Copyright (c) 1997 - Ingrid A. Rimland

November 7, 1997

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Here comes Part II of the "Holoshlock" ZGram series, written by Antonio Marquis of Portugal. For those of you who are slugging it out in the newsgroups, it offers some excellent insights.


"One of the consequences of (the Revisionist situation) is (that) you won't find very able people with an interest in finding out the truth about their claims, outside the Revisionist camp.

The "scholars" have retreated into their "Holocaust Studies" cloisters, begging for protective censorship from the powers that be, and the propagandist shock brigades have their field day instead.

In Europe, thanks to the efforts of both France and Germany, censorship of the "Holocaust" debate is an accomplished fact, and constant strident Exterminationist propaganda reaches even the most unaware of the uninterested.

In the United States, where effective censorship is much more difficult, propaganda has reached a paroxystic level and is being (taught) in school to illiterate children as the best "antidote" against the future.

More or less the same has been achieved in Britain.

Under the shameful pretence of "racial hate prevention" unbelievable thought-control laws, which would have been unthinkable a few years ago, are in place or on their way in in all of the European Union countries. The last Faurisson "ThoughtCrimes" trial, a few days ago, showed quite clearly how effective the media blockade is of every news item on the subject.

The laws -- thanks once again to the French and German governments, which join the puritan/totalitarian Third World countries, such as Singapore or China in their efforts -- are being put in place and the only thing they are still lacking is the complete *international legal framework* and *technical instruments* to accomplish their plans.

The fight for truth against the censorship of entrenched powerful minority interests is taking place in the Internet medium. The Internet is the one and only medium in which efforts at controlling the free flow of information have been, for the time being, soundly defeated. This is where Revisionists should concentrate their main effort. But you should have no illusions at all: as soon as will be technically possible, this will come to an end.

Some understanding of the opposite forces should be in order.

The holoshlockers you talk to in alt.revisionism are not interested *at all* in the civilized arguing of viewpoints or the exchange of opinions - though this is how they'll always try to sound when an uninformed audience is present.

For the most part, they have a good knowledge of the facts, know they are in the wrong, and will repeat their lines in a soulless, cynical way without real conviction. These are desperate, unhappy people with a heritage of lies to defend - but if that's the choice they make, you should not overlook this important moral advantage to your side whenever it furthers the Revisionist stand against censorship and suppression of the truth.

If you want to win the fight against this unprincipled opposition, aim at the heart, not the limbs.

Always be polite -- even when you're insulted or drawn into flame wars. Insulting at a distance doesn't make you look any more brave; only more juvenile or out of intellectual ammunition.

Always DESPISE the "politeness" or "sensitivity" excuses for maintaining a shameful lie such as the "Holocaust"! Do this by never losing an opportunity to expose bad-faith when it becomes visible to third parties reading (posts in alt.revisionism). The opportunity happens much more frequently than you may think!

Also, never hesitate to give in on a particular point if it is fragile or you're not sure about its validity. Think about it - in fact you may be wrong and you should say so - and do not indulge in simplistic "propagandizing", since complicated issues should not be over-simplified.

Most people with a critical mind will notice your attitude, and the others don't really matter very much in the long run, since they'll always uncritically believe the official viewpoints; in due time they will (as they always do) join the flock."

As I see it, the value of newsgroups as a forum for "Holocaust" discussion is twofold:

1) It is an excellent "boot camp" for novices to experience first-hand the incredible personal attacks. The focus is never on the issues; name-calling and character assassination are the main psychological weapons the Nizkorites plus ilk employ.

While this makes for personal discomfort - most of us have led respectable and clean-cut lives, and such attacks are shocking - the values to our struggle is that our enemies reveal to all and sundry their Talmudic tactics in ways they don't in other media. These tactics are often the trigger for people to check out our side and our site, to find that we are really nice people!

3) Newsgroups reveal the STALENESS of the traditional Holocaust position. All the sparks and sparkles are on our side - and is the opposition ever BORING!

This grinds on them: Revisionism is intellectually seductive in a world that has been spiritually neutered. The thirsty soul can drink clear water from a mountain spring - instead of muck and mud downstream.


Tomorrow: Part III: Holoshlock Tactics on the Internet
(To be followed by Part IV: How you can counter Holoshlock)

Thought for the Day:

"As much of heaven is visible as we have eyes to see."

(William Winter)

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