was our unsophistication with things technical in a real cyber-space stand-off . . . All I remember is my clammy hands.

(S)peaking of computer nerds, mine (weekends only!) came in yesterday, oblivious to what had happened, and when I told him, his comment was:

'That was the equivalent of a nuclear attack on the mind of man. And just as had been claimed, the Internet withstood it.'

Well, it's not yet over by a long shot, no pun intended here. . . . The latest is that all the Censorship Busters - online and off, I hope - will wear a blue ribbon from now on to register their disapproval. I think that is a wonderful idea. May it spread like the proverbial prairie fire."

*** ZGram excerpt, February 5, 1996

"Last night, Sunday, German national television ran a Spiegel interview on the Zundelsite work in prime time all over Germany. Ernst said that from the phone calls he has had, it was remarkably interpretive. The special even showed Ernst's visit to Auschwitz with young Revisionist David Cole, who is a Jew and who has done some remarkable Revisionist work, including the Piper interview where Dr Piper, Chief Archivist at the Auschwitz Museum, admits that the "gas chambers" shown since the end of WWII to tourists in Auschwitz I are _post-war_ reconstructions.

This, and other front page coverage by the most important newspapers in Canada, the USA and lavish coverage in other countries must be juxtaposed to the rather peevish repeat opposition claim that somehow Ernst Zundel, one more time, managed to catapult himself onto an existing controversy for his own media mileage."

*** ZGram excerpt, February 6, 1996

"Two additional developments ought to give all of us some food for thought.

First, in Germany people can now pull down the Zundelsite but read only _parts_ of the home page. The rest is inked out with electronic 'black pen.'

The parts that are gone have to do with the three main claims of the Revisionists, namely:

1) there never was a Hitler order for genocide,

2) the "gassing" stories are a myth, and

3) the number of victims of the 'Holocaust' are vastly exaggerated for financial and political purposes.

Quite telling, isn't it?

Secondly, there will now be systematic character assassination of Ernst Zundel and people associated with him on a news group set up specifically for that purpose."

*** ZGram excerpt, February 7, 1996

"Exactly four minutes ago I received word that '. . . Zundelsite 'English' and Zundelsite 'German' with date Feb. 6, 1996 can now be accessed without any interference."

Our thanks to all who helped! You made Internet history that will be talked about for many years to come!

Not that I think it is over. New angles will be tried."

*** ZGram excerpt, February 8, 1996

You hardly ever see a write-up that doesn't refer to Ernst as a 'hate monger,' ' history falsifier', violent "Neo-nazi" etc.

I am dying to get on with the Zundelsite / Nizkor 'debate' which is now being re-christened 'rebuttal' since they have removed themselves from the 'debate' and want nothing to do with the word.

We can rebut unilaterally, which we will do, whereas it is hard to 'debate' if the opposition is nowhere to be seen. They merely want to 'link'; so let them. It brings a lot of traffic to our site.

It is still next to impossible to get onto our own site, even to change the date on our news sections. Yesterday I spent an hour and a half trying to change _some_ items."

*** ZGram excerpt, February 9, 1996

"Yesterday was the '24-Hour in Cyberspace' Show, and the Zundel-Haus/Zundelsite activities were one of the three dozen or so items featured. This was an important cyberspace event, advertised world-wide and attended by the world's finest reporters and photographers. It showed the coming cyberworld of tomorrow and how the frontier of man's mind are being challenged and pushed back."

*** ZGram excerpt, February 10, 1996

"It is always instructive to watch lapdog media to find out about the opposition strategy, and last night was a perfect example. One of the most popular shows in the world devoted a whole hour, prime time, to the topic of missing and exploited children, and a well-known advocate of stronger laws to protect the innocent is the father of a murdered twelve-year-old, Polly Klaas. . .

(A)s I was watching this, I was saying to myself: 'Well, where's the Internet censorship angle tying into this sad situation?'

And sure enough, it didn't take long: The world was instructed that the Internet was crawling with sadists; that there was a service that sold children's (even babies') names and addresses for a fee; that . . . protecting children, even in the best of homes, as Polly Klaas's had been, was simply not enough:

The only thing that could protect your child and mine was STRONGER LEGISLATION TO REGULATE THE INTERNET."

*** ZGram excerpt, February 11, 1996

"One extraordinary development, brought to my attention yesterday, is a controversy surrounding a popular television show in Germany, 'Panorama.' From what I can glean from a couple of German language articles that were faxed to me, it discredited the 87-year-old Nazi hunter, Simon Wiesenthal, as a 'nobody' who managed to amass for himself unjustified prestige and glory for hunting down old, wartime 'criminals' in chases in which he personally had no part.

According to this article, Eli Rosenbaum, Chief of the Unit within the US Justice Department responsible for the work of tracking Nazi 'criminals' worldwide, Simon Wiesenthal '. . . wove a legend around his role,' and did not solve 1,200 cases, as claimed, but '. . . less than ten.'

What is even more astounding in this article , which looks to me like a wire article and _not_ an editorial, is an _editorial conclusion_ a closet patriot writer managed to slip in and the censors didn't cut out.

It is, I believe, more telling than the article itself. And here is what it said, and I translate:

'. . . What is hidden behind this heavy attack against Wiesenthal? The search for undiluted truth? A bill presented to a competitor? Or a last attempt to correct a much-too-one-sided history of an enormous hunt before the Book of Guilt and Retribution is finally closed? Above all else: why only now?'

(For my German readers, here it is: '. . . was hinter diesem schweren Angriff auf Wiesenthal steckt? Die Suche nach der reinen Wahrheit? Eine Abrechnung unter Konkurrenten? Oder aber der letzte Versuch, die zu einseitig geschriebene Geschichte einer grossen Jagd zu korrigieren, bevor das Buch von Schuld und Sühne endgültig geschlossen werden muss? Vor allem aber: Warum geschieht es erst heute?')

Your head can spin when contemplating what that means. Why would an enormously lucrative and practically untouchable industry - until Ernst Zündel came along! - _admit_ that their most cherished, revered and precious icon is a fake? Who in his right mind would have given the Simon Wiesenthal Center millions and millions of dollars, had Wiesenthal's true role and activities been known to Jews and Gentiles alike?

And even more telling: Why would the otherwise docile and intimidated German press dare to assemble such a show, much less air it in prime time - and risk doing this at the end of this old man's life? Incidentally, Wiesenthal called Chancellor Kohl twice, pleading with him to use his influence to stop the broadcast of the Panorama piece!"

*** ZGram, February 12, 1996

"Today I want to send you some of the most beautiful words ever written in this century. I believe they were written last week.

They were not written for us, but they include us - for the Age of Truth has begun.

The author of this essay is John Perry Barlow, Founder of EFF, which stands for Electronic Frontier Foundation. I had never even heard of this group before the controversy surrounding the Zundelsite started and Declan McCullagh, one of its members, offered to help with the mirrors.

We have made a few reluctant friends in this organization, though not many. It doesn't matter. I never worry about anyone who has an independent brain. I worry about floppies that copy from each other. . .

Sit back and savor this:

'A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace':


So. There it is. That was then, And now is now.

That was the backdrop against which "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" was written. Smack in the middle of the Internet's biggest electronic shoot-out.
Did we cause it? I say yes.

Was it written for us? No.

Few are the men, these days, who have the guts to take the Zundel-taint and speak their true convictions. Quite evidently, Jamie isn't one of them. John Perry Barlow isn't one of them. Their pal, one Andrew Mathis, isn't one of them. MIGHT there be one of them? Two? Three?

Even as I write it, the struggle for freedom of speech on the net is fiercer than ever - and where are the Internet fighters when it comes to the Zundelsite? They claim that we can fight this thing alone. I say that they are infiltrated by the Nizkorites. The idealism of two years ago is gone.

On September 4, 1997, one alt.revisionism poster, Andrew Mathis, known for his grubby language, wanted to know in the subject line of an e-mail to me titled: Care to Clarify a Few Things, Madame?

"What leads you to believe that I "like smut?"

Since I chose not to reply, Mr. Mathis proceeded to strengthen my opinion of him as a lover of smutty language in a letter, dated September 28:

"Ernst and you are not "neo-Nazis" but "Nazis." As an associate from Alaska once wrote to me, "Andrew, when the dogs**t on my lawn thaws out in the spring, I don't call it 'neo-dogs**t.'"

Then he called me at my home, threaten to "expose" me to associates.

Two days ago, this worthy member of the tribe wrote to Mr. Barlow, as Jamie wrote to Mr. Barlow:

Today's (10/11) Zgram from neo-Nazi Ingrid Rimland (found at claims that you wrote the "Declaration" in response to the attempted censorship of the Zundelsite in Canada. Is this true?"

Mr. Barlow:

"No. Certainly not.

I wrote it in response to the Communications Decency Act. But I certainly also wrote it with an interest in protecting even such distasteful speech as one finds on the Zundelsite. Neo-Nazis may hold odious views, but I believe it is their absolute right to express them. Denying them that right would deny them their humanity as well and we should always maintain the humanity even of those who would deny it to others.

I even believe that Ingrid Rimland has the right to express the falsity that I wrote it in response to the suppression of her site, though I will try to set her straight on that point."

As I mentioned, Mr. John Perry Barlow is the co-founder of Electronic Freedom Frontier, the group that championed the Zundel-Mirrors. I believe that Mr. Barlow, two years later, cannot take the Zundel-taint.

I am sorry this is so. Ernst Zundel asked him quite some time ago if he would be an expert witness in a Zundel trial to strengthen his legal defense. Mr. Barlow agreed - at a cool $5,000 per diem.

That's not the kind of money that Mr. Zundel can afford.

As I look out of my window, I see that it is raining. A pedestrian walks by and opens her umbrella in response to the rain.

I say she opened her umbrella because the rain caused her to open it.

Two years later this pedestrian may well claim that she did not open the umbrella because it was raining but because the sun was shining - and who can prove her wrong?

I was sitting at the keyboard, all by myself, during THE most dramatic cyberspace showdown ever, with my Zundelsite smack in the middle. As I have documented in this ZGram, the "Declaration" was written during that period - smack in the middle of that cyberwar. If Mr. John Perry Barlow wants to say the Zundelsite was not the cause he wrote the "Declaration", I'll let him. I say we WERE the cause.

"Declaration" was not written FOR us, clearly - but it included us, and it was written BECAUSE of us - because Revisionists right in the line of vicious fire are genuine freedom fighters - as, sadly, most people who talk "freedom" up and down computer screens from the safety of armchairs are not.

I'll also say WE are the cause that now, all over our censor-happy globe, you can find the blue ribbons. WE are the cause that, even as I write this, the Zundelsite is now the focus of an important censorship conference at the United Nations.

Like it or not, we are here. The struggle for the internet IS, in the last analysis, ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST. Which we are challenging!

One final word: We Germans, too, have our Holocaust. The false claim you and I have seen a hundred thousand times - that poor Anne Frank ". . . died in the Holocaust" - and, not infrequently, was ". . . gassed in Nazi gas chambers" is false. That is a lie.

She died, as did hundreds of thousands of others, from typhus, weakened by starvation caused by the massive Allied bombings that destroyed roads and trains. This this young girl was killed by gassing is only one of many lies. Many, many lies.

We, too, have our Annas. Take just one Allied bombing raid, March 14-16, in Germany's black Forest where the man you love to hate, Ernst Zundel of the Zundel-Haus, was born.

A six-year-old, Ernst stood 15 miles away and watched trees bend toward the burning city from the suction of the fire, caused by a lack of oxygen, thanks to Allied terror bombers which killed 20,000 people that night in Pforzheim, Germany.

THAT true, documentable bombing was a Holocaust! THAT'S what we mean when we say "Holocaust." Where are these victims' diaries?

More than 5000 casualties of the Allied "Würzburg-Holocaust" were incinerated in one of the last bombing raids of World War II. They perished in the flames of the brightly-lit night of March 16, 1945 - among them the following women and children named "Anna":

+ Anna Maria Katharina Adler, geb. Steinel, Amalienstraße 2
+ Anna Baadsch, Ursulinerstraße 13
+ Anna Baetz, Marktplatz 6
+ Anna Barth, Büttnerstraße 3
+ Anna Klara Barz, geb. Kinzig, Nonnenfeld 22
+ Anna Basel, Pfauenstraße 2
+ Anna Bieneck, geb. Schaneng, Sicherstraße 31
+ Anna Maria Bieneck, Sicherstraße 31
+ Anna Bischoff, geb. Breunig, Theaterstraße 20
+ Anna Margarete Bittler, Franziskanerstraße 14
+ Anna Maria Bittner, geb. Höhn, Franziskanerstraße 14
+ Anna Blank, geb. Fleischmann, Arndtstraße 33
+ Anna Braun, Steinheilstraße 4
+ Anna Lina Breunig, Marktgasse 7
+ Anna Brückner, geb. Lukesch, Friedrich-Spee Straße 32
+ Anna Diem, Sanderstraße 7
+ Anna Katharina Dietz, Theaterstraße 9
+ Anna Dinckel, Gerberstraße 21
+ Anna Maria Margarete Dursch, geb. Fuchs, Neumannstraße 8
+ Anna Sofie Dürr, Sanderstraße 10
+ Anna Eckel, geb. Sdrzalek, Domstraße 19
+ Anna Maria Luise Elzinger, Rotkreutstraße 21
+ Anna Eppler, geb. Wagner, Traubengasse 19
+ Anna Maria Eyssen, Herrnstraße 9
+ Anna Faber, geb. Petres, Weingartenstraße 24
+ Anna Stephanie Federl, geb. Fürter, Ottostraße 10
+ Anna Feser, Peterplatz 3
+ Anna Fieger, geb. Lamm, Steinhellstraße 12
+ Anna Else Emma Berta Fick, geb. Schultze, Augustinerstraße 22
+ Anna Josefine Rita Firsching, Burkarderstraße 24
+ Anna Flach, Randersackerer Straße 10
+ Anna Forst, Ursulinergasse 5
+ Anna Fretz, geb. Bodmann, Steinheilstraße 39
+ Anna Barbara Freitag, geb. Reuss, Herzogenstraße 11
+ Anna Fröhlich, Oeggstraße 1
+ Anna Frosch, geb. Hartwig, Bibrastraße 6
+ Anneliese Funke, Altes Gymnasium
+ Anneliese Gärtner, Franziskanergasse 4
+ Anna Gebhard, Arndstraße 6
+ Anna Gehrling, geb. Amend, Schenkhof 3
+ Anna Göbel, Ludwigkai 9
+ Anna Franziska Gotthardt, geb. Ott, Pleicherpfarrgasse 6
+ Anna Maria Gottwald, Zwinger 22
+ Anna Grail, geb. Zeitz, Weingartenstraße 15
+ Anna Granacher, geb. Weingart, Am Pfarracker 20
+ Anna Josephine Grimm, geb. Sendelbach, Haugerkirchplatz 9
+ Anna Grötsch, geb. Prechtl, Am Pleidenturm 6
+ Anna Therese Maria Grosch, geb. Keil, Friedrichstraße 19
+ Anna Dorothea Grossberger, geb. Wörrlein, Ottostraße 10
+ Annemarie Haag, geb. Hirth, Otostraße 14
+ Anneliese Haeckel, Wöllergasse 6
+ Anna Hahn, geb. Brehm, Oswaldspitalgasse 15
+ Anna Emilie Hain, Randersackererstraße 12
+ Anna Emma Hain, Randersackererstraße 12
+ Anna Dorothea Haufmann, geb. Gropp, Schiestlstraße 3
+ Anna Heilmann, Friedenstraße 44
+ Anna Maria Heinrich, geb. Fischer, Domstraße 38
+ Anna Hem, geb. Grünewald, Semmelstraße 24
+ Anna Maria Herbert, geb. Schellenberger, Arndtstraße 6
+ Anna Herzog, Sanderstraße 33
+ Anneliese Hess, Moltkestraße 10
+ Annastasia Höller, Domerschulstraße 5
+ Anna Margarete Hoffmann, geb. Scheid, Gerbrunner Weg 50
+ Anna Hüge, geb. Ohlsen, Schlörstraße 2
+ Anna Maria Hufgard, geb. Dumproff, Neumannstraße 16
+ Anna Illig, geb. Ackermann, Fichtestraße 19
+ Anna Keller, geb. Liebstückel, Steinheilstraße 5
+ Anna Elise Kimmel, geb. Küchler, Oswaldspitalgasse 17
+ Anna Kinzig, geb. Kuhn, Gallstraße 1
+ Anna Karolina Köhler, geb. Schmitt, Matterstockstraße 17
+ Anna Krämer, Textorstraße 13
+ Anna Krines, Herzogenstraße 7
+ Anna Katherina Kübert, geb. Hummel, Sanderstraße 4a
+ Anna Kuhn, geb. Kuss, Grombühlstraße 47
+ Anna Berta Irmtraud, Winterleitenweg 16
+ Anna Leimeister, Kapuzinerstraße 4
+ Anna Lieselotte Lindner, Theaterstraße 23
+ Anna Lippert, Neubaustraße 42
+ Anna Löhr, geb. Badum, Prymstraße 13a
+ Anna Lotter, geb. Münch, Fichtestraße 18
+ Anna Maria Lutz, geb. Heimer, Neubaustraße 38
+ Anna Meinberger, geb. Geiger, Neubaustraße 7
+ Anna Theresia Mark, geb. Götz, Klosterstraße 25
+ Anna Markert, geb. Bayer, Ingolstadter Hof 4
+ Anna Metz, geb. Alzheimer, Weingartenstraße 18
+ Anna Moser, Riemenschneider Straße 9
+ Anna Müller, geb. Wittstadt, Maxstraße 9
+ Anna Münch, Domerschulstraße 2
+ Anna Barbara Mulfinger, geb. Wolf, Neumannstraße 10
+ Anna Nauer, Korngasse 22
+ Anna Nieberding, geb. Dietz, Theaterstraße 9
+ Anna Oeffner, Sanderstraße 27
+ Anna Ortloff, Ludwigkai 9
+ Anna Ostberg, geb. Wallrapp, Sanderstraße 27
+ Anna Pfannes, geb. Gerber, Haugerkirchgasse
+ Anna Pfeuffer, Martinstraße 13
+ Anna Margarete Pfülb, geb. Beck, Oswaldspitalgasse 15
+ Anna Rausch, beg. Nusser, Steinheilstraße 33
+ Anna Rheinthaler, Erthalstraße 2
+ Anneliese Reiter, Steinheilstraße 24

That's why the Zundelsite exists.

Are there among you so-called freedom fighters truly honest men and women who genuinely believe the First Amendment is an ABSOLUTE? Will you help us in memory of OUR Annas?

Or will you hold your nose each time the Zundelsite comes up in some smear article or media attack, believing you will win your fight that way for intellectual freedom? By slinging mud at us as though we were a colony of lepers?

The choice is up to you. We have no choice. Each one of us, who is in this unequal fight for freedom of speech on the Net, participates because we will not lick the boot that kicks us.

Thought for the Day:

"So far as I am aware there is only one person who remembers being
gassed. But he should remember it, because he was gassed six times, so it clearly made an impression on him. I understand he tells his story to enthralled audiences all over Canada.

(Matt Giwer, Libertarian, and definitely not a "Nazi")

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