Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

November 10, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

While I am working on my November snail mail newsletter for my supporters, I'll let you take a look at my mail, much of which simply states :

"Thank you so much for what you are doing! I've come into a brand new awareness!"

Take a look:

* "I came in early this morning and started reading articles on the Zundelsite, the CODOH site and others. What's happening out there is truly chilling. There is no doubt that we are at war. The vicious attacks on truth and free speech here and abroad are enough to sicken anyone.

Yet most people plod along mindlessly, convincing themselves that "things are looking up" and that all is rosy. Our current government is a hybrid of Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New Worls: Syrupy sugar and niceness on the outside; bloody brutality on the inside.

This does not bother most people.

I know one thing from reading all the revisionist sites. My dreams of visiting Germany are dashed. I happen to be about half German (maybe a little Austrian or Dutch). The fact that people are arrested for uttering proscribed adjectives (!?) there or for making politically unpopular statements back home is unspeakably appalling.

We fought WWII supposedly to bring freedom to the people of Europe - and this is the result! The current German government-and the Canadian-is trying to out-Goebbels Goebbels."

The next letter is from a young professional in the computer industry:

* "I've been reading your ZGrams for a few weeks now. They were recommended by a member of the American Renaissance email group. I wasn't aware that you had a regular group of financial supporters; I would like to become one too. "They" may have more money, but there are more of "us"!

You may find my history heartening. I was born in 19__ . . . and raised by my television set. I was once very liberal on most issues, and have done hard time at ground zero for liberalism: academia.

In ______ I served as a student counselor on the orientation staff at the University of California. There, I conducted "stereotyping" workshops (now known as "diversity training," I think) to incoming students. Once, a white student challenged one particularly absurd claim I hade made during a session and I called him a racist because he didn't agree with me. He shut up.

Three years ago I saw "Schindler's List" in the theater, and I cried. I believed every single scene. It had never occurred to me that maybe it wasn't all true. Never. I truly enjoyed that film.

About the same time, Denny's restaurant paid out tens of millions of dollars in a class-action lawsuit because a group of black patrons had been asked to pre-pay their bill. I began to wonder what was going on. This was my first turning point.

About a year ago, Texaco paid $170 million because a white executive had said "black jelly bean" on tape. Then I blew. Had our world gone stark raving mad? I went to my brand-new internet account to find out if anybody on the planet besides me thought that this was nonsense. I searched the words "witch hunt" and "Texaco." I found American Renaissance. Within a month I had bought all their issues dating back to 1991 and ravenously read them all.

A few months later I discovered the American Dissident Voices internet radio broadcasts. I have not missed a broadcast since last Summer (neither has Dr Pierce!)

Now, in the past few weeks, I have discovered pure revisionism, partly through your ZGrams. I have also read my first David Irving book, "Churchill's War." You (revisionists) have gotten my attention.

Schindler's list came on television recently. I actually watched it for quite a while, but when I saw the little kid who was forced to hide inside a toilet to save his life, I finally turned it off in disgust and headed back to the internet for a much-needed reality check.

I haven't called anybody a racist in quite a while.

My journey from the depths political correctness has been swift; at once frightening and exhilirating. As a European, I am quite sentimental and generally susceptible to liberal blather. However, as an engineer, I worship the truth, whatever it may be. And though I'm still not thoroughly convinced yet, I think your work leads in the direction of truth, so I'll give this a try too.

I wonder how many others are like me. How many more are awakening from their trance as a direct result of this heaven-sent internet and the Communication Revolution of the '90s? It is exciting to imagine the possibilities. How fitting it is that Bill Clinton is presiding over the nation at this truly historic time. (If he had only known what his "Information Superhighway" would evolve into...)"

And, finally, a letter from Britain:

"Just a quick few lines we have just had the TV premier of Schindler's List over here on the BBC.

I had expected a much more powerful film that would have been very evocative, with a fundemental storyline. Truthfully as a serious film lover I found parts of this film to almost a black comedy and so far fetched that it would have only served to raise the doubts in my mind about the whole Third Reich era which the initial batch of lies I learned in school did.

Those doubts caused me to embark on the revisionist trail. As for the Shoah visual history foundation I think that will push the tribe further into the abyss than they are already. David Irving stated simply that their best course of action would be to own up and tell the full truth regardless of the consequences. That would be the beginning of the their path back to a plain of decency.

This film helps push them into a wilderness that I suspect that even Moses would have trouble leading them out of."

Thought for the Day:

"I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way."

(Franklin P. Adams)

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