Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

November 11, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

When the Zundel-Mirrors appeared all over the world at the beginning of 1996, along with the Blue Ribbons, an essay was written by John Perry Barlow - titled "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" - that was one of the most beautiful pieces of writing, I believe, of our century.

You can find it at - and forever will I feel humbled and privileged that it was the besieged and censored Zundelsite (then nothing but a baby site . . . ) that was the cause of it.

This morning I found a similar essay. It is a classic the world will not forget as people wake up to the fact that there is now a brand new specter stalking us: more dangerous than any war has ever been.

It is the threat of "hate laws" to be imposed on freedom-loving people - grotesquely, in the name of "love"! Orwellian doublespeak!

I want to rouse the activist spirit in you. I want you to take this essay below and spread it ***in its entirety*** as far and wide as you can. Send it to your paper. Send it to your friends. Send it to your congressman. Send it out to every source you know. It is a prophetic summary of who we are and where we stand - and what is not for sale.

Here it is, courtesy of THE HOFFMAN WIRE. Nov. 10, 1997

Who are the Haters?

By Michael A. Hoffman II

The haters are convening a hate hootenanny in Washington D.C. today. Arab hater Bill Clinton will preside even as millions of children in Iraq face starvation because of his vengeful crusade against a helpless people.

From the Pacific Northwest will come Grand Inquisitor Bill Wassmuth of
the "Malicious Harassment Coalition," which is devoted to censoring and demonizing anyone to the right of Mao Tse Tung and Ellen Degeneres.

Hatred for Germans, for Christians, for Palestinians, for white males and Southern "rednecks" will be sanctioned and enshrined.

Opposition to Zionists, bankers and homosexuals will be further proscribed.

Clinton's Conference on Hate is aptly named. It is all about hatred for freedom of speech and the genuine diversity that is produced by a society of freethinkers, rebels and gun owners.

The politicizing of the issue of "hate" is an end-run around the First Amendment and a tool for conditioning the masses to believe that those who consider evil what their great-grandparents considered evil, are neo-Nazi-devil-monsters.

Hate crime hysteria works overtly through legislation and covertly by giving the impression to Americans that any opposition to the theft of their nation through massive alien immigration and decline in the standard of living of the white working class is somehow illegal, a cause for surveillance and a "hate crime."

Americans are being taught that they must be passive bystanders in their own disenfranchisement and eventual extinction if they wish to be considered decent people by the media and the government. This has a chilling effect on the Constitutional recourse of protest by free assembly and speech.

Furthermore, who is qualified to determine what is officially hateful? Israeli racists, blood-drenched abortionists, NAFTA bankers and New World Order militarists?

Idaho will get bashed in the course of the conference and "Nazi concentration camps" will be summoned like a mantra, but the concentration camps the corporate business tycoons built for Idaho's white miners a century ago, policed by black troops, will not figure in the scene-flat "history" Clinton and Co. will peddle like sugar-water at a sideshow carnival.

What is more hateful than Israeli "settler" Baruch Goldstein's slaughter of 40 Muslims while they prayed in Hebron?

What can be more hateful than to sentence millions of American white students to self-hate by means of a fake version of their own nation's history, with their ancestors serving in the starring role as the villains of the piece?

Nine million German civilians were deliberately annihilated by the Allies after World War Two concluded. (See James Bacque, "Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation"). Is that a holocaust that counts for anything?

Every week on the streets of America, black people inflamed by mendacious Hollywood films produced by Jewish hate-mongers like Rob Reiner, mug, assault, rape and kill innocent whites. Those attacks are largely classified as "random violence," rather than hate crimes by our increasingly politicized and partisan police forces.

In Torrance, California the offices of the Institute for Historical Review were destroyed by arson which also resulted in the burning of their entire $400,000 inventory of dissident and revisionist books. The Mossad and the bomb-throwing Jewish Defense League were implicated. Is this book-burning a "hate crime"? Not according to the Clintonistas.

In Minnesota Catholic Father Paul Marx, a prominent anti-abortion advocate was harassed and had his life-threatened by youthful anarchist terrorists. Hate crime? No way.

In Carolina, a young white father, Michael Westermann, was shot to death by black men solely because he had a Confederate flag heritage sticker on the back of his truck.

Here in Coeur d,Alene, Idaho last summer a young white man with a shaved head was beaten because he "looked like a skinhead."

In Seattle Bill Wassmuth, a guest of Clinton's at the Conference, tips Red and anarchist groups when right wing or revisionist speakers he doesn't like comes to town. These groups sometimes riot at the scene causing the abridgment of the speaker's right to speak. Wassmuth, like most of the "hate" activists, seeks censorship of political groups with whom he disagrees.

Will the virulent anti-white, anti-Arab, anti-family, anti-German ideologies of hate and terror be catalogued and analyzed at the Jesuit Gonzaga University School of Law, where the shysters have established the "Gonzaga Institute for Action Against Hate"? Of course not!

What a cunning coup on the part of the Zionists and the One World, liberal-conservative "free trade" internationalists, to stigmatize their political rivals for the hearts and minds of the populace as "haters," and by inference, to depict themselves as apostles of love and justice.

The Orwellian implications are clear: they intend to create a new class: Jews, abortionists, bankers and sodomites will have aristocratic status, with special immunities for the Third World coolies the Republican tycoons require for cheap labor and the Democrat politicians need for "motor-voters." Daring to criticize or oppose this holy caste is becoming a "hate crime" with "enhanced penalties."

On the 80th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, which perpetrated the most destructive holocaust in history, we observe the founding of a neo-Bolshevism, a coercive utopianism with a human face--the face of Hillary and Bill and the other frauds--who care nothing for the life of the mind or the pursuit of the truth; who simply want to win, at all costs, the ideological and money war against American individualists and our liberties, with the tactic of tarring all who raise their voices in dissent as "hate criminals."

The first casualty of this process is truth. They will drown us in a sea of cant, which the reporters and the professors will validate and affirm. Hate will become one-dimensional. Hate will have a proprietary relationship with one wing of the political spectrum. It's the old shell game. The old witch hunt, under new auspices. The voice of the non-conformists will be tinny and small. The non-conformists will lack the amplification of the White House, the TV networks and the metro newspapers.

Mine is one such voice and it is being heard by a few freethinkers, on the Internet, in letters-to-the-editor, in house-churches, at campgrounds, factory lunchrooms, college study halls.

My voice has one advantage over the amplified throng. Mine is reality, theirs is illusion.

They are the haters. They pose as victims but it is we who are the victims of this professional victim class.

Let them take notice: truth has a magnetism of its own. Their lies have no genuine power. They are midgets selling fear of giants and giant ideas.

They shriek at us, "Sit down, you sons of the pioneers, scions of the Pilgrims, children of the blue collar."

But we insist on standing up and proclaiming the traditions of our American heritage--of Thomas Jefferson and Dennis Kearney, of Daniel Shays and Robert LaFollette, of Robert E. Lee and Louis McFadden--men whose ideas, if articulated in today's hysterical neo-Bolshevist milieu--would be denounced as "vicious hatemongering."

In the final analysis it is the Big Brother bureaucrats hiding behind the shibboleth of "human rights," who hate everything this nation was founded upon and who are, by gradual increments, overthrowing our Republic and substituting in its stead the glorious suzerainty of socialized perfectionism: the Soviet "New Person." And woe to those "sexist, racist, anti-semitic homophobes" who resist this loving, tolerant and diverse regime.

But resist we shall, because our roots run deep, beyond even 1776, back to 1649 when we toppled an English king because of his star chamber tyranny; back to 1320 when our Scottish ancestors declared at Arbroath: "It is in truth, not for glory, nor riches, nor honor that we are fighting, but for freedom--for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."

Clinton, Reno, Dees and Wassmuth, take note: There are still a few honest men in this nation.

--Michael A. Hoffman II

====================================================================== The preceding information is courtesy of THE HOFFMAN WIRE. Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor. Copyright©1997. The Hoffman Wire is distributed by THE CAMPAIGN FOR RADICAL TRUTH IN HISTORY at and is maintained by donations. Send $2.00 for a catalog of Mr. Hoffman's books, tapes and magazines or make a donation to: P.O. Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 U.S.A. To be added to our electronic mailing list send the message "Subscribe me" to To be removed from the list, send the message, "Unsubscribe me."

Thought for the Day:

"When William the Conqueror's descendants misbehaved, we gathered up those swords, lances and longbows and presented them with the Great Charter. We taught the aliens the virtues of limited government at the point of the sword."


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